To: *Students; anniegetyourgun; DainBramage; Slip18; xsmommy; camle; CholeraJoe; theDentist; gas_dr; ...
Morning Gang
2 posted on
01/26/2004 5:17:52 AM PST by
To: RikaStrom
Good morning!
44 posted on
01/26/2004 6:11:00 AM PST by
(What happens at CPAC, stays at CPAC!)
To: RikaStrom
Ah what a day! new car battery, snow afoot, cars sliding into embankments, poles, people and each other. You'd think the folks who are not used to driving in snow would coruscate the notion to stay home on such a day.
142 posted on
01/26/2004 8:59:14 AM PST by
(Boston: So much Liberty, you can buy a Politician already owned by someone else.) is powered by software copyright 2000-2008 John Robinson