Posted on 10/04/2022 7:14:14 AM PDT by PJ-Comix
I really HATE unisex changing rooms and bathrooms. Do I have some sort of weird hangup? No. The reason from my animus towards unisex is that several years ago Target stores suddenly got woke and decided that if a man identified as a woman then he could use the women's restrooms at Target. Essentially they made the restrooms unisex. And the type of men who would use a woman's restroom could be easily classified as sicko creeps which is why women quickly began avoiding Target. And as a result of the completely predictable drop in Target business, around 2016 they announced the closure of a half dozen SuperTargets around the country. I went to look at the list confident that the SuperTarget right near me wouldn't be on the closure list simply because of the odds. WRONG! The SuperTarget near me was among those on the list. As a result my wallet took a big hit since I used to go there early in mornings several times a week because they had the discounted meats on sale at that time. So the SuperTarget closed down over a year later and gone was my steeply discounted strip steaks which is why I have NO SYMPATHY for the hypocritical traumatized liberal woman in this video who is all for unisex changing rooms...but just not for her.
One search would have shown you that when the bathroom boycott occurred in 2017,Target stock was at $75/share and today is is at $173/share - making your whole argument BS. Stock price is the best indator of the health of a company, not some imaginary “plummet” that you made up to support your narrative.
She us still “for” something that caused her to have an experience she shouldn’t have had which left her so traumatized that she won’t use those changing rooms again? This one is pretty thick.
I saw one of those Target crossdressers a couple times at my local store. He was obviously a man and made a hideous woman. He was with a short, stout, actual woman and they were dressed like gypsies. Another time he was in a shift, black stockings, and heels. I am glad my wife didn’t need to use the facilities while we were there.
Crushing all competitors via lockdowns probably helped.
Don’t you think?
How about store closure indicator? Not long after the Target bathroom policy announcement came the announcement of closing SuperTargets.
I know I, as an individual, can’t “crush” a company by boycotting them. But I can “not” visit or buy their product...which is the action I’ve taken with Target since their idiocy several years back. That’s good enough for me.
“How about store closure indicator? “
How many did they close?
At least a half dozen SuperTargets were closed. Maybe more. I know that half dozen number because when it was announced the SuperTarget just a few blocks from me was among those on the closure list.
Poor little twit.
Extreme violence has a place in this world, I suggest a size 12 steel crochet hook to the throat. It’s like a tiny harpoon. Or bamboo sock knitting needles. I always carry a project in my purse. They let you take them on airplanes too.
There was no reference to the present stock value. The author stated what occurred in 2016. Today’s per share price is a high of 158.29 and a low of 154.34. not $173.
How do you find an attacker who will let you put a knitting needle in their throat?
I think most men by far would simply dodge, grab your arm, and that would be the end of your whaling career.
“At least a half dozen SuperTargets were closed. Maybe more. I know that half dozen number because when it was announced the SuperTarget just a few blocks from me was among those on the closure list.”
They announced in 2016. In 2015 the closed 13.
“At least a half dozen SuperTargets were closed. “
And 32 new stores opened.
Situational awareness and sudden unexpected viciousness is what women have to work with, it’s not like we are going to outmuscle these creeps. But we can hurt them and make a huge shrieking scene that alerts everyone to their predatory behavior. Unlike the sad twit that hustled off to her car to make a TikTok video, bad granny and her crochet hook will make the evening news, FB, Insta and Tik Tok.
It’s small, but sharp enough to pierce most clothing and long enough to pierce 1-2 inches of flesh and it’s barbed so it’s going to tear if yanked out. It’s also seen as so innocuous that they let old ladies take them on planes.
I always travel with a doily and a sock project on circular needles. That means bad granny is traveling with two nylon garrottes and a half dozen sharpened bamboo stakes and a couple of mini steel harpoons.
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