To: amham98
Feel like this kid?
100 posted on
07/20/2004 11:22:26 AM PDT by
Zavien Doombringer
(I must be the source of Gravity, everything seems to come down on me)
To: Zavien Doombringer
101 posted on
07/20/2004 11:23:54 AM PDT by
(Show compassion, club a baby troll today!)
To: Zavien Doombringer; Poohbah
Do you think this might be too big of a gun for this little troll?
103 posted on
07/20/2004 11:37:54 AM PDT by
(Sir Scott. Knight Commander of the 0347th Lancer Brigade)
To: Zavien Doombringer
what... Courage has an avian sibling???
129 posted on
07/20/2004 3:28:46 PM PDT by
King Prout
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