Palm oil;
"He may not be all alone but he is decidedly in the minority, a very small minority."
I am not going to run around doing a survey of doctors on this subject and I suspect you did not either before making your statement. So, this is just an "Ad Populum" argument.
At one time doctors washing hands between surgeries was a minority opinion. Trained doctors at the time ridiculed the need to wash their hands. Jennings, Pasteur, Koch, and others changed the view of medicine and of course, developed true vaccines.
Same type of argument advanced by leftist climate change: 99% of scientists believe in global warming/cooling/change! All gonna die! When surveyed a lot of the scientists denied having made those sort of statements.
The research on Palm oil is fairly recent. More doctors will accept it as more reserach is done. (Remember smoking and cancer?)
"This article was produced by the Reuters Fact Check team. Read more about our fact-checking work here"
Reuters agrees with you. Because we all should trust Reuters like we should trust Facebook like we should trust the Washington Post.
"Hydrogen peroxide can be toxic if ingested, inhaled, or by contact with the skin or eyes. Inhalation of household strength hydrogen peroxide (3%) can cause respiratory irritation. Exposure to household strength hydrogen. peroxide can cause mild ocular irritation. Inhalation of vapors from concentrated (higher than 10%) solutions may result in severe pulmonary irritation."
I would refer you back to the NIH article which discusses that subject, the use of DILUTE H2O2.
(Dr Mercola discusses dilute, not full strength, hydrogen peroxide. )
(I gargle with Saltwater and Baking soda. Totally Poisonous!)
The people who drink H2O2 full strength (See YouTube) are not bright, but that is not what we are talking about here.
Your statement:
"Totally amazing the lengths, the dangerous cures, the anti-vaxxers will go to to avoid taking the one thing, the vaccine, that will reduce the chances of illness, hospitalizations, and death. One wonders how many will needlessly die because the believed people like Mercola."
Sorry D. Duke, the Covid vaccines do NOT stop transmission, do NOT stop death.
(Ivermectin....1 documented death in 40 years of use though. Dangerous!)
40 Places Where Covid Shots Have Failed To Stop The Spread 24 countries and 16 states where cases reached new all-time highs after vaccination roll outs.
Snip.... "Federal Prison Study Finds Vaccinated Just As Infectious As Unvaccinated: The study found that vaccinated prisoners were just as infectious as unvaccinated prisoners and there was no difference in the length of sickness between the vaccinated and unvaccinated. "During a high-transmission outbreak of the SARS-CoV-2 Delta variant in a prison setting, we failed to find different durations of RT-PCR positivity, Ct values, or durations of viral culture positivity in fully vaccinated persons compared with persons who were not fully vaccinated." ...snip.
Death; FIFA soccer players, people who are required to take the shot to play soccer and who are dying.
Yah,Just a blog;
Just some doctors you disagree with:
Same story from another source.
So, D.D. You are promoting the use of dangerous EULA vaccines by the FDA & CDC. Someone at these organizations is making money from them and suppressing use of actual treatments to allow the EULA designation.
Pete from Shawnee Mission wrote: “I am not going to run around doing a survey of doctors on this subject and I suspect you did not either before making your statement.”
Because you know that this is a very minority opinion. I provided material from credible sources that demonstrates that this can be dangerous and ineffective.
Pete from Shawnee Mission wrote: “Reuters agrees with you. Because we all should trust Reuters like we should trust Facebook like we should trust the Washington Post.”
Pete from Shawnee Mission wrote: “Same story from another source.”
Interesting. You challenge the credibility of Reuters then you cite AFLD, one of whose spokespersons asserts that demons impregnate women while the sleep.
Pete from Shawnee Mission wrote: “Sorry D. Duke, the Covid vaccines do NOT stop transmission, do NOT stop death (Ivermectin....1 documented death in 40 years of use though. Dangerous!)”
Talk about a strawman argument. There are no vaccines that stop all transmissions and stop all deaths. Ivermectin is dangerous and ineffective. There are no credible, peer reviewed studies that show ivermectin is as effective as the vaccines in stopping transmissions and deaths.
Pete from Shawnee Mission wrote: “Snip.... “Federal Prison Study Finds Vaccinated Just As Infectious As Unvaccinated: The study found that vaccinated prisoners were just as infectious as unvaccinated prisoners and there was no difference in the length of sickness between the vaccinated and unvaccinated.”
In order for a vaccinated person to become infectious, the first have to become infected and the chances of an vaccinated person becoming infected is far less than the chances of an unvaccinated person.
Pete from Shawnee Mission wrote: “So, D.D. You are promoting the use of dangerous EULA vaccines by the FDA & CDC. Someone at these organizations is making money from them and suppressing use of actual treatments to allow the EULA designation.”
The Pfizer vaccine is fully approved so there is no reason to ‘suppress use of actual treatments to allow the EULA designation.’