Lock them up.
They act as if they’re concerned about ethics. LOL!!!
i do believe a man receiving an organ that isn’t man designed would find that the rejection of such an organ, is imminent.
the body works that way... on a cellular level... now, perhaps a brain transplant is needed.
Some people question the severity of God’s judgement on humanity. This development absolves all of this.
“primarily motivated by the considerations of justice and equality.”
That is the most absurd thing I’ve ever heard. What a perverted distortion of “justice.” What man has EVER thought “it is not just because I don’t have a uterus”?
Arguing that we can achieve “equality” if we can transplant body parts is utterly ridiculous.
And, if this worked, think of the impact on the child born this way. What a life of misery lies ahead for that poor innocent baby.
Mort destruction of women, they really hate women.
When foundations could be financially supporting cancer research, cardiovascular, endocrinology, Parkinson’s, dementia, a slew of real medical research that could help millions of individuals and families... but no. They put money into the pointless goal of cosmetically attempting to turn a male into a female. Clown world.
The election of Bill Clinton was indicative of just how much America had changed. Now much of the country openly embraces delusion and perversion. Its important to realize that the Clintons, the Obamas and the Bidens and the Democrats do not exist in a cultural or political vacuum. They sprout from decadent and perverted soil.
No matter how much they try to transform men into women, no matter how many female organs they transplant into men, no matter how much they want to change the language to allow men to believe that they’re women...
The FACT remains that....
they’re still men.
Biology doesn’t lie.
And they said Joseph Mengele was a bad guy and people ought not do stuff like that. How is this kind of experimentation any different?
As a rectum swap-out?
A great way for demented souls to fill the Darwin quota.
Gross. The nightmares we create. Who needs horror movies?
“those assigned female at birth”
By nature?
What a load
Yes, this is morally wrong. Why are they doing it? PROFIT! The insurance companies will be ESG’d into paying for those surgeries, and if not them, then WE’LL end up paying as the government will be the one paying.
These folks don’t care about morality or anything other than profit.
Don’t donate wombs. They are not necessary to save lives nor to help people function normally for daily living. At some point, doctors have to stop thinking they are God!
Commodifying children is the new sacrament in the modern Moloch religion.
I Want one! Some of my friends already call me a CU$T so no I can be one 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
If we could successfully do that then we could get rid of women.
Do the cadaver womb suppliers have any say in the matter? Their families? Do women now need to put a proviso in their wills that this sort of abomination will not be conducted on them?