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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

Globalism / Great Reset –

Globalists are at it again.
(FO) Denmark is planning to impose a livestock carbon tax beginning in 2030, and the Danish government said it hopes the move will inspire other countries to impose their own livestock carbon taxes.

OBSERVATIONS - Already enraged by demanded reductions in the sizes of herds, these taxes are designed to continue to force farmers to decrease those herds even further. Just like with green energy programs, efforts against cattle et al will only short the people in the long run - creating shortages and in this case, reduce exports to third world countries dependent on farmers for food. Can you say manufactured famine?

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT
July 25 - Protest of Netanyahu’s appearance before congress.
NOTE - I mis-dated the Netanyahu speech to this month.

The U.S. Supreme Court ruled 6-3 Wednesday in Murthy v. Missouri that challengers alleging the Biden regime colluded with social-media companies to remove content the government viewed as unfavorable did not have the legal right to sue. Therefore, the court did not rule on the merits of the case.

The High Court determined neither the Louisiana and Missouri attorneys general nor the five private individuals who brought the lawsuit had standing to seek an injunction against any of the government defendants.

OBSERVATION - Plaintiffs not having standing for the case, so the USSC rejects the plea. A common tactic the courts have recently applied for numerous cases - especially those in regards to the challenges to the 2020 election counts. It is a cowardly action for the court to avoid sticky issues. This decision doesn’t mean that the push to stop the regime from censoring our First Amendment rights, only that future plaintiffs have another hurdle to jump to gain court hearing. On the surface, this should have been a slam dunk, but I think politics and pressure from the deep state may be making inroads.

However the long term repercussions of this decisive indecision will be huge in that it opens wide the door for future censorship efforts and operations by the regime as we enter the most contested part of the election cycle in addition to all the other bombs lurking out there - from economic collapse, to WW3, to a plethora of other items.

Ngo on x -
“Antifa are making plans to try to shut down an evangelical Christian worship event in Portland on July 13. Last year they were recorded harassing black and brown worshippers in public. This account says they have to come up with propaganda or lies to “make the march look bad.””

OBSERVATION - Portland is the Mecca for Antifa and its followers, they will not stand for any interlopers. Given the spineless resolve of the city govt to protect its citizens, this Antifa action could get very violent.

Economy- MODERATE Threat - as of June 26, 2024
Threat status upgrade due to increasing evidence that the economy may have or has already reached a tipping point towards a more clearly defined recession, at a minimum.

Reports that the housing market is still staggering from high prices and high interest rates.

News that RV sales have improved. My take is that this is in response to the broad inability of the working class to get a home/apartment at a reasonable price. For a couple with potentially few kids, RV/trailers are priced more reasonable and in some cases provide more living space than apartments. Lower costs offset higher interest rates.

Military / Strategic Activity / Deployments –

H.R. 8774, or the “Department of Defense Appropriations Act,” the House was given notice that if the bill arrives on his desk, Biden will veto it because it isn’t gay or inclusive enough.


Jun 27 - first debate
July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL

Considerable attention is being directed towards tonight’s debate. Polling going into the debate suggest that poll Americans are yearning for substance on the leading issues that affect them personally, and not the law fare and character assassinations. Voters are leaning towards voting from their pocketbooks.

Rumors that per-debate Trump will announce is VP pick - an act designed to derail/deflate biden’s attacks.

Biden / Harris Watch –

Two judges hit the pause button on Monday, blocking Biden’s latest attempt to cancel student loans under the fancily named “Saving on a Valuable Education” (SAVE) repayment plan.

SAVE was supposed to kick off on July 1. However, Kansas and Missouri led the charge against Biden’s plan with multi-state lawsuits this spring.
The SAVE plan was set to “cancel” at least $156 billion in student loans, and by “cancel” they mean shifting that burden to taxpayers.

Missouri’s lawsuit claims this plan would hit American taxpayers with a $475 billion bill over the next decade.

OBSERVATION - biden continues to demonstrate his regime is lawless.

Illegal Immigration –

There are reports that the Texas National Guard using pepper balls against illegal border crossers.

