Something from the Best of the Web:
"New Jersey has the highest teenage abortion rate of any state, surpassing even New York, according to a report released by a national organization that studies reproductive issues," reports the Newark Star-Ledger:
New Jersey recorded 47 abortions per 1,000 women ages 15 to 19, posting the highest statewide teenage abortion rate of any state for 2000, the latest time period for which state-by-state data were available.
New York followed closely behind with 46 abortions per 1,000 women, according to the report, "U.S. Teenage Pregnancy Statistics," released by the Alan Guttmacher Institute, which studies sexual and reproductive issues.
The District of Columbia actually had the highest teen abortion rate in the country, at 55 abortions per 1,000 women. Maryland, California and Nevada also posted high abortion rates, while teenagers in Utah, South Dakota, Kentucky and North Dakota had the lowest abortion rates, according to the report.
Now, do you notice anything about these lists of states? Here's a hint:
High abortion rates Low abortion rates
District of Columbia (Gore by 76.2%)
New Jersey (Gore by 15.8%)
New York (Gore by 25.0%)
Maryland (Gore by 16.2%)
California (Gore by 11.7%)
Nevada (Bush by 3.5%)
Utah (Bush by 40.5%)
South Dakota (Bush by 22.7%)
Kentucky (Bush by 15.1%)
North Dakota (Bush by 27.6%)