I had jaw pain in late 2020 and went to our longtime dentist. She said it was from grinding my teeth at night. “Well, I don’t think I’ve ever done that before.” She replied “I know you haven’t - we check your teeth for grinding. But since the pandemic we have seen a LOT of this. Stress. I’ll make you a night guard.” (Hmm - I wore it for quite awhile but haven’t worn it lately, but no jaw aches.)
Our longtime physical therapist helped with my daughter’s terrible headaches. Doctor after doctor tried to help her, and she was about to go in for a round of expensive MRI’s and CAT scans. I told my wife we should take her to the therapist.
He diagnosed that her jaw was out of alignment. Under the table he works with another dentist to correct the problem. He and the other dentist had discovered this problem years ago and gave a paper at some medical convention.
Both of them were warned to never talk about it again or to perform the procedures as it was a medical issue and neither of them were doctors, and it was bogus. They would both lose their licenses.
Of course after a few weeks of wearing the special mouth guards my daughter’s headaches were lessened, and in several months they went away.
My problem was actually found to be due to a fine crack in a tooth, that went up into the root (probably from a bike accident where I smashed the side of my face, but with no symptoms until about a year later.)
Numerous x-rays never showed it; until finally one did. I had the tooth yanked out, and no more problem. I felt very lucky, because some people suffer from this all of their lives. (Later, I heard that Dr. Ben Carson had done good work with this at Hopkins.)