Migrants at the border say they are being shot at with pepper balls by the Texas National Guard. The pepper ball guns are considered to be non-lethal. They shoot out a chemical that irritates people’s noses, eyes, and throats. Texas officials say that the pepper balls aren’t supposed to be shot directly at people, there have been complaints from migrants that they have been hit by pepper balls, which cause welts and bruises.

OBSERVATION - Texas’ efforts have reportedly reduced the flow of illegals into the state by nearly 80%. As border barriers improve, these numbers are expected to continue downward. TX also has been cleared by the USSC to continue to arrest illegals for being here illegally, action that is also deterring additional crossing. IMHO, pepper balls is a very good choice at keeping the illegals away.

China –

(FO) Taiwan’s annual exercise will take place from 22 to 26 July. For the first time, the new decentralized command structure will be used to practice blockade-breaking at night and during the day. Due to national security concerns, the exercise will also have minimal media exposure for the first time. Taiwan’s military says this is explicitly in preparation for war with China.

OBSERVATION - Note the key change in scenario planning - blockade breaking vs defeating an amphibious assault. That scenario is gaining greater credibility given recent Chinese exercises around Taiwan.

North/South Korea –

North Korea claims to have successfully launched a hypersonic missile yesterday. However observers in S Korea and Japan report that the test apparently failed early Wednesday. South Korea’s Joint Chiefs of Staff (JCS) said the launch originated outside Pyongyang, and Japan’s defense ministry also said it detected a launch.

The south’s intelligence agencies are reportedly investigating, with officials saying it may have been a hypersonic missile that exploded midair. While there are no reports of damage, missile fragments were scattered up to 250 kilometers away, regional reports say. Japan said that before it failed the missile reached an altitude just over 60 miles and traveled a distance of 124 miles.

The missile carrying the reported intermediate-range hypersonic missile, the Hwasong-16B, uses solid fuel.

OBSERVATION - Some initial reports said NK tested a MIRV warhead and not a hypersonic one. From photos, the reported warhead is a glide variety, adjusting its final flight path once it returns into the atmosphere.

Japan –

The Japanese yen fell below 160 against the U.S. dollar on Wednesday, its lowest point in more than 37 years as Tokyo scrambled to determine what appropriate intervention measures to take.

The record fall of the yen follows Japanese and South Korean national forecasters expressing alarm on Tuesday after the depreciation of their currencies. The United States had placed Japan on its watch list of currency manipulators last week.

OBSERVATION - A weakened Yen can make Japanese products less expensive for the US while making imports to Japan more expensive. Japan is heavily reliant on imports.

Russia -

The Kremlin said on Thursday that Russia is considering a possible downgrading of diplomatic relations with the West due to the deeper involvement of the United States and its allies in the Ukraine war, though no decision has yet been made.

“The issue of lowering the level of diplomatic relations is a standard practice for states that face unfriendly or hostile manifestations,” Kremlin spokesman Dmitry Peskov told reporters when asked about the possibility of such a move.

“Due to the growing involvement of the West in the conflict over Ukraine, the Russian Federation cannot but consider various options for responding to such hostile Western intervention in the Ukrainian crisis.”


Medvedev says America will burn following Crimea missile incident blamed on United States.

Russian Personnel Issues –-

Growing evidence that N Korea is sending (or preparing to send) troops to fight for Russia in Ukraine.

OBSERVATIONS - Importing another military force/army can create a whole lot of challenges for Russian command and control. Language and command conflicts are a high possibility for problems.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures continue in the 70 - 80s and fair.

Ukrainian air defense shot down 23 Shahed drones, 4 Kaliber cruise missiles and Kh-59/69 missile. Explosions were reported in Kolomyya and in the Khmelnitsky region of western Ukraine.

Russia continues to press attacks all along the eastern front from Kupyansk south to Soledar. Russia also pressing the attack in the Ocheretyne area.

