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Right Wing Self-Organisation
The Neo-Ciceronian Times ^ | July 14, 2022 | Theophilus Chilton

Posted on 07/14/2022 9:05:21 AM PDT by Yashcheritsiy

One of the common complaints that you often hear from people on the dissident Right is that “the right wing has no organisation!” To a great extent this is true, at least on a local and demotic level. The organisation that does - at least overtly - seem to exist is found at the establishment, official, and federal level, yet rarely “organises” anything meaningful for the genuine Right. So this organisation, for the average Joe trying to simply live his life without constant harassment from the woke Left, is ephemeral and has little positive impact on his situation. There’s a great deal of functional difference between a coopted political party organising fundraisers and getting out the vote for establishment candidates and genuine organising that gets John Q. Chudlic involved in a way that can affect the actual course of events.

Yet, these same blackpillers who decry the lack of right wing organisation will often turn around and criticise when right wingers do try to organise at the local level. After all, the government doesn’t like it when people organise. You may draw some scrutiny. The FBI might put you on a list (as if anyone worth their salt isn’t on a few already). They definitely don’t like people forming militias (or neighbourhood watch programs or whatever else you want to call them). You might get INFILTRATED! And even if these aren’t the specific concerns, you still have the folks who counsel not to even bother. The Left has such total control over all the institutions that any right wing organising will be nipped in the bud, so why even try? If you’re gonna do anything, you better try to do it through official channels, political parties and established politicians and the like.

Notably, a lot of these folks tend to be people who are invested in the status quo. Obviously, establishment politicians won’t be keen on being circumvented or seeing their positions become irrelevant. Internet “influencers” with large followings also benefit from keeping things more or less the way they are now. In both cases, any change that is to take place, these folks want to curate. They definitely don’t like thinking about things like collapse, secession, devolution of power, and so forth - the very things that both require yet also enable local coordination. These things are best left to the Dark Elves, after all…

However, the genuine Right - and this applies especially as we continue to see secular collapse move ever closer - does not need to be looking or hoping for some kind of top down right wing organising from either of these sources. We should understand both that any coordination on the Right both must proceed from the local level and should do so. Indeed, that it will happen is virtually inevitable. This is only going to accelerate as The Powers That Be continue to add social “energy” to our sociopolitical system.

There is a concept in both the hard and soft sciences known as “self-organisation” that I believe can provide some insight on this question. Self-organisation involves the capability of initially disordered systems to spontaneously develop regions of local order (identified by Ilya Prigogine with the flows of mass and energy) without the need for externally imposed patterning. This development of “order from chaos” (i.e. emergence) usually involves a buildup of positive feedbacks that amplify the development of organisation in the system when it is far from equilibrium. The order that is created is decentralised and distributed throughout the system, often building around “seed” sites, and is typically capable of resisting further perturbations to the system that might disrupt or nullify it. Self-organisation has been observed across a large number of phenomena in the physical and biological sciences ranging from insect swarming to molecular self-assembly to crystallisation.

The fundamental thermodynamic “key” to self-organising phenomena rests upon the fact that these are energetically open systems which are far from equilibrium. As such, they avoid “settling” into stable but random, disordered equilibria. They are also able to overcome local reductions in entropy by dissipating energy out of the open system into their surroundings, thus satisfying the second law of thermodynamics since the overall entropy of the entire system still increases. As such, adding energy to such a system can, paradoxically, encourage self-organisation since the addition of energy may still overcome entropy within the self-oganising system itself.

Now, I’d like to apply these overarching ideas to the realm of the sociopolitical. This isn’t really much of a stretch since self-organisation (often referred to as “spontaneous order”) has been widely applied in the social sciences to study the emergence of order from seemingly chaotic systems such as economic markets (see, e.g., Hayek’s idea of “extended order”), social networks, and even traffic patterns. It is in this concept of self-organisation that I believe the Right can achieve greater and greater coordination without the need for top-down “guidance” from above, something that is unlikely to occur in any useful form anywise.

The two key elements from above are these: the addition of energy that drives these systems and the “seeding” principle that occurs across a distributed network. As I’ve noted previously, TPTB are in the process of pouring a HUGE amount of energy into our social system and they’re doing everything to prevent this energy from being “sunk” through the normal political means that we’ve used in this country for over two centuries (i.e which would allow us to come to a “normal” disordered equilibrium). That energy is driving, and will continue to drive, an increasing number of people on the Right, dissident and normie alike, to realise and act upon the need for increased cross-collaboration.

This organisation is, will, and should take place at the local level, which is where “seeding” comes into play. We can draw an analogy here to the process of crystallisation, which takes place when “seed” regions begin to spontaneously develop solid crystal order within a disordered solution. In the same way, local organisations may arise that are initially unconnected to each other, only later “growing together” as the emergent order increases and spreads. As local organisations grow, they can interact with each other via positive feedbacks which accelerate the imposition of order, eventually manifesting the ability to influence (or even direct) state governments into various directions. Eventually, they will reach the point where they can’t really be perturbed by outside forces (e.g. police, hostile left-wing opposition, “gate-keeper” establishment influences).

These organisations should work to “regularise” things that we already see going on, such as parental opposition to CRT and the transgender agenda in local school districts, for example. Certainly, we will see law and order continue to break down in the years to come and thus it is incumbent upon local citizens inside and outside of law enforcement to organise local militias to keep order (feel free to call them whatever you like). The ultimate goal is to see mutually reinforcing groups that can coordinate across a range of issues locally, and which can collaborate to “extend the order of the system” outward to the state and regional levels, if need be.

