The NWO has spoken.
OH Good. This ought to put more pressure on the already strained-to-the-limit electrical grid.
I expect the rolling blackouts to last for days, if not weeks, instead of hours - during our summer heatwaves where temps easily reach 105 degrees or higher.
How are people supposed to drive their "climate friendly" EV's when I get alerts every few hours (during heat waves) NOT to plug them in?
Because reasons.
I will not comply with any directive to adhere to this idiotic and arbitrary nonsense.
No, new study does not link gas stoves with asthma in children
There are no allergens in natural gas.
So the study has no biological plausibility.
No one knows what causes asthma in children and so competing causes could not be ruled out.
The claim that gas stoves are responsible for 12% of childhood asthma - an epidemioogic concept called “attributable risk” - is entirely bogus because epidemiological studies can only be used to associated exposures with disease. They cannot be used to determine risk of disease because
(1) the underlying data is not representative of the population; and
(2) epidemiologic studies cannot be used by themselves to determine cause-and-effect relationships.
Cooking on an electric range is superior, said no professional chef ever.
Up next, gas water heaters.
What about gas furnaces. With forced gas furnaces, it uses the same fuel and to a much higher volume.
I was passing through CA some thirty years ago when I learned of this thing called CARB that had recently banned outdoor barbeques and gas-powered lawn mowers.
Since then, it appears that CARB intends to end civilization in CA.