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68 posted on 06/29/2004 8:10:48 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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To: All

Going to post some prophecies gleaned merely by their titles from Bill Somer's site:

I post them mostly because I believe they are likely to relate at least somewhat meaningfully to the times we live in these days.

Some are mostly or entirely for The Believers but should still be considered with prayerful discernment in light of The written Word of God.

Others have inputs of possible import to all citizens of the planet.

I haven't really prescreened them much at all. They just seem likely to have value for discussion.

I am a bit . . . wary that too many will have the too typical generalized platitudinous spiritualized STUFF that may or may not be OK or useful or practical. Time alone will tell. I have grown weary of so much of that ilk.

Still, there may be puzzle pieces in the following that are as useful for contemplation and prayer as many news reports are. We shall see.

A Word To My Warriors

Linda Patterson

June 22, 2004

Third Day Warrior get ready, sharpen your sword for the battle is about to begin!

There has been a shifting, a shaking a wilderness making of warriors tried and true. Yes, My warriors as you have been tried and tested and I have watched you, I have examined your ways, your thoughts and the very intents of your heart. You have come through the wilderness and the fire into My glorious presence. You have answered the call to come up higher and have met Me in the Secret Place.

You have been relentlessly pushing against a wall that seemed like a fortress, that seemed an insurmountable obstacle and as you have cried out to Me with your whole heart

the breath from My nostrils has knocked the wall over and you have vaulted forward into the new day, the third day, the day of My power, the day of My release, the day of My victory.

Throughout the nations of the earth I have assembled My army. They have been called and commissioned in the Secret Place and are ready for war. From the foundations of the earth and throughout the tunnels of time victory has been assured. The Captain of the Hosts charges forward on a white steed, unfurling a banner across the nations, “Holiness Unto the Lord”.

Changes are coming quickly! What was not shall be, what was shall be no more.

Arise now my victorious, overcoming warriors of the morning. Give a shout for truly I have given you the city.

69 posted on 06/29/2004 10:00:56 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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NOTE: I WON'T PING ALL after this one. If you wish to read the others following, just scroll down on the thread, please.


Chaos Is A Prelude To Victory

June Sanders

Jun 25, 2004

"Divine Release will increase.
I decree that evils cease to commandeer My joy and cheer and steal My servants peace.

The release I decree for and through you brings liberty.
A change of mind and soul My child that sets the captives free.

Chaos that surrounds you is a prelude to victory.

Speak release to circumstance. Then from your prison cell walk free.

Your comfort zones are prisons when seen from My point of view.

My Spirit dwelling in you Knows We Should BE Breaking Through!

The familiar shall not hold you nor bind you to the past.

I decree a moving on into changes that are vast;

connecting you with those I chose to show My Glory through.

Examples To All mankind What Belief IN ME Can Do.

Everlasting life and joy will be yours as you

Employ My Word as your Daily Theme

that outwits the enemies scheme:

to shroud The Cloud of My Presence that radiates through you,

obscuring Joy and Gladness that I died to give to you.

My Resurrection Power that dwells within you each day

IS Sufficient to Radiate and Reinstate My Way.

Those opposing and deposing are fighting only Me.

Let ME Decree. Then Realize My Child that YOU ARE FREE."

PSALMS 138: 2, 3, 6, 7, 8

I will worship toward Your holy temple, and praise Your name for Your loving-kindness and for Your truth and faithfulness; for You have exalted above all else Your name and Your word, and You have magnified Your word above all Your name! In the day when I called, You answered me, and strengthened me with strength (might and inflexibility) [to temptation] in my inner self. For though the Lord is high, yet has He respect to the lowly [bringing them into fellowship with Him]; but the proud and haughty He knows and recognizes [only] at a distance. Though I walk in the midst of trouble, You will revive me; You will stretch forth Your hand against the wrath of my enemies, and Your right hand will save me. The Lord will perfect that which concerns me; Your mercy and loving-kindness, O Lord, endure for ever; forsake not the works of Your own hands.

Dear Lord, in the Midst of CHAOS WE DECREE that WE ARE FREE!

Shalom, Love, Joy, Enduring Strength and Freedom IN Christ To ALL,

June Sanders

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Your Atmosphere Rearranged

June Sanders

Jun 20, 2004

"Do not give up or retreat. The World is beneath your feet.

Dominion, Power and Authority all wrong will defeat.

No ill nor need can hold you. From it's grasp you are released.

Now be as one who dreams, My Child, for your evil has ceased.

As you speak and sing My Words, My anointing upon you;

Will be transferred while dispersing. My Glory to renew.

The very air around you. Your atmosphere rearranged.

Radiating with My Presence, for all things now are changed."

Thank You Dear Lord for Your rearranging and changing.

We Rest in Your Ability and Move in Your Strength.

Shalom, Love, Joy and Glorious Change To ALL,

June Sanders

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Your Overcomer's Crown

June Sanders

Jun 13, 2004

"You must give thanks and praise for My keeping

that has brought you to this time of reaping.

For each step you have touched with the soles of your feet

has walked out the enemies defeat.

Words foot printed will be echoed

through the mouths of those who have walked My road.

In the wilderness a table laid

was proof that your enemies would be repaid.

The radiation of their deeds and hate,

My power will transcend and dissipate.

The chaotic energy beamed your way

will be intercepted, annulled this day.

Chants and curses will never defame

or bring to confusion those bearing My name.

You have walked a hard road. Now limp on through.

Your Overcomer's Crown is now IN View.

Emerge from the smoke without trace or hint,

for the fragrance you bear is Heaven Sent.

Infusing life on the shades of the dead.

Encouraging ALL to Be Spirit Led..

Resurrected this day into My Plan.

The restoration of the soul of man.

Shalom My Child IS your inherent peace.

That Rests IN Me and Obtains Your Release."

Shalom, Love, Joy & His Rest To ALL,

June Sanders

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My Rest Is Upon You

June Sanders

Jun 22, 2004

"My Rest is upon you in this Season of Change.

You must resist all striving and think it not strange;

When My Good is misunderstood. Rejoice with Me!

Each day you are living More Supernaturally.

Those who misunderstand you walk not in My Realm.

Stand fast in My Liberty as I overwhelm;

The forces of evil that quench My Divine Plan.

They speak not My Promises and are thus other than:

The Redeemed of the Lord, set apart for My Work;

Who avoid the voice of strangers, but Mine will not shirk.

The Mandate I utter coming straight from My Throne;

Decrees all is well, as you allow Me to hone;

My Gifts to manifest in Miraculous Ways:

To Rescue and Feed My Sheep through difficult days.

Outlasting deceit through discerning ears that hear.

You will Reap Great Harvest's of Good this very year."

Thank You Dear Lord for encouraging Words and enduring Strength.

Shalom, Love, Joy, Rest and Blessings To ALL,

June Sanders

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70 posted on 06/29/2004 10:06:14 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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Cherish Vision

Catherine Brown

15 JUNE 2004

"My grace is sufficient for you, for my power is made perfect in weaknesses." Therefore I will boast all the more gladly about my weaknesses, so that Christ's power may rest on me. That is why, for Christ's sake, I delight in weaknesses, in insults, in hardships, in persecutions, in difficulties. For when I am weak, then I am strong. 2 Cor 12:9,10

The 'cherish vision' was received during an extremely intense time of enemy opposition in my life, when I was simultaneously seeking hard after God. I was physically tired and feeling a bit "beat up" if truth to be told! The Lord met me in my weariness, brought peace to my soul, restored my joy and my vision and lifted me tenderly into a place of breakthrough in his strength. I pray that these words will encourage, comfort and edify you. In this vision, when the Lord speaks to me he is not speaking to me alone but is also addressing every believer.


I was sitting on a rock beside Jesus. There was a little cleft in the rock that fitted me just perfectly. I was comfortable here. Neither Jesus nor I were saying anything. We were simply enjoying being together. Then the Lord broke the silence by lifting his hand and as he did so, he pulled a back a curtain on time. I saw the hand of God reach out through dense darkness and watched in wonder as lightning bolts began to strike my mother's womb. I saw a tiny heart begin to beat and the word 'CHOSEN' was inscribed on it. This was my heart! It was the moment that I was conceived. I had known previously that God had knitted me together in my mother's womb (Ps 139:13), but how incredible to actually witness the sovereign action of God in my creation.

To choose something is to pick it out as being the best of perhaps two or more alternatives. Jesus chooses us and lifts us out of darkness into his Love and Light and resurrection Life.


Whilst I was still sitting on the rock, Jesus turned to me and put a string of beautiful pearls around my neck. They were exquisite. He reminded me that the Kingdom of God is a pearl of great price (Mt 13:45, 46) and then said, "Child, you are chosen to be part of my Kingdom and you are cherished by your heavenly Father."

Angels came and surrounded us, each one of them smiling warmly. Jesus took a garland of blossoms and wrapped them around me. A beautiful fragrance enveloped me and I was immediately comforted, experiencing a warm rush of the Lord's joy in my heart. He said that the blossoms were his grace. "Remember my child how much I cherish the heart that I choose. My grace is sufficient for all your needs"

Cherish means protect and care for lovingly. It also means nurture. God's grace is gentle and embraces all our needs, nurturing us in discipleship. God's grace enables us to live and breath for him and to rise above any circumstance in his strength. The apostle Paul understood this divine principle of truth. (2 Cor 12:9, 10)


Jesus then proclaimed, "Child of God!" His words of proclamation carried authority and impact. Next, I was dressed in a pure white garment with many ribbons attached to it. The ribbons had words inscribed on them, which included 'innocence', 'virtue', 'faith' and 'worship'. I felt most precious to the Lord. Precious means to be greatly loved or treasured by someone. Whilst wrapped in God's grace, faith stirred afresh in my heart to worship Jesus with my entire life and to fulfil all that he has purposed and planned for my life to bring him glory. God calls every one of his children 'precious.'

My name, Catherine, means 'pure one'. The Lord is purifying his Bride, each one of us is being prepared and made ready for our glorious King. As the Lord looked at me with love, I felt his resolve strengthen my feeble human frame. In the depths of my being my heart swelled with security at being declared his child.


After being adorned by the white robe, two paths appeared before me. One was bright and full of light and marked with the word 'sonship'. Angels were positioned along this pathway and carried huge banners bearing the words 'acceptance', 'affirmation', and 'forgiveness'. The other path was dark and bore different markings. These were 'condemnation', 'criticism' and 'bitterness.' The dark path way was strewn with jagged stones that would have torn delicate flesh that walked along it.

