Roman_War_Criminal wrote: “Even a 5th grader can deduce that he didn’t act alone by the simple fact that Jack Ruby offed him on national tv.”
Even a third grader would know that does not prove there was a conspiracy to kill Kennedy. I’m sure there were many people who would have killed Oswald had they the chance.
I suspect that had history been different, had Officer Tippit killed Oswald there are those who would offer that as proof that Oswald didn’t act alone.
The point is this: some are just drawn to conspriacy theories, no matter the evidence presented, they will believe there was a conspriacy to kill Kennedy.
In fact, if the mafia came out tomorrow admitting they killed kennedy, then some would consider that nothing more than a cover-up, proof that it was the CIA, the Russians, the Cubans, the Bilderbergers, etc, etc.