Outlook —

Introduction of N Korean force will not be a game changer for Moscow. It will likely cause more problems than it will solve as difficulties arise from integrating them into the Russian war machine in Ukraine. They likely will be given rear area tasks and not placed forward into the meat grinder on the front. The last thing putin needs at this time is to explain why the NK forces were chewed up and spit out attacking Ukrainians. No info that i’ve seen to indicate what other equipment the NK contingent will deploy with - tanks? Apcs? truck? etc.

How Russia is maintaining its forces on the front suggests that they have increasingly been regular military elements from stations in the country’s periphery. These forces were initially kept in place as part of the Russian overall defensive scheme. Now with the casualties (dead and wounded) exceeding 500,000 and a relatively limited number of conscripted and volunteer soldiers, Russian is depleting these other forces just like they are depleting their mothballed tank/armor/artillery/truck elements. Russia may soon have to reignite new rounds of forced conscription to maintain war efforts.

Also reaching the red line are Russian air defense losses. Reports now indicate that the last S300/400 units in the Russian far east have been moved to the Ukraine theater, and its only S500 operational battery moved to Crimea. Add to it the demands for ADA to protect soft targets like petroleum related facilities and military related bases are forcing the system hard. The upgrades to the Ukraine Neptune missiles now places Moscow in the cross hairs of a more powerful and more difficult to intercept munition.

Bottom line - more of the daily, small unit meat attacks across much of the eastern front, with very little if any coordination laterally or adequate armor support. These attacks may gain some ground for Russia, but at an extremely high cost. Russian has been losing well over 1000 (KIA/wounded) on a daily basis for several months now and is losing the capability of pressing stronger offensive actions.

Europe / NATO General –

Dutch Prime Minister Mark Rutte, has been officially approved for the position of Secretary General of NATO. Under his government, The Netherlands provided Ukraine with a lot of military aid. Rutte is known as a strong ally to Ukraine.

Poland, Lithuania, Latvia and Estonia will build a 700-kilometer defense line for €2.5 billion on the border with Russia and Belarus, — Reuters
The project aims to protect the bloc of 27 countries and will therefore require financial support from all EU members.

OBSERVATION - This defensive line will be more towards prevention of migrants entering these state under Russian/Belarus guidance. A singular line of defense in today’s world can be breached by properly trained forces in a short order. Fixed defenses as seen in Ukraine work when established in depth, forcing attackers to face multiple, sequential defensive lines and positions.


Key overnight developments -

- biden reportedly is still holding / slowing delivery of key munitions.

——— GENERAL ——————————-

Lest we forget - there are still hostages being held in Gaza.

Biden’s top aides told the visiting Israeli defense chief this week that Washington is maintaining a pause on a shipment of heavy bombs for Israel while the issue is under review, a senior U.S. official said on Wednesday.
The official, briefing reporters about national security adviser Jake Sullivan’s meeting with Defense Minister Yoav Gallant, said the allies remain in discussions about the single shipment of powerful munitions, which was paused by Biden in May over concerns they could cause more Palestinian civilian deaths in Gaza.
Without providing specifics, the official said other U.S. weapons will continue to flow to Israel as it battles Hamas militants in Gaza and faces Lebanese Hezbollah fighters on its northern border, where escalating hostilities have spurred fears of a wider regional conflict.

——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Internal wars are breaking out between Hamas and the Abu Amra clan. Evidence that much of Hama’s power base has been eroded and that the clans are rising to fill the power void. Israel in general has indicated that it would prefer clan rule over Hamas in a post war scenario.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Growing reports of a buildup of forces, equipment and vehicles by Israel near the Lebanese border. European countries are calling on citizens to evacuate Lebanon.

(FO) Hassan Nasrallah, Secretary General of Hezbollah, claims 100,000 foreign fighters have come from Iraq, Afghanistan, Syria, and Pakistan specifically to help the war effort. He did not give a timeline for how long they have been coming in but noted that many had already served together in Syria’s civil war.

OBSERVATION - Given the extensive Israeli intelligence network in lebanon, it is highly probable that they know where these forces are being bunked /staged at should they exist at all. I think it is highly probable that fighters from these areas have worked their way to Lebanon/Syria, but not in the numbers Nasrallah is boasting.