Somewhat perplexed I said, "But Lord, who would walk that path?"

Jesus looked at me with a depth of love in his eyes and responded, "The one who forgets they are a chosen, cherished, child of God."

"Remember my righteousness. Take hold of my grace and walk before me and be blameless. Remember the pearl of great price. I have counted the cost and paid the price, now consider the call. Remember the cleft in the rock and the covering of my glory. For I am with you even unto the ends of the age."


The question before us all is an important one. What will we choose –slavery or sonship? As believers we are adopted into God's family through Holy Spirit. As such, we are no longer slaves but sons and daughters of the most high God! (Gal 3:26, 4:6-7). Why is it then that we struggle to walk in the full liberty Jesus has purchased for us by his blood? Why do we sometimes remain in the outer courts of God's presence as though we had no place at the King's table? Our Dad delights in us all the time and calls us into the inner courts to his wonderful banquet table, where his banner over us is love!

Perhaps there are a number of reasons why we sometimes dally in the outer courts, but for now I think Holy Spirit is highlighting one in particular, which is simply this: We sometimes forget we are chosen by God, cherished by God and that we are his children and heirs!

We sometimes allow our circumstances to overwhelm us to such an extent that we respond to them in a soulish way rather that in our spirit. Instead of seeking a hiding place in Jesus' presence (the cleft in the rock) sometimes we stumble about as though we are in a dark place, momentarily forgetting the incredible truth of our Father's love and our inheritance in Christ. We sometimes become ensnared in thoughts of condemnation, we bow to criticism, and we sometimes become bitter. These are not God's best for his beloved! They cause darkness in our souls and we need to lay such things at the feet of Jesus and ask his forgiveness. The truth is that we are accepted, affirmed and forgiven in Christ. We are justified (put right) with God, we are redeemed (bought back) from sin and slavery to sin and we are sanctified (made holy and set apart) by Jesus (Ro 6:11). We have every reason to be joyful. We each have a destiny in God, which Holy Spirit will out work in his grace in our surrendered hearts.

God wants to remind all his children today about his wonderful grace. God's grace calls us to the altar of faith (Eph 2:8). God's grace is for always! It isn't just for the precious moment of salvation but for our entire lifetime. It keeps us safe in God's ways and embraces us in his love. Father, wants to pour out tenderness on his Bride TODAY, that we might know the hope of our calling in Christ and the wonderful enveloping presence of Jesus by his Holy Spirit.

May you know a fresh outpouring of God's love on your life today. Heaven declares, "You are a chosen, cherished, child of God."… not just sometimes but always! Hallelujah!

Catherine Brown

23 June 2004

71 posted on 06/29/2004 10:09:37 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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Hedge Of Protection Is Being Removed

Stephen Hanson

June 20, 2004

ISA 5:5 Now I will tell you what I am going to do to my vineyard: I will take away its hedge, and it will be destroyed; I will break down its wall, and it will be trampled.

(I asked the Lord to tell me more about the coastline regions and the dangers that they might face in the near future. This is what He told me. I sought more answers and information based upon the word that He had given to me on Jun 17, 2004. I do not relish sending forth messages like this, but I believe that I am to be obedient to warn you. )

"The coastlines are far from Me and my desires. All who live in large metropolitan cities will be targeted soon. Remain in Me and I will remain in you. The branch cannot survive unless it is rooted into the tree. Many of you are far from Me. Because of your great sins and wayward ways, these things are coming. If I speak to you concerning your safety, then you should move. "

(The Lord showed me a picture of the state of California. I looked at it as if it were a 3-D layer of ground with its boundaries. I saw it waver from side to side and rock back and forth. I then saw ocean waves begin to spill over onto it as it rocked back and forth. It sank and then seemed to come back up again.)

(I then saw bomber planes drop bombs below onto the ground. Concentric circles, or waves, came forth then from this action below. I saw what looked like an arm or hand coming out of the water. Someone or others, were attempting to rescue or grab this arm out of the water. Eventually it came out and what I saw was the Statue of Liberty. It had evidently been hit and now people were attempting to help erect it again.)

"I tell you that many of the freedoms that America once had, will be lost. You were once a land of liberty and promise, but I tell you that you are far from Me. You think that you will always be safe and that the wall of protection is round about you. You are wrong. Are you safe from danger when you are far from Me? Have you gone to your prayer chambers and prayed about these things? I tell you that I have warned, and warned, and warned you. A foreign power will enter into your borders; and yet, I will protect my people, says the Lord. "

(This vision/word finished with one more scene. I saw the land of America from the air, and it had a net of some sort that had been placed on top of it. Now, I saw a great hand reach down and take this net that once had been secured on top of America and was now, taking it off. It had been pinned down in all directions, and had been safely fastened to the ground around it. I watched this great hand take the entire net and ropes that held it into place, and toss it away. I sensed that now the hedge of protection that had for many years, been safe upon our nation, was now being removed. )

Stephen Hanson

Be Joined To My Head So That Will Function As You Should

Stephen Hanson

June 26, 2004

[18] And he is the head of the body, the church; he is the beginning and the firstborn from among the dead, so that in everything he might have the supremacy. Col. 1

1CO 12:14 Now the body is not made up of one part but of many. [15] If the foot should say, "Because I am not a hand, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. [16] And if the ear should say, "Because I am not an eye, I do not belong to the body," it would not for that reason cease to be part of the body. [17] If the whole body were an eye, where would the sense of hearing be? If the whole body were an ear, where would the sense of smell be? [18] But in fact God has arranged the parts in the body, every one of them, just as he wanted them to be. [19] If they were all one part, where would the body be? [20] As it is, there are many parts, but one body.

