I don't get the Sponge Bob thing either..but for his birthday next month the 4th grandkid is getting a SpongeBob bath sponge and a SpongeBog kid CD player that I found at Office Max.
Hi CG - I haven't seen you for ages. I wanted to tell you that my cat Daisy, the one that had those patches of fur pulled out and she was making herself bleed etc. Well the Vet told me he "thought" it was probably self-induced trauma from stress. That made sense as she is a very very timid cat. She only comes to me and even I can't make quick movements around her. He prescribed prednisone and bandaged her paws. Well forget the bandages. She got those off every time. Anyway, the bleeding patches healed up and she stopped scratching. Fur all grew back and I thought everything was okay. All of a sudden she started wheezing, really bad too. So back to the vet we go. She has Asthma. Back on Prednisone. I finished the dosage he prescribed and weaned her down to half a tab for a few days and then off. It wasn't more than 4 or 5 days and she had an asthma attack that was so bad I thought I might lose her. Back to the vet!! This time he gave her a Prednisone injection and a high dose and then I filled a Rx for home. I have followed the instructions but I have to play with the dosages to see what will keep this from erupting again. So far, the best I can do is 7.5 mg every second day. I tried cutting the dosage to 5 mg every second day and it wasn't enough. So that's where we are. With all the cats I have had and all the thousands of cats I worked with in the SPCA, she is the first one I have seen develop Asthma. Have you ever had one?