Posted on 01/08/2025 5:45:14 PM PST by Freeleesy
Shukairy narrowly escaped capture by Israeli forces in Jerusalem and many of his "Liberation Army" are now prisoners of the Israelis.
"We will wipe Israel off the face of the map and no Jew will survive," Shukairy declared two days before the war broke out June 5.
He vowed to lead the vanguard of his troops into the Israeli sector of Jerusalem and set up a "purely Arab government" there for all of Palestine.
The 60-year-old former lawyer was seen briefly in Amman and Damascus in the last stages of the fighting wearing a khaki battle uniform. Persons who saw him said he looked fatigued and dejected.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
[snip] Prior to the Six Day War, Shukeiri, in an interview with Lebanese newspaper al-Yawm, stated "we will endeavor to assist [the Jews] and facilitate their departure by sea to their countries of origin." Regarding the fate of Israeli-born Jews, he replied: "Whoever survives will stay in Filastin, but in my opinion no one will remain alive.'[5]...
Shukeiri initially denied having made such a statement, but was widely criticized and ostracized by Palestinian and Arab leadership for having weakened the international standing of the Arab cause, with Jordanian Prime Minister Saad Jumaa later stating "that [Shukeiri] is one of the direct causes for the catastrophe [the Arab defeat in the Six-Day War]. He had the appearance and bearings to play a role perfectly suited to him in the catastrophe of the Arab world and in Arab disputes, and unfortunately he fulfilled this function with alacrity and expertise."[7]
In his 1971 apologia, Dialogues and Secrets with Kings, Shukeiri admitted usage of the phrase and similar language, claiming it reflected the accepted official Arab outlook at the time, but was "indignant that such extremism should be fathered on him alone." [/snip]Ahmad Shukeiri | Wikipedia
I think that Hamas is in for a very unpleasant surprise in about 13 days.
I believe so too. Unless they come up with a hostage release
They’ll probably pull an Iran and release the surviving hostages and the bodies of the deceased as Biden’s leaving town, a nice callback to the Carter fiasco.
Makes sense. And to undermine somehow, Trump/his threats.
“ They’ll probably pull an Iran and release the surviving hostages and the bodies of the deceased as Biden’s leaving town, a nice callback to the Carter fiasco.”
Perhaps. But I doubt doing that will save them. My personal belief is that both Trump and Bibi have had it with the “palestinian problem” and are going to deal with it once and for all.
Trump is going to tell Bibi to do whatever he feels is necessary to rid Israel of the existential threat next door to them and that he will supply whatever resources Israel asks for. I also hope that President Trump unleashes the full might of the US military against these savages as punishment for their war crimes and atrocities.
Hamas thinks the Israelis have been kicking their asses? Wait until Trump plays his cards.
Racist genocidal Islamist attempts never stopped.
1929 Hebron or today
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