Posted on 12/03/2021 4:07:41 PM PST by conservative98
Trump-ally and notorious QAnon- faithful lawyer Lin Wood has declared war on Tucker Carlson and Dan Bongino. A former friend of both Carlson and Bongino, Wood claimed that the two are a part of a “deep state” conspiracy since they criticized his involvement with Kyle Rittenhouse’s legal defense.
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Tucker and Bongino are deep state now. It must be true because Lin Wood Said so.
Wood wasn’t Trump’s lawyer.
Tucker certainly did not cover himself in glory when the stolen election was in the balance. His connections to Hunter Biden are suspect, too.
I think it initially was Rittenhouse who criticized Wood, and Carlson just reported it.
Bring it - bongino
Dan said he’s ready for him
When ‘everybody’ seems Koo-Koo Krazy except for you, it might be time to take a long look in a clean mirror.
Y’all help us ignorant out. Is Lin Wood the rat or the others?
Can anyone of good conscience trust anyone these days?
Lin Wood is a flim flam man
Whaaaat? Are you saying Tucker has connections to Hunter? In what way?
I remember a lot of people saying Lin Wood was a loon, and for the longest time I said "Maybe he's crazy like a fox".
His continued antics have left me thinking "No, he's just crazy."
When I saw the title I thought it referenced Michael Cohen!
What a laff!
After what Kyle Rittenhouse said I tend to agree
But Lin Wood?
C'mon man!
Bongino still owes Jeraldo Rivera a busted nose....the sooner the better I say
“When ‘everybody’ seems Koo-Koo Krazy except for you, it might be time to take a long look in a clean mirror.”
Winner winner chicken dinner. Or is Linn Wood still just an old Democrat? The two are not incompatible.
Where is Mikey Cohen when you need him?
True. He is doing good now, but sometimes I almost think that is to placate us.
General Patton met Bill Mauldin and reamed him for his portrayal of US soldiers in his “Willie and Joe” series.
Patton said they were bad for morale. Mauldin said when worn out soldiers saw the unshaven dirty work out soldiers in his cartoons, they knew somebody else saw it and went back to work.
Is Tucker doing that? I don’t know. But he was sure no help when we needed it during the steal.
Maybe he has had what the psychologist calls a deep order change. Maybe not. I hope he has. I would like to believe SOMETHING SOMEWHERE is not 100% corrupt.
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