In still looking for a 1965 totally silver quarter
Silver quarters are 90% silver. Many of them are quite rare however and sell for much higher than its silver content if they are in good condition.
Ha, ha! I actually had one of those but did not know that they existed nor knew their value. I found it by accident, because it looked different and kept it for a few years because it looked different. About ten years ago, I just spent it because I “knew” a 1965 quarter could not be 90% silver quarter. About three years ago, I found out how much they were worth.
“In still looking for a 1965 totally silver quarter...”
1964 is the magic year - anything 1964 and prior is more silver than not.
And, yeah - good luck finding them! I save all my change and also go through it before cashing it in at the end of the year. I haven’t seen any 1964 and earlier coins in circulation in ages. :(