"There are many ministries around that think that they know Me and that they serve Me, but I tell you

that they are building their own kingdom. They have put so much emphasis upon the eye or the foot,

or the hand, that they have neglected the head. Can a body function without its head? There would be

no hand or foot or eye, if this were so. I tell that some will step down in this hour because of these things."

(The Lord showed me a picture of a man who was upon a horse. However, he was very much like the "headless
horseman" that you read about in classic literature. Then in the midst of this, coming down from the sky was a
beautiful golden crown and a gold sword that shimmered as it approached me. As I watched this, they slowly came and were laid upon the ground.)

The Lord then said:

"I gave up these things so that I might be joined with the Father. I forsaked an earthly kingdom for a heavenly one.

Then my kingdom became one which is everlasting. My spirit is being poured out more and more; but I will not tolerate parts of my body elevating themselves above my head as they have. Be joined to my head so that you will function as you should. "

Stephen Hanson

72 posted on 06/29/2004 10:13:25 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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Heaven Is Opening

Ron McGatlin

Heaven Is Opening - Are We?

The "Glories of Heaven" are opening to those who truly humble themselves and draw near to God. There are today those among us who have hungered and thirsted to the point of laying their lives before Him in worship and are rising to praise Him with their whole heart and life.

Mat 5:3-6: "Blessed are the poor in spirit, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven. Blessed are those who mourn, For they shall be comforted. Blessed are the meek, For they shall inherit the earth. Blessed are those who hunger and thirst for righteousness, For they shall be filled.

The reality of the Presence of God is overwhelming those who have mourned and suffered and now have a humble and merciful spirit - those who have moved beyond the veil caused by pride. Intimate oneness with God is reserved for those with pure hearts and humble spirits..

Mat 5:7-10: Blessed are the merciful, For they shall obtain mercy. Blessed are the pure in heart, For they shall see God. Blessed are the peacemakers, For they shall be called sons of God. Blessed are those who are persecuted for righteousness' sake, For theirs is the kingdom of heaven.

The veil caused by our pride can prevent us from intimacy with God. Beyond that veil is the spiritual reality of a potential face to face intimate relationship with God. It is the poor in spirit - the meek - the persecuted - the mourners - those hungering for the substance of the righteousness of God - those who have NO PRIDE left in themselves or their work, their games, their religion nor anything else except to know and be known intimately by Christ Jesus - it is the pure of heart who will see God.

There is an intimate reality being more widely discovered today than in the past. More people of God are finding the greater foundational substance of love. Being in love with God and loving those around us is the foundation of prophecy and the law. Prophecy and law are foundational in relating to God on earth. Yet there is one thing more primary and more foundational in God; it is face to face intimate oneness in love with God. Face to face involves clearly knowing spirit to Spirit. The law and the prophets are often dim sayings that require interpretation or explanation - like seeing in a glass dimly. Experiencing the love of God and then loving others with the overflowing love of God in us is the greatest reality experience on earth.

Mat 22:37-40: 'You shall love the LORD your God with all your heart, with all your soul, and with all your mind.' "This is the first and great commandment. "And the second is like it: 'You shall love your neighbor as yourself.' "On these two commandments hang all the Law and the Prophets."

1 Cor 13:12-13: For now we see in a mirror, dimly, but then face to face. Now I know in part, but then I shall know just as I also am known. And now abide faith, hope, love, these three; but the greatest of these is love.

The "then" in 1 Cor 13:12 refers to a season of maturity. The previous verses (10-11) speak of the season of maturity.

1 Cor 13:10-11: But when that which is perfect (mature) has come, then that which is in part will be done away. When I was a child, I spoke as a child, I understood as a child, I thought as a child; but when I became a man, I put away childish things.

We are entering a season when the potential for the maturing of the Bride of Christ is beginning. In the scope of history of God and man a maturation of intimate oneness with God is emerging. Open heavens exist for those who will open their minds and hearts and humbly lay aside anything necessary to love God with their whole heart.

There is a significant difference in being loved by God and being "in love" with God. God's love is passionate for every person but only those who abide in Him and return love to Him with all their hearts are "in love" with God. "In love" means a fully reciprocated love.

Pursue love - it never fails.

Lots of love,

Ron McGatlin

Good Politics or Godly Principles

Ron McGatlin

Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. Psa 33:12

Woe to you, O land, when your king is a child, And your princes feast in the morning! Eccl 10:16

Sincere appreciation is due to all those who serve in the area of politics and government to bring forth the purposes of God. Godly morality cannot be legislated and forced upon a nation of people but God can work through faithful men and women to make room in government for godly principles and morality to be honored and established by the will of the people.

Just as important as making room for godly morality to exist and grow is the effect of leadership's example set by men and women in political offices. The principles and patterns of life demonstrated by respected leaders will have an affect on the people. The good and the bad actions of leaders seem to have somewhat of a permission and an enticement effect for the people to do likewise. The people are somewhat encouraged in the direction of the life patterns and principles demonstrated by leadership at all levels from parents, school teachers, and sports stars. to presidents.

As important as good government is, it cannot create a holy people with godly morals that will build a chosen nation for God. God works individually to capture and change the hearts of the people.

Psa 33:12-15 Blessed is the nation whose God is the LORD, The people He has chosen as His own inheritance. The LORD looks from heaven; He sees all the sons of men. From the place of His dwelling He looks On all the inhabitants of the earth; He fashions their hearts individually; He considers all their works.

The government of God is within His people and first must be developed in us as King Jesus rules and reigns in individual lives. Government will eventually be affected by the godly lives of the people as God intervenes on their behalf. (Luke 17:21)

Psa 33:16-19: No king is saved by the multitude of an army; A mighty man is not delivered by great strength. A horse is a vain hope for safety; Neither shall it deliver any by its great strength. Behold, the eye of the LORD is on those who fear Him, On those who hope in His mercy, To deliver their soul from death, And to keep them alive in famine.

A nation of individuals with corrupt personal morals will eventually have a corrupt government and will not continue in the blessing and favor of God.

A nation of individuals living holy lives of godly moral values will be blessed of God.

A nation of individuals who value the Word of God, hear His voice by His Spirit and obey will impact the world.

As the love of God is poured out by His Spirit upon those seeking Him with their whole hearts the people are cleansed by the blood of the Lamb and empowered by the Holy Spirt to walk in the world as Christ is in the world.(1 John 4:17) Individually one heart at the time our nation must experience the reality of the love of God in His Presence and become worshipers of the Most High God who reigns over the affairs of men.

As we individually and corporately praise Him we become a nation of praise to God chosen as His inheritance. The salvation of America rest in the people worshiping and praising Him until they are abiding in His Presence and saturated with His love.

Pursue love - it never fails.

Lots of love, Ron McGatlin

For more articles by Ron McGatlin and others, Go Here:

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73 posted on 06/29/2004 10:17:35 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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Explosive Words

Mary Clark

The Lord showed me an explosion at the top of a “Microsoft Word,” page, and said the words “explosive words.” Here are the explosive words that He has to speak to us:

I am the living, breathing, Lord God Almighty. I hold the whole future of the universe in My hands. Never doubt it, beloved – NEVER doubt it!

I am calling to My children, asking that you take your positions and rest in that place until further notice. I want you to see the glory of your God manifest in your lives in a dynamic way. I want you walking in My truth with sure, swift steps – stepping into the fancy of your God.

Many have called out to Me, asking questions about your future. You have asked Me about this thing and that thing, wondering what you are to do next in My name. I have these words to speak to you on this subject: The enemy would have you fretting about your present position. He would have you wringing your hands, wondering if you are presently in the will of your Father. I will tell you this, beloved: If you are seeking Me, spending time with Me, and reading My word, you are in My will. If you are following the edicts of My word to the best of your ability, looking to Me for the reassurance of heart that you crave, you are in My will. If you are following the path that I have set before you, looking to Me to carry you through all circumstances that arise, you are in My will. If you are seeking Me on a daily basis, calling out words of love and encouragement to Me about My work that is shining forth in you and in others, you are in My will.

You say, “But, Lord, is there not some task that You are requiring of Me in this hour. Don’t You want Me to go forth teaching and preaching Your word on the streets and in the market place?” I certainly do want you to do this, beloved, but before I send you out, I am preparing you for all that I am calling you to do. You see, beloved, this is a most unusual hour to be alive. This is a most unusual hour to walk in My truth, because I am doing a preparing work in your hearts. I am realigning your thought processes. I am changing you within to match up with My will for you. I am doing a work of establishing you in a certain place for this coming hour.

Yes! I am calling you to the highways and the byways for ACTION! But first, I have some things that I want to do in your heart of hearts. I have some things that I wish to correct, and also there is some power to be given to those hearts about which I will need to teach you.

Be reassured, beloved. I am at work. I do have a plan. I am extending a new hour to you when you will walk in a new hope in Me. I am eager to see you grow stronger with each passing day. My intent is to cause man’s system to plummet, and establish My own. You will play an important role in this process – a very important role! So get your hearts ready to receive all that the Beloved has for you – all the strengthening power. All the necessary requirements are being lined up to My specifications, and you will know GREAT success – the GREATEST success in the coming hour.

Now for My explosive words: I have called you, My beloved children, to walk in a new hope in Me. I have made ALL the necessary arrangements for this walk. I want you ready, for the hour is surely coming forth when you will march forward into great splendor and beauty. You will be My shining ones. You will be equipped within to pronounce truths, in the hearing of ALL men, that will establish your destiny. You will be equipped to move forward with the excellence of your God sustaining you, fortifying you, and giving to you the reassurance of heart that you so desire.

I want you to know that man will look on this coming work aghast. Man will look on this coming work and shake his head in disapproval. You must maintain your stance. You must keep going, looking to the Author and Finisher of your faith to bring forth His most perfect will.

