There is also the noise going on about how the Colts can't play outside. As I understand it, they've been practicing outside all week, and given the the rain and cold we have here, the Colts should be ready to go.
The Colts played as well against New England as anyone this year. The Miami game shows New England can be beat...I'm picking my Colts by 14
Getting Takled indoors at 72 degrees, is a far cry from getting hit repeatedly in the Ice Bowl they just manufactured in NE.
Here's another little secret.
NE has Coils under the ground to Melt the Ice when necessary.
My Bet is They wont turn them on till half time, and they will change their cleats before coming back out (longer cleats) and try to take advantage of better traction in the passing game to get a couple scores.
Look for timing patterns and double moves, right after the Half when NE has the Ball.
Instead of physically changing cleats, Indy should just bring extra shoes.
Your#44....yep.......I too hope the Colts win ALL THE WAY!