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To: EasySt

Thank you.

Can you please check those links? They are not working for me :(

20 posted on 08/12/2021 8:11:06 PM PDT by Freedom56v2 (If I wanted to live in China, I would move there!)
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To: Freedom56v2

I’ve found the site to be very slow loading.

It is still working for me, though.

25 posted on 08/12/2021 8:14:26 PM PDT by EasySt (Say not this is the truth, but so it seems to me to be, as I see this thing I think I see #KAG.)
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To: Freedom56v2

I’ll tell you what… Sites like that are under attack and/or heavy attempted
use these days. It will be messy, but I’ll try to post the contents of both PDFs here:


109 Second Street NE Washington, DC 20002 Tel 202-289-1776
Fax 407-875-0770
PO Box 540774 Orlando, FL 32854 Tel 407-875-1776 Fax 407-875-0770
July 26, 2021
Sample Religious Exemption Requests For COVID Shot Mandates
PO Box 11108 Lynchburg, VA 24506 Tel 407-875-1776 Fax 407-875-0770
Liberty Counsel has received many, many inquiries on the various COVID shot mandates and requests for sample exemption request letters. Faith-based exemption requests (as opposed to health, ingredients, philosophical, or other bases) remain the strongest basis for an individual exemption.

Most mandates are currently coming from employers and educational institutions. In the employment context, Title VII prohibits workplace discrimination on the basis of religion. The First Amendment applies to public employers and educational institutions. The current “Emergency Use Authorization” (“EUA”) status of all of the COVID shots means that they cannot be mandated.

Many of our clients and constituents hold sincere pro-life religious beliefs that prohibit them from participating in or benefiting from an abortion. Some believe that they may not benefit in any way from an abortion, no matter how remote in time that abortion occurred. Others have prayed and asked God whether they should get the COVID shot and have received a clear word from the Lord in their spirit that they must not get the shot. Still others do not feel such a leading; but support the individual believer’s “liberty of conscience,” consistent with the principles outlined in 1 Corinthians 8.

There are also those who have recovered from COVID due to healthy immune system God has given them, and are themselves protected from getting COVID due to natural immunity, and a reliance upon God’s protection consistent with Psalm 91.

The Johnson & Johnson (Janssen Pharmaceuticals) COVID shot “did require the use of fetal cell cultures, specifically PER.C6, in order to produce and manufacture the vaccine.”

Multiple state department of health “FAQs” confirm that while mRNA vaccines by Pfizer-BioNTech and Moderna do not “contain” fetal cells, but clearly state that “[e]arly in development of mRNA vaccine technology, fetal cells were used for ‘proof of concept’ (to demonstrate how a cell could take up mRNA and produce the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein) or to characterize the SARS-CoV-2 spike protein.”

Thus, bothPfizer andModerna used abortion-derived cell lines “to test the efficacy of both vaccines.”

Therefore, claims that Pfizer and Moderna “do not require the use of any fetal cell cultures in order

Sample ReligiousExemption RequestsFor COVID Shot Mandates Page 2
July 26, 2021
to manufacture (produce) the vaccine” are in conflict with the statement that “such a cell line was used to test the efficacy of both vaccines.” “Testing the efficacy” is certainly a part of the research and development process.

In order for an employee or student to prevail under a claim for a religious exemption, whether based on pro-life or other religious beliefs, religious beliefs must be sincerely held, and the requested accommodation must be “reasonable,” and not constitute an undue hardship on the employer or institution.

The manner in which the employer or institution continued its operations in 2020, prior to the availability of the COVID shots, establishes a baseline of treatment of employees or students that is not an “undue hardship.” It will NEVER be an “undue hardship” for the entity to allow the employee or student to continue doing what was considered “safe and effective” or “mitigating” in the absence of the vaccine.

However, such treatment may become discriminatory, if novel or additional restrictions or requirements are applied to the person who should otherwise be exempt. If the COVID shots work, those people who have received them are protected, and it is not an undue hardship for individuals who have religious objections to not receive such shots.

