1 posted on
12/07/2004 8:09:27 AM PST by
To: ValerieUSA
2 posted on
12/07/2004 9:03:40 AM PST by
("All I have seen teaches me trust the Creator for all I have not seen." -- Emerson)
To: SunkenCiv
Hmm... Well.... I guess that polyethylene glycol MUST be made from embryonic stem cells.
Yeah, right.
3 posted on
12/07/2004 4:41:47 PM PST by
("...and so all Israel shall be saved.")
To: Coleus
4 posted on
03/06/2005 9:58:43 PM PST by
(last updated my FreeRepublic profile on Sunday, February 20, 2005.)
5 posted on
04/29/2005 8:53:15 AM PDT by
(FR profiled updated Monday, April 11, 2005. Fewer graphics, faster loading.)
To: Coleus; Cincinatus' Wife; Berosus; blam; Convert from ECUSA; dervish; ...
6 posted on
01/28/2006 9:52:47 PM PST by
(In the long run, there is only the short run.)
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