As I have said many times DeSantis is a good governor but would get eaten alive in Washington DC. There is only one Donald Trump.
It’s simple. Pres Trump isn’t a politician. He showed what he is all about during his first four years. And did so without any help. He doesn’t need a post presidency book deal to buy a house on the vineyard. He doesn’t need speaking fees to talk to anyone.
Except for the “fringe”, Greene-Garth-Boebert-Gohmert-etc, Pres Trump has ZERO friends in DC.
DeSantis isn’t any of that.
Ron DeSantis is getting vetted right now. The MAGA movement is watching what he’s doing so far three sentences on Twitter at best. And maybe a statement tomorrow at 4:30 on Friday if we’re lucky. This guy is not presidential material today.
Trump also doesn’t have to indenture himself to big money donors.