Good:). I thought maybe you were thinking he was a better rider then you. I don't know if he is or not, never seen him ride.
Just wanted to tell you not to think that. Not to compare youreself to others. From the pictures you posted you looked fine on the horse. Good seat.
I think women tend to work harder at "proper" horsemanship then men, so progress slower as far as speed. It's a man thing:). Men tend, IMO of course, to be more whup and ride type riders and think that if you can't go fast your not really a rider. I'm NOT saying this about Eddie because I haven't seen him ride, but from my view of watching alot of men they look like $#!* on a horse, even tho they are going fast, elbows flapping, bouncing all over the horses poor back at the trot because they think posting is for sissy's, sawing away at the horses mouth, leaning too far forward and legs behind them, or to far back, hanging on to the horn or the back of the saddle to keep their butts in the saddle. They don't take the time to get good at horsmanship skills before thier yahooing:). It's like they're running before they can even walk. I've never understood why everyone thinks if you can't "run" your not a rider. There are more important things then speed.
Anyway, I just wanted to tell you, you look like you're doing fine, I wouldn't be jealous of anyone:)
I feel so silly posting this but he's not the one I'm jealous of. Okie is still my horse too, dammit:')