There will be a season when the world’s system will rock until it crashes with a LOUD noise, but you, beloved, must pay that crash no heed. You must maintain your focus. You must continue looking to Me to surround you with My glorious presence, and maintain your focus on Me and My will that is shining forth. I want you to know, dear child, that you are in a protected place when you are in Me – a wonderfully secure place. I want you to know that the enemy cannot touch you when you are in this secure place. I want you to know that the lies of the enemy will bounce off you when you are close to Me, looking to Me to remedy the world’s situation, according to My most extraordinary expertise.

Yes, rough times lie ahead for the world. Rough times lie ahead for all who look to the world for their security. But you know that your security lies in the Beloved, and His plans are sufficient to encompass you and all your endeavors that He asks of you. I want you to know that the time is surely upon the world when explosions will be a byword – a word that is on the lips of every person alive.

There will be explosions in places that have never before known them. Explosions! Explosions! Explosions will be all around, but know this:

The only explosions that I want you looking at, My beloved children, are the explosions that I am causing in hearts. For I am about to cause some explosions in hearts, and I am equipping you to go into those areas of devastation and speak life over them. Will you do this? Will you keep your focus on Me, and do My bidding in this area?

This, beloved, will bring forth the harvest of all harvests. This is the season of a great harvest, shining forth on the face of the earth. This is the season when My beloved children will shine forth My will in their lives, as they go about speaking My wonderful words with authority and power.

You are about to see some things, beloved. You are about to see some things that will cause rancor in the troops, but be not dismayed. Keep your focus on Me and you will know great prosperity of heart. You will know the will of your God from a wonderfully new vantage point, and you will speak with the authority of your great and passionate God, the oracles of justice that He is putting within you for this final hour.

So be prepared to speak explosive words on My behalf. Be prepared to speak them no matter what is going on around you. Many will jeer and sneer at you, dear child, but you will be safe from their insults, for you will be in Me – locked in that wondrous place in My heart – that secure place of love and trust in the Almighty and His plans.

I have declared to you this day some words of truth. I want you to know that they are coming forth by My hand. I want you to know that many will look on the scenes that are about to be displayed aghast, but you, dear child, must keep your focus on Me. You must rise above what you see, and keep your focus on the Beloved. You must be open to speaking My words of truth, realizing that they will promote the will of your God in the masses.

I have called you to come with Me into a new season of hope. The world will not see it as such, but you will see it – you will recognize My hand in all that is coming forth, and you will bow down to Me in reverent awe for what I am presenting. I am equipping you for that hour. Stay in Me. Keep your focus on Me in the days ahead. Practice this task, beloved, for in so doing, you will be strengthened for all that lies ahead.

Right now let that be your objective – seeking the Beloved, staying in His Word – abiding in His presence. This is a place of strength and fortification. This is where you need to be at this moment. Rest there until further notice. Rest there until I give you the signal to move, and know deep within that I have called you to participate in this hour equipped and fortified with strength from on high to reveal My goodness – My goodness to all who will receive with a thankful and contrite heart.

Mary Clark

I Send You

Mary Clark

June 15, 2004

John 20:21 Jesus therefore said to them again, “Peace be with you; as the Father has sent Me, I also send you.”

In a vision, someone passed me the gold-colored container in which the communion cups are served. I lifted the lid, and saw the little cups with juice in them. The juice was fizzing. Why did You show this to me, Lord?

I am calling My children into a new and holy dimension. I want you to know Me – really know Me. I want you to stand for My truth in all that you do. The time is coming, beloved, when familiar things will take on a new look. No more will it be business as usual. No more will you walk without an understanding of My will for you, for you are hungering and thirsting after Me and for My will to be fulfilled in your life.

I want you to stand fast in your calling. I want you to see My will and embrace it. I want you declaring your allegiance to Me at every turn. No more will My children be slaves to sin, for I have freed them. I have given them a divine hope in Me and in My cause that will thrill their hearts.

I am calling you, My beloved, into a new dimension. Things will take on a new look – a powerful look – a look that can only be identified as heavenly. When this occurs, many will be frantic with worry. They will wring their hands. They will pace back and forth. They will be looking to man to justify what is happening. They just will not be able to reconcile what they see with the life that they once knew.

But you, My beloved, must hear these words and act on these words. When you see this new and coming dimension of the glory of your God in your midst, you must remain steadfast in your walk. You must keep your focus on Me. You must not veer off the given path. You must accept My ways, acknowledge My goodness, and follow intently the course that I have put before you.

I am not calling you into a place of upheaval. I am calling you into a place of rest and security in Me. Trust Me. Trust in My divine intervention on your part. Trust Me to secure you in that place of peace and rest in My heart. Just maintain your focus, beloved, for there is strength in this place – mighty strength.

Let Me tell you this, too: The occurrences that will soon be displayed upon the face of the earth will get the attention of all. Many will not like what they see. Many will look to the world for a solution. But this is what I want you to know about what is to come:

When you gather together to meet with Me, I will be demonstrating My ways to you in many profound styles. You will be an insider, beloved, in the work of your God. Don’t get smug about this wonder that I will be working in your midst. Know that you are a chosen one of the Almighty, and I am showing you many unusual sights, but all that I am showing you – all that I am doing – is for a good reason.

I am demonstrating My strength and power to you in order for you to take a stand publicly that you would not ordinarily be able to take. I am equipping you, fortifying you with strength during these times of coming together. I am showing you many unusual sights that will make you marvel. You will be so delightfully surprised at what I am showing you.