“But the FBI will infiltrate you!!” That’s why you organise at the local level in a way that works to minimise that sort of “perturbation” to the system. Crystallisation occurs when like finds like and aligns together to create spontaneous local order. In the same way, you organise at the local level with people you know, or at least people who are known by people you know. In this way you can vet the people involved, as well as being better able to identify “weak points” who might be flippable by federal agents trying to cultivate informants. On the other hand, you don’t seriously try to organise with a bunch of randos on the internet.

“Whoa whoa whoa, what’s all this talk about screening out federal agents?? If you’re not doing anything illegal, then you don’t have anything to worry about!” Sure. We all know that’s not the case anymore and hasn’t been for decades. Governments don’t like it when private citizens organise in ways that the government doesn’t approve of. Governments will try to find ways to infiltrate and destroy such organisation, even when the groups in question are 100% above board and within the bounds of the law. Yet, at this point right wing organising is a necessity, not a luxury, and must be done regardless of how Merrick Garland and his stooges feel about it.

Though by all means weed out anyone encouraging people to blow something up or otherwise do something grossly illegal. OF COURSE.

This is why family men are probably the best men around which to build up any organisational efforts. They’re motivated to do something since they actually have something to lose. They’re the ones with property that BLM wants to pillage and burn. They’re the ones with kids that the trannies are trying to mutilate. But at the same time, because they do have something to lose, they’re less likely to be rash and stupid about what they do, less given to yielding to high time preference, low impulse control actions.

Now, the naysayers and blackpillers out there will probably try to argue against this by pointing out that this organisation hasn’t really started happening yet, so how do we even know that it ever will? Given that we’re dealing with complexity-related phenomena here and those are specifically unpredictable even while being generally deterministic, this is something of a non-argument. Those two enemy armies are maneuvering near each other, why haven’t they fought yet? The weather conditions are perfect for a thunderstorm, why hasn’t it developed yet? Same kind of issue. Just because something that is complex-but-likely hasn’t happened just yet doesn’t mean that it won’t soon.

Ultimately, right wing organising will take place and it will most likely take place along the directions I’ve outlined above. As more and more people in this country, by whatever specific path may be taken for each of them, come to the realisation that the old rules no longer apply and the old republican, American orthodoxies no longer exist, they will understand that they can’t rely on the prevailing establishment anymore. Instead, we have to build on each other moving forward. As a critical mass of Americans come to understand this, that crystallisation will take place. Our aim should be to achieve this critical mass by waking folks up and getting them “organisable” before we hit our final collapse point.

KEYWORDS: dogwhistle; patriotbaiting

1 posted on 07/14/2022 9:05:21 AM PDT by Yashcheritsiy
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To: Yashcheritsiy

‘Final Collapse Point!’
Coming to Theaters SOON!

2 posted on 07/14/2022 9:25:59 AM PDT by Big Red Badger (We Are JONAH)
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To: Yashcheritsiy

From what I’ve seen all the “dissident” groups on the right are FIB controlled Judas goat operations. Try to form a dissident group and you’ll find half your new members are Chris Wray goons. I’m much too afraid to get involved. Mission Accomplished!

3 posted on 07/14/2022 9:33:20 AM PDT by hardspunned (former GOP globalist stooge)
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To: Big Red Badger

Starring Paedo Pete?

4 posted on 07/14/2022 9:57:29 AM PDT by Yashcheritsiy (I'd rather have one king 3000 miles away that 3000 kings one mile away)
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To: Yashcheritsiy

10% is His Cut,
Up Front.

5 posted on 07/14/2022 10:10:50 AM PDT by Big Red Badger (We Are JONAH)
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To: hardspunned


6 posted on 07/14/2022 10:11:47 AM PDT by Big Red Badger (We Are JONAH)
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To: Big Red Badger

>‘Final Collapse Point!’

Yeah, this is what the government needs to fear the most, but I don’t think they see it coming. Leftists organize for change, right wingers organize to be left alone.

The real problem for the government is when all the conservative men think they have nothing left to lose, like in Holland right now. If we get pushed so far that it feels like we’ll lose everything unless we do something, then EVERYONE organizes at once.

This won’t happen for a while in the US, but once food becomes scarce and police disappear from our streets to take care of their own families, things will suddenly flip like the Bundy Standoff. No one expected such a thing to happen, but it did spontaneously because people were pushed too far. This is when the right organizes.

The right doesn’t need fake glowie outfits like Patriot Front and such, because when crunch time comes, people will be together and armed, and if the government makes the mistake of firing on them, the support for the government will disappear even among LEOs and military (I hope).

The real problem though is that our economic system is such a house of cards that when it falls, we’re going to see Sri Lanka over and over and over as developing countries default and starve. People are going to eventually figure out the US government and the Fed are the bad guys that starved everyone.

7 posted on 07/14/2022 10:29:08 AM PDT by struggle
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To: Yashcheritsiy

This article is discussing how whites operate in South Africa.

They have very quietly created their own infrastructure in segregated communities and in many cases bribed black politicians to look the other way.

Once they realized that pieces of paper like constitutions no longer protected them they had to get creative—and fast.

Their number one rule—there are no rules.

8 posted on 07/14/2022 10:34:54 AM PDT by cgbg (A kleptocracy--if they can keep it. Think of it as the Cantillon Effect in action.)
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To: struggle

Bundy Ranch skirmish is not
Talked about enough.

9 posted on 07/14/2022 11:27:56 AM PDT by Big Red Badger (We Are JONAH)
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To: Yashcheritsiy

Well, any time right-wingers organize we call them Feds.

10 posted on 07/14/2022 11:52:48 AM PDT by Mr. Blond
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To: Big Red Badger

See Sri Lanka

11 posted on 07/15/2022 7:41:18 PM PDT by griswold3 (When chaos serves the State, the State will encourage chaos.)
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