——— SYRIA / HEZBOLLAH / IRAN———————————-

Israel carried out airstrikes on area of S. Zeinab (S Eastern Damascus). A Foundation (”Jihad Al-Bina”) under Hezbollah control was bombed. 2 were killed: a Syrian Hezbollah fighter from Nubul-Zahraa & a woman. A radar was also destroyed in Suwayda province

———WEST BANK——————————-

An Israeli soldier was killed and 17 others were injured in a bomb explosion and shooting in the Jenin refugee camp in the West Bank. Violent clashes between Palestinian militants and Israeli security forces in the center of the city of Jenin.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israeli commanders keep noting that the bulk of the operations in Gaza are fast coming to a close and the focus is being shifted toward Hezbollah and the north. Since Hamas is so popular among the Gazan “civilian” population, it appears that they are not having too much difficulty getting volunteers to replace losses. However, reconstitution efforts only bring Hamas into the open where IDF can identify, isolate and eliminate vast numbers of them.

I expect to see more clashes between Hamas and clans. Hamas violently put them down when they took power some 18 years ago and grudges die hard among arabs. Israel likely will provide support the clans in exchange for more peaceable relations, as a mechanism to help mitigate Hamas in the future.

Clock winding down on actions in Lebanon. The general consensus of observers and OSINT elements still favor an August time frame at the earliest. israel likely to conduct a major call up of reserve forces within a couple weeks on a kick off date. I’m told that Reservists cannot remain called up for more than 3 months, so a later call up would maximize available forces for the initial push.

Finally, hamas affiliated terrorists in the West Bank are growing bolder and more coordinated in pushing back on Israeli Security forces. Recent action in Jenin indicate growing strength of the resistance.

Iran –

Iranians are set to vote in a snap presidential election on Friday to choose a successor to Ebrahim Raisi, who died in a helicopter crash last month.

While the president manages day-to-day government affairs, real power over key issues such as Iran’s nuclear program and foreign policy rests with the supreme leader.

Analysts suggest Supreme Leader Ali Khamenei seeks a fiercely loyal president who will align with his views. Khamenei, 85, has held his position since 1989.

Out of 80 applicants, the Guardian Council – a body of clerics and jurists under the supervision of Khamenei – approved six candidates for the election: five from Iran’s conservative political camp and one associated with the reformist camp.

The six candidates are -

1 Mohammad Bagher Ghalibaf: A former Islamic Revolutionary Guard Corps (IRGC) commander, Ghalibaf is the current speaker of parliament. Seen as a close ally of Khamenei, Ghalibaf has previously run unsuccessfully for president. As Tehran’s mayor, he helped suppress the 2009 protests against alleged election fraud and has a history of quelling dissent.

2 Saeed Jalili: A 58-year-old ultra-conservative politician and former senior nuclear negotiator, Jalili is also considered close to Khamenei. Known for his hardline stance, he earned the nickname “The Living Martyr” after losing a leg in the Iran-Iraq war. Jalili opposes negotiating with the West over Iran’s nuclear program and has targeted rural voters in his campaign. He ran in Iran’s 2013 presidential election and registered in 2021 before withdrawing to support Raisi. Current CIA director Bill Burns, who dealt with Jalili in negotiations in the past, has described him as “stupefyingly opaque” in talks.

3 Masoud Pezeshkian: The only candidate not from the conservative camp, Pezeshkian, an Azeri lawmaker, is associated with the reformist camp and has served as a health minister and parliament member. His campaign focuses on youth, women, and ethnic minorities, but his chances are slim given the widespread voter apathy. The 69-year-old heart surgeon, who was barred from running in the 2021 presidential election, has said he wants to renegotiate with the West to try and restart some version of the 2015 nuclear deal.

4 Mostafa Pourmohammadi: The only cleric in the race, Pourmohammadi has a controversial history, including alleged involvement in the execution of political prisoners in 1988. He has never addressed these allegations publicly. Pourmohammadi served as interior minister from 2005 until 2008. He is considered a long-shot candidate with minimal chances of being elected.

