I personally like Rudy, which is more than I can say about McCain. I think he'd be alright on foreign policy. I have a heck of a time with the social issues though. If he promised to appoint strict constitutionalist judges, I may cave and change my mind. I won't say "no way no how" to voting for Rudy like I would on McCain.
I still think it's Richardson with Mark Warner as a darkhorse - not Hillary.
And you REALLY didn't have to post that pic.
I had to post that photo in order to shock you back to reality, Dan.
As for Rudy, he's been building his credibility with lots of campaigning, public appearances and the like. He wants a future in this party and realized that he can't be the maverick who endorsed Cuomo's re-election in 1994 (and later said he only did that because he thought Cuomo was going to win anyway and he didn't want him to take it out on NYC).
He also cut taxes -- especially business taxes, making it possible for companies to move here, whereas his predecessors drove them all out of here.