jbg wrote:
"Is it (Inside Story) full of deceitful and crafty evil Jews...ooops, Russians? Keep forgetting who's who in the shadow rulers of the world groups. Who do we hate!?! Jews! Who do we hate!?! Je...rr...Russians. Jews were last week, Serbs the week before, South Africans last month. But can you help me? I haven't gotten this week's Inside Conspiracy Weekly and I just don't know whom to hate for next week's Paranoia Power Hour."
jb6, Inside Story was as pro-Israel as you can get. Moreover, there is no greater friend of the Russian PEOPLE than Inside Story. Communism is a completely alien force that interjects intself into civilization for the purposes of destroying Gods natural order of things. That holds true in terms of what happened to the Russians, Chinese, Vietnamese, Cubans, etc. Inside Story attempted to warn the free world about the phony collapse of Communism, so that what had already happened in captive Communist countries wouldn't happen to them.
BTW, as someone who wears Christianity on your sleave, you sure are rude and dimissive of other peoples sincerely held beliefs.
I don't dismiss your sincerity, just like I would not dismiss the sincerity of any who believe God told them to go kill someone or that their dog talks to them or that they think they are Moses. However it is those beliefs themselves that I dismiss as shear fantasy. There is key difference there that you are not grasping. Just like you can not grasp my sarcasm in my previous post. I didn't say that your magazine was against the Jews, if you weren't so serious about this conspiracy stuff you'd see the criticism in the form of sarcasm for what it's target is.
As for being a friend of Russians, that's funny since you treat them as retarded children or as enemies, which is it? Are they such retarded children that no one there can figure out that they are run by communists and all think they over threw them in June of 1991? That would make a 147 million idiots. Otherwise, they are all in on this conspiracy and thus they are all the enemy, even to the point of faking their own economic collapse and stoically suffering just to trick the West for final conquest.
So which one is it: are the Russians idiots or all evil?