No prime rib after 8:00 PM.
Not the Bee!
This is one difference between liberals and conservatives.
Conservatives believe the key to overcoming is the willingness to overcome obstacles in order to be better people. Conservatives believe that change is internal and internally changing results in changing on the outside.
Liberals believe removing obstacles is key to becoming better people. Changing the outside is the key to changing on the inside.
Liberals are wrong, of course.
Wow... stupidity has no bounds with the left.
Seems like the simpler fix here....have a U-Haul trailer and pick up a dozen doped-up folks each AM....driving them 300 miles out into the desert and just dump them off. After six months, the population with the ‘problem’ would be lessening.
It would be even more effective to force all businesses to move out of the state.
Pretty stellar example of anarcho-tyranny in action.
“San Francisco to fight crime by ordering Tenderloin businesses to close earlier”
just think, if that works, then if you close ALL businesses ALL the time, then ALL crime would be eliminated ... hear that San Francisco Board of Supervisors?
BTW, Even in the supposed "good old days" the Tenderloin was a high crime neighborhood.
I have an idea! They can get rid of the crime there by closing those business down permanently.
Which is what will happen anyway.
And of course the common sense solution of dealing with the actual crime and criminals themselves, never occurred to these dipsticks.
Penalize the innocent and reward the criminals.
The wrong people are being punished and locked up.
No problem so large that it cannot be addressed by just a little more socialist control...
Well past time for the US to dump California; let it stew in its own juices and leave the rest of us out of it.
That law will just force more businesses to close because they can’t cover their operating costs
Yeah. That will fix it alright.
And San Francisco wonders why businesses fold, pack up and move out of the city. And they want to fine businesses that leave. Meanwhile the city enables crime and criminal activity. Who is running the city anyways, morons? Idiots? Children in grammar school?
In addition to being fascist, this law will increase crime. Having an entire neighborhood closed will give free reign to the criminals.
Because it's normal for citizens to recreationally walk between the hours of
"12:00 a.m. and 5:00 a.m”.
Crime downtown is seriously reduced in San Francisco because the businesses are all closed and gone. There is nothing left to steal
When idiots are in charge, expect idiotic programs