A pastor verification letter is beneficial to proving the sincerity of the belief, but is not legally required. It is nonetheless very helpful in substantiating a claim that one’s belief is religious in nature, and that it is sincere.

The following samples serve as a guide only. DO NOT copy and paste them verbatim. We encourage each individual to prayerfully consider what he or she believes, and why. Each individual should seek God’s will through prayer, of whether he or she should comply with the COVID shot mandate directed toward them, or whether the Holy Spirit is leading, guiding, or moving their spirit to refuse the COVID shot.

If you have a sincere religious conviction against taking a COVID shot, you can put the following applicable sample text in your own words and submit as a religious accommodation request. Otherwise, it may be retained for your future personal use.

I’m writing to request a medical and religious exemption from [COMPANY NAME’s/COLLEGE NAME’s] COVID shot directive. I have prayed about how to respond to the COVID shot directive, in light of my [medical issues], and in light of my pro-life and other religious beliefs.

I believe my body belongs to God and is the temple of his Holy Spirit. 1 Cor 6:19-20.
I believe that innocent life is sacred to God, from conception, to birth, to natural death. (Jeremiah 1:5).
I believe God’s promise that “if anyone lacks wisdom, let him ask of God, who gives to all liberally.”
I understand that the manufacturers of the COVID shots have used aborted fetal cell lines as part of their development or testing of vaccines.
My faith prohibits me from participating in or benefiting from an abortion, no matter how remote in time that abortion occurred.

Jesus said the Holy Spirit will guide each person who repents of their sin and believes upon Him into all truth. As a believer in Jesus, the Holy Spirit lives in me. I have been a Christian for many years. I seek God’s will for my life through prayer,

Sample ReligiousExemption RequestsFor COVID Shot Mandates Page 3
July 26, 2021

reading the Bible, and relying on the power of the Holy Spirit to help me to do God’s will.

It is against my faith and my conscience to commit sin. Sin is anything that violates the will of God, as set forth in the Bible, and as impressed upon the heart of the believer by the Holy Spirit. In order to keep myself from sin, and receive God’s direction in life, I pray and ask God for wisdom and direction daily.

As part of my prayers, I have asked God for direction regarding the current COVID shot requirement. As I have prayed about what I should do, the Holy Spirit has moved on my heart and conscience that I must not accept the COVID shot. If I were to go against the moving of the Holy Spirit, I would be sinning and jeopardizing my relationship with God and violating my conscience.

I’m therefore asking for an exemption from the COVID shot directive so that my conscience can remain clear before God. Thank you for your consideration.

I understand that NAME has submitted a religious exemption request from the COVID vaccine directive. As his pastor, I can speak to the sincerity of his faith and his request. NAME told me that after the directive to accept the COVID vaccine came out, he started searching the Scriptures as to how he should respond, and if he should accept the shot.

NAME is a Christian, and believes the Bible to be the inspired, inerrant, living Word of God. When Jesus Christ went back to heaven after He was resurrected, He promised to send his Holy Spirit, who would guide us into all truth. Our church teaches that each believer in Christ receives the Holy Spirit, who directly leads the individual in his walk with God, as the believers seeks wisdom through prayer and Scripture reading. See the doctrine of the priesthood of the believer.

Our church teaches that believers should follow their conscience, as informed by the written word of God, and the leading of his Holy Spirit. Our church teaches the Biblical sanctity of human life, and the Biblical interdiction against abortion as the shedding of innocent blood. Many Christians understand this interdiction to include ingesting or benefiting from products derived from or using aborted fetal cell lines.

NAME has told me that based on his review of Centers for Disease Control (CDC) guidance and position statements, and understanding of the issues, and much prayer that he might discern truth from error, and whether he should get the shot, the Holy Spirit is not allowing him to accept the COVID shot. He believes that if he were to do so, he would be sinning against our living God. Our church supports him as he follows the leading of the Holy Spirit and supports his request for a religious exemption.

Pastor NAME

Again, every person should prayerfully consider what God through the Holy Spirit is leading him or her to do, and should make an individual written request, using these samples as guides. UNDER NO CIRCUMSTANCES should the samples be copied and pasted.

Sample ReligiousExemption RequestsFor COVID Shot Mandates Page 4
July 26, 2021
Many other people have contacted and are contacting Liberty Counsel. Multiple direct copies of the sample language submitted as one’s own statement to the same entity could undermine the perceived sincerity of one’s own request, and the requests of others. Assuming that the samples accurately reflect your religious beliefs, you can model your response after them, or change as necessary to reflect your beliefs.

This letter does not create an attorney-client relationship or legal representation by Liberty Counsel. A separate contract will be executed if Liberty Counsel agrees to represent a specific client in a specific suit. We are willing to assist further, outside of litigation, to the extent resources permit. Any legal assistance we are able to provide is at no charge.
For additional questions, or to inquire whether Liberty Counsel can assist further if the employer or institution rejects the request, please contact us at, via email at; or via telephone at 407-875-1776.

PO Box 540774 Orlando, FL 32854 Tel 407-875-1776 Fax 407-875-0770
122 C Street NW, Ste 360 Washington, DC 20001 Tel 202-289-1776 Fax 407-875-0770
PO Box 11108 Lynchburg, VA 24506 Tel 407-875-1776 Fax 407-875-0770
Mathew D. Staver, Esq. Copyright © 2007 - 2019
Most people associate vaccinations with the eradication of disease. Vaccinations have been a part of American life for decades. However, many people object to mandatory vaccinations for religious reasons. Oftentimes, these individuals are told that they have no choice and must receive the vaccinations or have their children vaccinated.

You may be surprised to learn that some vaccinations are derived from aborted fetal tissue. Vaccines for chicken pox, Hepatitis-A, and Rubella, which are produced solely from aborted fetal tissue, do not have alternative, ethical versions. Even most physicians who oppose abortion do not realize that these three vaccines are made from aborted fetal tissue.

The wife of one of our Liberty Counsel attorneys confronted her family doctor who wanted to inject her son with the chicken pox vaccine. When she told her doctor, who is Catholic, that the chicken pox vaccine contains aborted fetal tissue, he was surprised.

The doctor was even more surprised when he skimmed through his medical book and found that she was right. He then proclaimed that he was faced with a dilemma which he must now confront.

In St. Louis County, Missouri, a county law required food handlers to obtain the Hepatitis- A vaccine as a prerequisite for employment. Several prominent Catholic newspapers published articles on the morality of using the vaccine and pointed out that the vaccine was derived from aborted fetal tissue.

After the information became public, more and more physicians and parents have become deeply troubled by the ethical issues involved in the Hepatitis-A vaccine.

During the Rubella epidemic of 1964, some doctors advised pregnant women who were exposed to the disease to abort their children. The resulting virus strain became known in the science world as RA/27/3. R stands for Rubella, A stands for Abortus, 27 stands for the 27th fetus tested, and 3 stands for the 3rd tissue explant.

In other words, there were 26 abortions prior to finding the right “species” with the active virus. The Rubella vaccine was then cultivated from the 27th aborted baby on the lung tissue of yet another aborted infant, WI-38. WI-38 (Wistar Institute 38) was taken from the lung tissue of an aborted baby at 3 months gestation in the 1960s. A second human cell line known as MRC-5 was derived from a male at 14 weeks gestation in the 1970s.

These two aborted cell lines have been used to provide an ongoing source for many widely used vaccines, including Hepatitis-A and chicken pox.

The chicken pox vaccine is known as Varivax. This vaccine was also developed with the use of aborted fetuses. It uses the human cell lines known as WI-38 and MRC-5. The chicken pox vaccine also contains MSG (monosodium glutamate).

