These are probably the same people who were boycotting him for his anti-gay lyrics.
so true!!
are you a prophet or something??? LOL!!
MOBY looks set to put his feud with EMINEM behind him, branding his anti-BUSH song and video "amazing" and urging his fans to watch it.
As previously reported, the video for Mosh was leaked on the net earlier this week, and features the rapper mocking Bush and highly-political lyrics. In a message left on his website, Moby even directs fans to its location.
The message reads: "Wow, you know that Eminem and I have had our differences in the past, but this video is the best thing that I've seen all year. It's an amazing song and an even more amazing video. Please go watch."
The pair have feuded since Eminem took offence to Mobys criticisms on the alleged homophobic nature of his lyrics in 2001.
Eminem responded by dissing him in his song Without Me.