5 Alireza Zakani: The current mayor of Tehran, Zakani, 58, aims to boost Iran’s economy through non-dollar-based trade and added-value oil products. He has promised free healthcare and cash payments but has provided few details on achieving these goals. He withdrew from the 2021 presidential election to back Raisi. Zakani has said he believes Iran can neutralize the effects of international sanctions but should pursue a diplomatic solution. Despite his ambitions, Zakani is also seen as a minor candidate in the race.

6 Amirhossein Ghazizadeh-Hashemi: The incumbent vice president and head of the Martyrs’ Foundation, Ghazizadeh-Hashemi previously received low votes in the 2021 presidential election. He is viewed as another candidate with little chance of winning.

The three frontrunners are considered to be Ghalibaf, Jalili and Pezeshkian.

Many Iranians are expected to abstain from voting due to limited choices, ongoing crackdowns, and declining living standards.

OBSERVATION - Khamenei is driving the selection, so who ever is “elected” will be a follower. Who ever it is, they will face a steep power curve to readjust the nation’s military and political response towards Israel as Iranian proxy forces face serious fighting. With the disastrous missile / drone attack against Israel and the limited but sharp response back, Iran has to be reconsidering its options. First and foremost now appears to be an effort to accelerate its nuclear weapons program. While appearing to be able to have ample weapons grade uranium within a short notice, the construction of a device and the further scaling of that device into a deliverable warhead are major obstacles.

OSINT suggest indicates Iranian activities in recent months to shorten time needed to build nuclear bomb; dozens of scientists in Iran are reportedly working on aspects of weaponization, carried out computer tests pertaining to nuclear devices.

OBSERVATION - Computers in many ways have superseded the conduct of physical tests in the development of nuclear weapons. However computer simulations are only simulations and that actual tests on materials and designs are still needed at many levels.

Central / South America General-

A coup was attempted yesterday by a military general and supportive military elements. The attempt was quickly ended by a massive response by the Bolivian people to the call for help from the country’s president.

General Juan José Zúñiga, the military officer commanding the troops that seized central La Paz, declared that he recognized President Arce “for the moment,” but he also hinted at a potential change in cabinet and ministers.

“We are going to recover this homeland,” General Juan José Zúñiga said from Murillo Square after it was taken by troops. An elite has taken over the country; vandals have destroyed the country,” Gen. Ziga said. “The army intends to restore true democracy.”

On Monday, the military chief made an appearance on television and stated that he would arrest left-wing former President Evo Morales if he ran for office again next year.

Morales, who resigned as president and was replaced by Áñez in the midst of protests over accusations of vote-rigging in the 2019 election, urged proponents of democracy to go on strike and block roads.

OBSERVATION - Political turmoil in Central and South America has been growing over the past year as major political shifts have occurred. A lot of the regional instability is due to an absence of an engaged US foreign policy that has leaned to the left.

607 posted on 06/27/2024 6:41:36 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson)
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To: Godzilla

Thanks for the Great Reset info and the names of the 6 candidates. BUMP

608 posted on 06/27/2024 7:08:24 AM PDT by PGalt (Past Peak Civilization?)
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To: Godzilla
Migrants at the border say they are being shot at with pepper balls by the Texas National Guard. The pepper ball guns are considered to be non-lethal. They shoot out a chemical that irritates people’s noses, eyes, and throats. Texas officials say that the pepper balls aren’t supposed to be shot directly at people, there have been complaints from migrants that they have been hit by pepper balls, which cause welts and bruises.

Boo hoo.....

Don't try to cross illegally and you won't get hurt.

Besides, they should count their blessings they aren't getting shot for real, which is the ONLY way to deal with the border crisis.

609 posted on 06/27/2024 8:43:04 AM PDT by metmom (He who testifies to these things says, “Surely I am coming soon.” Amen. Come, Lord Jesus…)
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To: null and void; aragorn; Axenolith; Baynative; Beautiful_Gracious_Skies; bgill; bitt; Black Agnes; ..

