Has Ramaswampy converted to real Christianity yet?
If he did, I would not support him. US Constitution specifically bars religious considerations. Are you anti-constitution?
Yes, he converted to the First Elm River Baptist Church of the Blessed Redeemer Reformed Orthodox but soon found out they were nothing but a but of lousy heretics so he quickly became a member of the First Elm River Baptist Church of the Blessed Redeemer Original Orthodox and now his soul is finally in a state of bliss at having finally found the One True Way.
“converted to real Christianity yet?”
While he went to a Jesuit High School and learned a lot about Christianity and Catholicism in particular (and was even the class Valedictorian), he has remained an unashamed Hindu but has made comments about having his own personal beliefs. I would much rather have someone whose belief system in action aligns with morality than another Obama that will say he’s a Christian but acts against Christian morals.