Posted on 05/07/2023 8:02:41 AM PDT by CFW
As outspoken as Tucker Carlson has been over the years, it was conspicuous that after being suddenly fired by Fox News, he didn’t hit them immediately. After a few days went by without him lambasting the network he has carried for a few years, some speculated they had too much leverage over him.
A new report from Axios tells us he’s ready to go to war in order to secure his future. According to the leftwing outlet (edited for format):
"Axios has learned that Carlson and Elon Musk had a conversation about working together, but didn’t discuss specifics. Carlson confidants say he also is contemplating building a direct-to-consumer media outlet where his millions of fans could pay to watch him. Carlson’s predecessor in his Fox slot, Bill O’Reilly, created a blueprint for this."
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
Fry ‘em Tuck!!!
This may be the first program.
Kinda a mishmash of prior tucker monologues.
Hope he starts back up somewhere soon.
Nobody is like him.
Could Elon buy Fox Corporation? (It might be a bargain after they tossed away their main financial attraction)
musk does not need tucker but will support his together....doubt it...not how musk operates
I think the best way for Musk to bring video to Twitter would be an alliance with Rumble which already has a lot of the software and servers in place and which is also committed to free speech like Musk is. Tucker Carlson would be a natural fit for this.
Also, Crowder and Donald Trump Jr have shown he could be successful with video streaming on Rumble and a podcast to go with it. He’d have a massive audience.
If people have to pay extra to watch him then he will not retain a huge audience, and his influence will greatly diminish. He need to be on an adds based platform so that people rich and poor can watch him.
“I think the best way for Musk to bring video to Twitter would be an alliance with Rumble which already has a lot of the software and servers in place and which is also committed to free speech like Musk is. Tucker Carlson would be a natural fit for this.”
I agree that Rumble would be a good fit for Tucker and Musk as well. A lot of conservative commentators have had success at Rumble. I believe Glenn Greenwald has moved his videos to the site.
The article mentions that O’Reilly has developed a successful platform? If so, I’ve never heard of it, and he is someone I would’ve followed if I had.
I hear him on Hannity’s radio show and see him on Newsmax once in a while, but he’s got his own platform somewhere, I think it’s a pretty well kept secret.
Not sure he’d need to - look at Newsmax that’s going pretty well without all that overhead. The difference between now and Bill O’Reilly is a) not many really cared when O’Bloviator went away, and b) options like Musk exist now. By “Musk” I mean a man who owns one of the largest social media platforms, an unrestricted satellite global distribution network, and is one of the two biggest advocates for free speech on the planet.
The other is Tucker Carlson. These two go together like, well, a Tesla and a charging station...
Musk may want Tucker (and others) on Twitter. Twitter has ads, they need content creators who will draw people in.
I won’t watch BOR
People who watched him on Fox were paying a monthly cable bill to do so.
I think Musk has ideas of starting a steaming service, with news, articles, and entertainment, based off the Twitter infrastructure.
“People who watched him on Fox were paying a monthly cable bill to do so.”
And those that were still are, and some can’t pay more. But many people do not pay for cable, and watched clips from tuckers show on Rumble, Twitter, and Youtube. The number of people who did that is huge.
Clever, I like it.
Musk already has the platform.
It’s part of his stated vision to turn Twitter into a major player.
It seems big because all the media and political people use it to make public statements. But compared to other social media it’s tiny. Musk knows this and has said he wants to use Twitter to become “The everything app” and put out an offer to allow content creators keep 100% of their earnings for the first year.
It’s not a big step at all for Twitter to allow long form video content and Tucker has the experience and the talent to produce it. It can run ads similar to the way YouTube inserts ads. The only real question is where Tucker will go to air. Musk doesn’t have to put up much, but he might put up a bit as part of a means to jump start his vision for Twitter to compete more directly with google/YouTube, Instagram etc.
Living well is the best revenge.
I think Tucker will move on and leave FOX in the dust. It’s not his style to spend energy refighting the past.
Add O’Keefe and damn what a trio
Pass the popcorn.
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