CW2 / Domestic violence - Heightened THREAT
July 25 - Protest of Netanyahu’s appearance before congress.
NOTE - I mis-dated the Netanyahu speech to this month.

During the presidential debate, masked far-left militants were prevented from rushing to the CNN building to shut down the event. Antifa, socialists, communists and pro-Palestine extremists had called for the debate to be shut down.

Biden did more damage to himself and his campaign than any of these punks could.

Terrorism - Heightened THREAT as of May 6, 2024

Special Operations Association of America (SOAA) Chairman Christopher Miller, notes in the letter that his organization is “concerned by the current heightened risk of terrorist attacks against targets inside the United States and both U.S. and allied interests abroad.”

OBSERVATION - Key to these heightened concerns is the disastrous withdraw from Afghanistan allowing for reconstitution of terror training bases and the resurgent growth of ISIS combined with the uncontrolled flood of illegals into the US.


July 15 RNC convention in Milwaukee, WI
August 19 DNC convention in Chicago, IL

CNN placed a very unusual 2 minute delay in the debate broadcasting and denied White House press pool members from watching the debate first hand.

Democrats waking up to the need to replace biden as the 2024 flag bearer now look to an empty bench with no real viable alternatives.

The next big event is the potential jailing of Trump from the bogus accounting charges in NY. The USSC restated the unlawful jury instructions eliminating unanimous verdicts and with the biden disaster last night, the question is just how aggressive will dems pursue the current course of lawfare

Garland continues to display the two tier legal/justice system in withholding the audio transcripts of Hu’s interview of biden. Could face contempt charges leading to the Sergeant at Arms attempting to arrest him as soon as today.

Biden / Harris Watch –

The democrats via their MSM mouthpieces spent the week promoting how strong and vigorous biden was, while at the same time lowering the bar of expectations for his expected performance in the debate.

Biden was so messed up, Jill Biden had to quickly come up and assist a stumbling/shuffling Joe Biden off the debate stage.

That came to a crashing halt last night as both republicans and democrats were totally shocked at the vegetable standing opposite of president Trump. In short, virtually every democrat pundit and MSM talking head had one common and clear statement - biden must step-down from the 2024 presidential run. This morning things got worse - trending calls to invoke the 25th Amendment and remove him from office now.

The likely ‘conspiracy theory’ is that this was a deliberate set up to force biden out.

I won’t go into the gory details from last night, will take too long and others are doing it better than I, but as a result of last night America is now facing a greater danger than ever before. Our ‘allies’ saw and were dismayed at him during the recent D-day memorials and G7 meetings. Now, with out a doubt, Iran, China, Russia and any other tin plated dictator and hater of America sees that the guy holding the nuclear football is a drooling mental vegetable who is not really in charge of the WH - leaving the question of WHO really is.

The potential for China to move on Taiwan has increased exponentially.

The drive by Iran to obtain the bomb has hit overdrive

Russian actions in Ukraine and against NATO have grown.

Risk of an expansive terror incident in the US is now off the charts.

The level of political and associated even constitutional crisis that a mentally and physically incompetent biden had pushed us into is beyond anything i’ve ever conceived of. Will he survive the weekend as the democrat candidate or even as the sitting president. Either way, the dumpster fire is massive and doesn’t appear to have any fire fighters responding.

China –

According to Taiwan’s defense ministry, there were consecutive double-digit numbers of People Liberation Army aircraft operating around the island in the past week. On Monday, Taiwan said that 23 PLA aircraft and seven PLA ships were detected over the past day.

The number of Chinese planes flying near Taiwan hit double-digits on June 18 and remained at that level into this week. China regularly conducts patrols in the area, but according to one report, the numbers of planes and ships involved are higher than they have been in recent years.

The stepped-up patrols are taking place in the wake of the latest US arms sales to Taiwan. The Biden administration has agreed to sell Taipei Switchblade 300 and ALTIUS 600M-V drones at an estimated cost of $360 million.

An essay in the Journal of Strategic Studies last year noted that Chinese ADIZ violations tend to correspond to politically sensitive developments such as major US and allied training in the region and visits from US or other pro-Taiwan officials.

OBSERVATION - Increasing military activity by China servers to train its military as well as gauge Taiwan response times and measures. They also server to lull Taiwan into a false sense of normality.

Russia -


Russia’s Defense Minister ordered officials to prepare a “response” to U.S. drone flights over the Black Sea, the ministry said Friday, in an apparent warning that Moscow may take forceful action to ward off the American reconnaissance aircraft.

The Russian Defense Ministry noted a recent “increased intensity” of U.S. drones over the Black Sea, saying they “conduct intelligence and targeting for precision weapons supplied to the Ukrainian military by Western countries for strikes on Russian facilities.”

“It shows an increased involvement of the U.S. and other NATO countries in the conflict in Ukraine on the side of the Kyiv regime,” the ministry said in a statement.

OBSERVATION - Global Hawk and other NATO intel birds fly in international waters. Should Russia choose to start shooting down the unmanned drones, then things could become spicy in just how the west want to respond.

Ukraine –

WEATHER FORECAST – Temperatures continue in the 70 - 80s and fair.

Ukraine drone has attacked oil depot in Michurinsk district of Tambov region.

The Kremniy El microelectronics plant in Bryansk and a military unit in the city of Karachev, Bryansk region, were attacked by Ukraine drones overnight

Russian forces attempting to push a breakthrough in the vicinity of Pivnichne. Continued assaults in the Ocheretyne region.

Ukraine continues to make progress against Russian forces in the Kharkiv region.

Kharkiv Front -
Kharkiv axis clashes today near Vovchansk, Lyptsi, Sotnytsky Kozachok, - General Staff of Armed Forces of Ukraine reports

Outlook —

No bold or dramatic changes to be seen. Ukraine continues its drone strikes on Russia oil related targets, with virtually no opposition.

Russian efforts on the ground continue to chew up a lot of its personnel and equipment with little to no gains.

Belarus -

Belarusian border guards claim the “Russian Volunteer Corps” RDK deployed near the border opposite Yelsk District of Gomiel region, so additional measures are being implemented in the area. Also claimed founding 2 kgs of explosives in the cache near the border

Ministry of Defense of Belarus: due to tense situation at the border with Ukraine, missile division, armed with MLRS Polonez deployed to the area

OBSERVATION - This is the same bunch that tried to reach deep across into Russia, causing mayhem along the way before pulling out. Similar activity into Belarus is far more dangerous and could provoke Belarus to counter attack into Ukraine, effectively drawing them into the war, something Belarus’ military and leadership have been working to avoid.


——— GAZA FRONT ———————————-

Continued combinations of air and artillery strikes against Hamas strongholds.

Some IDF commanders are noting that it could take several months to deal with the vast tunnel network under Rafah.

——— LEBANON / HEZBOLLAH——————————-

Hezbollah announces the killing of two of its members in Israeli raids on southern Lebanon. Hezbollah fires dozens of rockets towards Upper Galilee in probable retaliation for their deaths. Iron dome intercepts and no reports of damage or injuries.

———“ISLAMIC RESISTANCE” ———————————

A ship traveling through the Red Sea came under repeated missile fire Friday in a likely attack launched by Yemen’s Houthi rebels, authorities said, the latest targeting the crucial maritime route.

Five missiles landed near the vessel as it traveled off the coast of the rebel-held port city of Hodeida in Yemen, the British military’s United Kingdom Maritime Trade Operations center said.

The missiles landed near the vessel, but caused no damage, the UKTMO added.

——— FORECAST ————————-

Israel continues its build up towards an operation against Hezbollah. Hezbollah, for its part, appears to be slightly frozen in place due to key leadership losses and Iran’s efforts to select a new President. Indicators still suggest that the window for invasion is anchored in August sometime.

610 posted on 06/28/2024 6:21:43 AM PDT by Godzilla (“When tyranny becomes law, rebellion becomes duty” - Thomas Jefferson)
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