To: bullseye876
"Despite the election results, there's a lot left to do."
And I'm agreed with the poster that we won't accomplish anything if we stay at the level of insults and slogans. I've seen many instances when a thread posted news that was disconcerting to conservatives, and rather than seeing factual refutations or clarifications (or - in the worst case - confirmations), there are dozens of comments along the lines of "She's ugly" or "What do you expect from the NYT?" We won't make any inroads with the general public if our positions ultimately aren't based on facts and if all we can do is trade insults with the Dems.
To: Steve_Seattle
In case you missed the 2004 election results, we HAVE made inroads with the general public. ;-)
136 posted on
12/30/2004 1:04:54 PM PST by
(Hey Democrats---Now who's ya daddy?)
To: Steve_Seattle
"What do you expect from the NYT?"
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