Yes! I am about to make a mighty breakthrough in the midst of My children. This breakthrough will enable you to see My mighty hand at work in your midst. I want you to know that this is a part of the equipping – the strengthening – that I have for you.

Rich power will flow in your meetings. Lap it up. It is for you. It is for you to take out and give publicly. Give it freely. Give it to any who ask. For this is the plan that I am unfolding for you. This is part of the plan that you will look on with happy surprise, but again I say, “Do not get smug, beloved.” It is for you to give freely. It is to build you up within in order that you may spread liberally among the masses the goodness of your God.

Now we come to those who are going about calling themselves by My name who will not recognize the goodness of the living God – those who will be focused on what is happening in the world – those who are not in a holy union with Me. What shall happen in their meetings? What will the Almighty do to prepare them and strengthen them? As the Father sent Me, so I send you, beloved. I send you to display My goodness to those who call themselves by My name, but know Me not. Yes! Beloved, I send YOU!!!

smug - narrowly contented with one's own accomplishments, belief, morality; self-satisfied to an annoying degree; complacent

The Devil Lurks

Mary Clark

June 20, 2004

In a vision, I saw someone with an evil intent, hiding in the curtains backstage at a theatre. Why did You show this to me, Lord?

I want My dear children to know that evil lurks in their lives. Evil is constantly looking on, ready to condemn. You must remember this truth. You must remember that the evil one lurks, ready to pounce the moment you do something – anything. He is always so ready to point his bony finger.

While I, on the other hand, am always with you. My words are kind. My correction is even kind. Don’t listen to the enemy’s absurd insinuations, beloved. Don’t listen to his snide remarks. If he tells you something that you did wrong, bearing any truth, turn to Me and say, “Father, I am sorry that I did that. Thank You for forgiving me.”

That is enough to keep the enemy off your back. That is enough to hush him up. Remember that he is lurking in the wings ready to pounce – ready to tell you something to hurt your heart. I am the heart Healer. I never say anything to you that will damage your heart. Never!

In this day, the enemy is constantly at work, telling My beloved children that they are not fit. They can do nothing right as far as he is concerned. Look who is judging whom! Let Me be your judge, dear child. Let Me talk to you about things that concern Me. I will do it gently. I will do it when you least expect Me to. I speak to My beloved only when the time is just right. Bear this in mind. Bear this truth in mind: The enemy wishes to make your life miserable.

Don’t let him. Don’t give him so much as a nod. Go about your life focused on Me. Listen to My instruction and follow My lead. I will help you maintain your stance in Me. I will enable you to grow stronger in this process. Pay the enemy no mind, dear child. I am instructing you to pay his ugly insinuations no mind. Keep focused on Me. Listen to Me. I will help you along life’s way. He desires to trip you. He desires to hurt your heart, making you miserable. Why would he do such as this? He doesn’t like us. He never has and he never will. But you will not let that stand in the way of living for Me, of following after My heart, will you, dear child? You won’t lose any sleep over that fact, will you?

74 posted on 06/29/2004 10:26:31 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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Fathers And Sons

Stephen Hanson

June 12, 2004

MAL 4:5 "See, I will send you the prophet Elijah before that great and dreadful day of the LORD comes. [6] He will turn the hearts of the fathers to their children, and the hearts of the children to their fathers; or else I will come and strike the land with a curse."

1CO 4:14 I am not writing this to shame you, but to warn you, as my dear children. [15] Even though you have ten thousand guardians in Christ, you do not have many fathers, for in Christ Jesus I became your father through the gospel. [16] Therefore I urge you to imitate me. [17] For this reason I am sending to you Timothy, my son whom I love, who is faithful in the Lord. He will remind you of my way of life in Christ Jesus, which agrees with what I teach everywhere in every church. 1JN 2:13 I write to you, fathers, because you have known him who is from the beginning. I write to you, young men, because you have overcome the evil one. I write to you, dear children, because you have known the Father.

"Without a good father, a son cannot come unto maturity. Without a strong male influence, a nation is without a leader. There are men who claim to be leaders but are not. There are many children who are left without a father. There are many young women who have never known the hand of a good father. Can a nation survive without the hands of the fathers? Can young men know true leadership without them? A curse is coming unless this land can bring the hearts back to the fathers. For there is an emptiness in the land. Many sons have gone astray because of this. But I tell you, there are many young men in the faith who need fathers in their lives. Those who are more mature in the faith need to guide them.

We need apostolic fathers. We need prophetic fathers. We need those who can nurture and can guide. Can the young in the faith service without them? We don't need those who lord over other things. Children need boundaries and limits, but a body that is controlled by a single leader is doomed to failure. Those who have known Me, be a strong influence in the lives of others. Be the father to them that they need. Then my body can come unto maturity. "

Stephen Hanson

1323 Shasta Dr. Colorado Spgs. CO. 80910

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To Sin, Or To Continue To Sin

Stephen Hanson

June 13, 2004

I want to speak to you about the concept that we ALL sin, but that if we know God then we will not CONTINUE in sin. There is a difference here, although it may seem like these two issues, or concepts are the same. I felt it important to write about this foundamental issue because oftentimes, there seems to be some confusion within the body of Christ concerning sin and how we are to live our lives as believers. We are told in 1JN 1:8:

If we claim to be without sin, we deceive ourselves and the truth is not in us. [9] If we confess our sins, he is faithful and just and will forgive us our sins and purify us from all unrighteousness. [10] If we claim we have not sinned, we make him out to be a liar and his word has no place in our lives.

