To: Asphalt
Thanks to a fellow teen for sticking up. I guess our humor is just lost on the aged. ;-)
339 posted on
12/30/2004 5:33:29 PM PST by
(Dino for Senate '06!)
To: K1avg
"Thanks to a fellow teen for sticking up."
Your Student Council sensitivities shine thru.
344 posted on
12/30/2004 5:37:11 PM PST by
Sam's Army
(No witty taglines currently come to mind)
To: K1avg; Asphalt
If only my Turbo-Walker wasn't on the fritz, I'd run you down and you would have tennis ball marks all over you!
BOTH of you, you young whippersnappers you...
703 posted on
12/31/2004 11:36:40 AM PST by
(I'm taking a memory course, but I forget the name of the book :>) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson