That post was rather evasive but I think you are conceding that these draftees are not serving in what we consider reserve units at all.
Our Reserves and Guard were fully trained active, and then stay well trained by serving in units that train monthly, and annually, with lots of travel and overseas training if required, many of which serve in civilian versions of their military duties, such as medical fields and hospitals, running cities and city systems (to repair and operate a foreign city infrastructure during war).
We maintain Airborne units, SEALs, Green Berets, Rangers, Armor units, Air National Guard units.
Russia seems to be just drafting people.
Not evasive. BARS are volunteers training at the base on weekends and hold annual field drills for 20-45 days. Many of them are already in Ukraine and show themselves well.
As for the rest, most of the called are recent dmbs, mostly with history of deployment.
I wouldn’t call them draftees, because if you were in you will remember the drills until the end of your days. They still undergo training with recent veterans and rebels to take into account the pecularities of this exact conflict.
If one was to Syria it is a good thing but where they spend most of the time behind the wire, maybe seen the enemy twice per deployment, called airstrikes on him and were done with it. Ukraine is a little bit different.