According to the Food and Drug Administration, MSG is not advised for use in infants, children, pregnant women or women of child-bearing age, and people with affective (mental/emotional) disorders. Dr. Arthur Lavin of the Department of Pediatrics at St. Luke’s Medical Center in Cleveland, Ohio, strongly opposes the chicken pox vaccine.

Studies show that up to 3% of chicken pox vaccine recipients actually contract chicken pox from the vaccine, and some chicken pox cases may be contracted from recently vaccinated children. Some studies suggest that chicken pox in a vaccinated child may be milder than in an unvaccinated child. However, some experts also believe that this may be due to the vaccine suppressing the illness, which can actually signal a more serious underlying chronic condition. “Atypical measles” is a disease that occurs only in people previously vaccinated for measles, and it is far more serious than regular measles. It is yet unknown if “atypical chicken pox” cases will appear as a result of the use of Varivax.

The FDA has stated that there are fewer than 10% of serious adverse reactions and deaths following vaccinations. The federal government actually pays families of vaccine-killed or disabled children nearly $100 million dollars each year and has done so since 1986, through the National Vaccine Injury Compensation Program.

There are other vaccines that are derived from aborted fetuses for which there are alternatives. For example, there are two alternatives for Hepatitis-B, Engerix and Comvax, both of which are produced using yeast rather than human or animal cell lines.

Similarly, an alternative for Polio is a vaccine known by the name IPOL, which is not derived from aborted tissue, nor is the vaccine Pediacel, an alternative to Pentacel, both of which are Polio Combination vaccines.

The alternative for Mumps is Mumpsvax, for rabies is RabAvert and for measles is Attenuvax. The vaccines under these names are produced either from monkey kidney cells or chicken embryos.

There are also vaccine alternatives available in the United Kingdom, which are not available in the United States because they are not FDA approved. For example, the alternative for Rubella is known as Takahashi Strain and the Hepatitis-A vaccine is known as Aimmugen. They are derived from rabbit and monkey kidney tissue respectively.

In addition to the problem of some vaccines derived from aborted tissue, there is a larger problem with mandatory vaccines. Many people have a sincerely held religious belief regarding vaccines in general. These individuals believe that God created the human body as a temple and that the body should not be destroyed by injecting a virus into it.

Take, for example, Joseph and Heyde Rotella and Maja Leibovitz of New York City. Both families have a sincerely held religious belief against vaccinations. When the Rotellas had a seventh-grade daughter and Ms. Leibovitz had a second-grade daughter, the school system required that these children receive a mandatory Hepatitis-B vaccination. Hepatitis-B can only be transmitted in one of three ways. Either you are born to a mother with Hepatitis-B, or you contract it by drug use through the sharing of needles, or you contract it through sexual contact. Injecting their children with Hepatitis-B is like the state forcing the parents to give their children clean needles or condoms.

In both cases, the children were expelled from school, and in one case, Child Protective Services was called to the scene because the child was not in school. After several weeks of expulsion and threats of removing the children, Liberty Counsel filed a federal lawsuit. A court order allowed the children back in school and prohibited the school from overriding the parents’ religious beliefs.

Liberty Counsel also filed a federal lawsuit against the state of Arkansas. There, the state requires mandatory vaccinations. Our clients have sincerely held religious beliefs opposing these mandatory vaccinations, including the chicken pox vaccination.

One of our clients has actually received a letter from the Vatican stating that the Church opposes abortion and it would be a sin for the parent to allow her child to be injected with aborted fetal tissue. Despite the strong evidence of a religious belief which opposes the chicken pox vaccination, the state of Arkansas insisted that the parent vaccinate her child.

Our federal lawsuit challenged the state’s law on religious freedom grounds. As a result, the Arkansas legislature promptly acted to provide exemptions for philosophical and religious objectors, as well as objectors who claim medical necessity.

