Rush is an absolute disgrace. I've lost ALL respect for the junkie. He only got concerned when he got caught, and not a minute sooner. Too bad more conservatives don't feel the same way. There is absolutely no excuse for his getting involved with such unsavory people and with such disgusting behavior. What a horrible icon for the right! Rush is an EXCELLENT icon for the right. The best of the best.
On the other hand what you've written above reinforces the ugly stereotypes Dems have of conservatives as being self-righteous, mean-spirited, unforgiving and intolerant.
And of course it is usually the Dem hypocrites who demand perfection from everybody on the right and claim that any fault disqualifies a person from EVER speaking out on issues of morality and right or wrong.
If this was the case then NOBODY could ever speak out on such things, which the left would love.
And it seems you would as well.
Seriously I don't believe your criticisms of Rush above have a thing to do with concern for who represents the right.
By the way, it must be painful for you to know that Rush's ratings have actually gone UP since the drug addiction controversy.
Wow! A guy who broke numerous laws, laundered money, bought drugs illegally, then bought illegal drugs, popped in and out of rehab 3 times, groped his maid (while being a married man)looking for radio wires, and who was in more than casual contact with the drug underworld is still a conservative icon! We've come a long way! It's no wonder the conservative movement is in deep doo-doo. We've become infected with the Clintoncarvillebegala bug that excuses all rotten bahavior! Standards of decency be damned!