That confirms it even more to me.
Reminds me of the Belteshazar scene in the Bible where he's having a grand party time with the vessels from the Jewish Temple.
comes to write on the wall that he's been weighed in the balances and found wanting.
Many are blithely going about their 'eat drink and be merry for tomorrow we die' mentality thinking that there is no tomorrow and that they will always be in charge of their destinies to do whatever feels good, whenever, however, wherever and to blazes with the details.
To blazes, exactly.
Most will not wake up until it is far, far too late for them to do anything about it but sink painfully into the chaos.
God have mercy on all of us. And on the idiots--whatever His will decrees.
If it was a warning of some kind, it was too figurative for me to understand.
Perhaps what it was warning of can be prevented by me speaking about it to someone, anyone?
What I don't understand is why some would have a problem with God warning people of coming things.
If it squares with what scripture says and isn't contradictory to it, what's the problem?
God didn't say anywhere that he would stop telling things to people.
History didn't cease to be when scripture was revealed in full.
Since He sees everything from past to future, why wouldn't He say something to someone?
Who are we to question Him?
I just hope I DON'T have that dream again.
seeing a tornado, even in a dream, that was more than a mile wide was pretty weird.
And the spiral split in the tornado made it look even more threatening and unnatural.