So, it is plainly seen here from this passage of scripture, that ALL of us sin. We must not be led astray by various teachings that say that we will not sin. We need to know however, what it means to continue in sin, or simply to know that we do sin. When we sin, then we have an advocate with the Father, His son, who cleanses us from our sins.

But now, let us look at the next few verses in 1 John. 1JN 2:1 My dear children, I write this to you so that you will not sin. But if anybody does sin, we have one who speaks to the Father in our defense--Jesus Christ, the Righteous One. [2] He is the atoning sacrifice for our sins, and not only for ours but also for the sins of the whole world.

Why would we be told in these few verses, "so that you will not sin......"? I believe that we must understand that in verses 9 and 10 above that sin here is mentioned as a noun. In the section immediately following it, we find the word "sin" referred to as a verb ( I write this to you so that you will not sin.) In this usage here of the word sin, it is in an active tense. The apostle was referring to the "repeated" sin in a person's life. What does that mean? It means I believe, to commit a particular type of sin again and again. That is substantially different than saying that there is NO sin within us. There is sin within us because of our fallen nature.

It is interesting to note that we will not continue in sin because of something that has been planted within us. 1 John 3[9] No one who is born of God will continue to sin, because God's seed remains in him; he cannot go on sinning, because he has been born of God. God's seed, His spirit, has been planted within us through the Holy Spirit. As this seed begins to grow and flourish, then the works that we do will not be works after the flesh, after our carnal nature, but they will be done after the fruit of the spirit. We will begin and will continue to manifest in our lives, love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, [23] gentleness and self-control. Against such things there is no law. Gal. 5: 22 This is markedly different from the seed of death. James 1 mentions about how sin can give forth to a seed as well: [15] Then, after desire has conceived, it gives birth to sin; and sin, when it is full-grown, gives birth to death.

Now, we will still sin, but we will not want to "continue to sin" again and again because of His spirit that is at work within us to conform us to His image. And then even "if" we do continue to sin, God will cleanse us and purify us after we have confessed to Him our sin. Now, we know that we all have had a former way of life, a former way of existence if you will, that was a life without God. This old life though, was a life that was not a life of freedom, but was a life of death. There was no fruit to be found from or in that life, and it was to be done away with: RO [6] For we know that our old self was crucified with him so that the body of sin might be done away with, that we should no longer be slaves to sin-- [7] because anyone who has died has been freed from sin. So, when we think of sin and how it still can plague us, we now have the "freedom" to embrace the new life that God has given unto through His Son.

So finally, we are to count ourselves dead to sin, but alive to Christ: RO 6:11 In the same way, count yourselves dead to sin but alive to God in Christ Jesus [14] For sin shall not be your master, because you are not under law, but under grace. This teaching may be Part 1. of two parts, in that the second one will deal more with grace, how wonderful it is, and yet how it can be abused.

Stephen Hanson

The End Of All Things Is At Hand

Stephen Hanson

June 17, 2004

MT 24:4 Jesus answered: "Watch out that no one deceives you. [5] For many will come in my name, claiming, `I am the Christ, ' and will deceive many. [6] You will hear of wars and rumors of wars, but see to it that you are not alarmed. Such things must happen, but the end is still to come. [7] Nation will rise against nation, and kingdom against kingdom. There will be famines and earthquakes in various places. [8] All these are the beginning of birth pains.

MT 24:9 "Then you will be handed over to be persecuted and put to death, and you will be hated by all nations because of me. [10] At that time many will turn away from the faith and will betray and hate each other, [11] and many false prophets will appear and deceive many people. [12] Because of the increase of wickedness, the love of most will grow cold, [13] but he who stands firm to the end will be saved. [14] And this gospel of the kingdom will be preached in the whole world as a testimony to all nations, and then the end will come.

"The end of all things is coming and will soon be at hand. Not many more seasons will pass, and then the end will come. I tell you that many deceptions lie in the near future. The rumors that you have heard about the attacks upon America will suddenly materialize. Those who are near the coastlines, beware and take cover; for larger metropolitan areas are targeted. Be forewarned, and be alert! The military will take action and many lives will be lost. These things have been predicted by others, and yet many still bury their heads in the sand. "

"But swiftly I come on the wings of the wind. Many persecutions are ahead for my people. For you will be handed over to the courts but I will plead your case for you. Beware of false prophets promising you many things. There will come many claiming to be a new spiritual leader. I tell you that surely you will know them by their fruits. Those who are near Me and hear my voice, will be a light in a dark place. Many congregations will fall and will split over petty differences. You will hear of a brighter tomorrow forecast by some. Use your discernment to know which is true. For the mature, I ask you to eat strong meat. If you want words of comfort and sugar-coated messages, then go to a psyhic. I tell you that my truth is embodied in my spirit. Those who eat of its fruit will live. Surely, in spite of all of this, I will be hedge of protection for my people. "

Stephen Hanson

75 posted on 06/29/2004 10:29:49 PM PDT by Quix (Choose this day whom U will serve: Shrillery & demonic goons or The King of Kings and Lord of Lords)
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