Just like a Leftist, the Trump supporting strawman in your mind is a figment of false reality.
I don't want to spend my day looking up stuff for you. It has been prevalent recently with DeSantis' comments being misconstrued or simply made up and Only Trumpers running with it. Here is one example (among many):
DeSantis: "...the days of appeasing Iran will be over."
Only Trumper headline: "Neocon DeSantis Declares War on Iran"
Even on this very thread you have the bogus claim that DeSantis doesn't have enough donors, and Only Trumpers running with it. I've noticed that Only Trumpers don't care as much about the truth as they care about trumpeting Trump, whether the information they use is truthful or not.
My bad. It was actually on another currently running anti-DeSantis bogus information thread: