To: The Coopster
No real dog in this fight, but Klavg is right. I came across FR during the election of 2000, and have been here ever since. There's a lot more infighting/plain rudeness here than there ever used to be. Bullclinton! This place used to be way more raucus befor more than a few people got their own selves zotted.
437 posted on
12/30/2004 6:35:59 PM PST by
(I care, just not very much.)
To: dubyaismypresident
Bullclinton! This place used to be way more raucus befor more than a few people got their own selves zotted. Well, you are correct about a few individuals that no longer grace the halls. Remember A+ Bert?
To: dubyaismypresident
We need more kitties.............I'm not sure who is the head of the kitti patrol!!!!
450 posted on
12/30/2004 6:40:49 PM PST by
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