To: JustAmy
She is such a noble beast though, very fuzzy and trilly in her greetings.
Right now she's belly skyward and pretending that she's invisible -I think.
Or she's trying to get my attention for some reason.
154 posted on
05/01/2004 11:10:54 AM PDT by
(Fortune for the day: I call upon the gods of STERNO and MATCHLIGHT to take care of the evil DUers!)
To: Darksheare
Cats are funny .... it's hard to tell if they are asking for affection or are just being aloof.
160 posted on
05/01/2004 11:34:07 AM PDT by
(God Bless our Troops! God Bless President Bush! God Bless America!!!)
To: Darksheare
*in Sandra Bullock voice* She luuuuuuuuves you... is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson