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WASHINGTON WHISPERS: A ‘Key Democratic Senator’ is Rumored to be Switching to the Republican Party in Next Week
Gateway Pundit ^
| January 20, 2025
| Mike LaChance
Posted on 01/20/2025 7:21:35 PM PST by Macho MAGA Man
There is a major rumor circulating on Twitter/X right now that a Democrat senator is going to switch to the Republican party sometime in the next week.
Jamel Holley, a former New Jersey Assemblyman and ally of Robert F. Kennedy, Jr. was the one who first mentioned this. Take a look:
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
TOPICS: Business/Economy; Government; Local News; Politics
KEYWORDS: clickbait; commonsense; fetterman; gop; jamelholley; johnfetterman; maga; newjersey; pennsylvania; rfkjr; robertkennedyjr; switchingparty; trump
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I wouldn't be surprised if true.
To: Macho MAGA Man
Hint: Fox News says it’s J.F.
posted on
01/20/2025 7:22:51 PM PST
To: BobL
LOL ... John Fetterman... Fohn Jetterman.
posted on
01/20/2025 7:23:41 PM PST
Jane Long
(Jesus is Lord!)
To: Macho MAGA Man
Revenge of Jumping Jim Jeffords?
posted on
01/20/2025 7:23:42 PM PST
Alas Babylon!
(Repeal the Patriot Act; Abolish the DHS; reform FBI top to bottom!)
To: Macho MAGA Man
posted on
01/20/2025 7:23:48 PM PST
Deaf Smith
(When a Texan takes his chances, chances will be taken that's for sure.)
To: Macho MAGA Man
posted on
01/20/2025 7:24:16 PM PST
(Democrats kill babies and harvest their organs to sell)
To: Jane Long
I can see Fetterman doing it.
posted on
01/20/2025 7:24:46 PM PST
(They want each crisis to take the greatest toll possiWe neve hear of gambling paying off $billioble.)
To: BobL
Hint: Fox News says it’s J.F.
Even with a hoodie sweatshirt and gym shorts,”C’mon down!”
posted on
01/20/2025 7:24:57 PM PST
( Older Je suis Deplorable. Even more so)
To: Macho MAGA Man
I'd be surprised.
The DNC is a criminal enterprise, and you don't leave a Federal Dem position unless you leave in a Pine box.
Unless they were talking about a State office. I could see that happening (as it has in the past).
posted on
01/20/2025 7:24:58 PM PST
El Cid
(Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved)
To: ifinnegan
Thought Fetterman outright denied the rumor that it was he.
To: Macho MAGA Man
Miraculous! In case you can’t tell, I give God the glory for every single bit of this.
To: BobL
To: Macho MAGA Man
The hoodie guy?! (and shorts when freezing)
To: Texas_Jarhead
posted on
01/20/2025 7:27:00 PM PST
( )
To: BobL
posted on
01/20/2025 7:27:08 PM PST
To: Macho MAGA Man
Is he still married to that Brazilian witch?
To: Macho MAGA Man
Yes but Mr. Holley is a senator in the New Jersey state senate not a member of the US Senate. But every bit helps.
To: El Cid
OK. I could see Fetterman. Since his stroke he seems to have become somewhat sane. Still a lefty, but somewhat sane, and loyal to the Nation. Unlike the rest of his compatriots that are out and out foaming at the mouth, America hating, loons.
posted on
01/20/2025 7:28:04 PM PST
El Cid
(Believe on the Lord Jesus Christ and you will be saved)
To: Macho MAGA Man
Fetterman makes sense. He was on Joe Rogan fairly recently and I keep intending to check it out but haven’t yet.
To: BobL
I think Joe Manchin is more likely to switch, personally.
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