Hepatitis-B is not the only sexually transmitted disease for which states are currently trying to force parents to vaccinate their children. In 2006, the Centers for Disease Control began recommending Gardasil, a vaccine created by Merck & Company, for vaccination against the Human Papillomavirus (HPV). Human Papillomavirus is a virus transmitted primarily through sexual contact. Rarely is there even a case where an infant contracts HPV from its mother. However, states like Michigan, Texas, California, and Kentucky have already attempted to mandate HPV vaccinations for girls entering sixth grade. Many parents have religious-based objections to mandatory vaccinations for viruses like Hepatitis-B and HPV, which should be prevented through abstinence.

Vaccinations are becoming a wave of the future. Large pharmaceutical companies are lobbying state legislators to require mandatory vaccinations of all school-aged children. Some people have sincerely held religious beliefs against vaccines in general, while others have objections to certain vaccines because of their aborted fetal contents. Either way, the state cannot steamroll a person’s religious beliefs. In many cases, the government cannot even legitimately argue a compelling reason for the vaccines. Chicken pox is not life-threatening, Hepatitis-B is primarily contracted through drug use and sexual contact, and HPV is almost exclusively transmitted by sexual contact.

Next time you are confronted with mandatory vaccines, take a moment to reexamine your religious beliefs and become educated about the contents, the purpose, and the risk of vaccinations.

Chicken Pox
Ebola – In Development
Hepatitis A
Hepatitis A and B
Measles, Mumps, and Rubella (MMR)
MMR and Chicken Pox
Polio Combination- Diphtheria, Tetanus, Pertussis, Polio, and Hepatitis B
Vaccine Name
All Varivax Varilrix AdVacEbola VSV-EBOV Vaqta Havrix Avaxim Epaxal Twinrix Vivaxim MMR II Priorix
MR Vax
Biavax II
ProQuad (MMR V) Priorix Tetra Poliovax
Polio Sabin
Pentacel (Poliovax + DTaP + HiB), Quadracel
Merck & Company GSK
J&J/Crucell NewLink/BioProtSv
Cell Line (Fetal)
WI-38 and MRC-5 WI-38 and MRC-5 PER C6
RA 27/3 and WI-38 MRC-5
RA 27/3, WI-38, and MRC-5
RA 27/3, WI-38, and MRC-5
RA 27/3 and WI-38
RA 27/3, WI-38, and MRC-5
RA 27/3, WI-38, and MRC-5
U.S. Vaccines Derived From Aborted Fetal Tissue1
Merck GSK Sanofi Berna GSK Sanofi Merck GSK Merck GSK Merck Merck GSK Sanofi GSK
Sanofi GSK
& Company
& Company
& Company
& Company & Company
Pasteur Pasteur
1; See also

Rabies Rubella (only) Shingles Smallpox
Imovax Meruvax II Zostavax Acambis 1000
Sanofi Pasteur Merck & Company Merck & Company Acambis
RA 27/3 and WI-38 WI-38 and MRC-5 MRC-5
Ebola – In Development
Hepatitis B
Measles Mumps
Polio Combination
Rabies Shingles
Vaccine Name
2 ZMapp Therapeutic
Pediacel; Pediarix + any HiB; IPOL +DTaP + any HiB
RabAvert Shingrix ACAM2000 MVA3000
Merck & Company GeoVax
Merck & Company
Merck & Company
Merck & Company
Sanofi Pasteur
Sanofi Pasteur
Sanofi Pasteur and GSK
GSK GSK Acambis Baxter
Cell Line
Monkey Kidney Cells Egg
Chicken Embryo Chicken Embryo Monkey Kidney Cells Monkey Kidney Cells
Monkey Kidney Cells
Hen eggs
Monkey Kidney Cells Monkey Kidney Cells
U.S. Vaccine Alternatives2
No alternatives for Chicken Pox, MMR, Rubella or Hepatitis-A in U.S.
Most states provide exemptions from mandatory vaccinations for medical or religious reasons. Less than half of the states also offer exemptions for philosophical reasons. In these states, a person can opt out for any reason.
2 Id.

Some states try to limit the religious exemptions to individuals who are Christian Science members or members of a church or denomination that has a history of opposition to vaccinations. However, it is unconstitutional to limit religious exemptions to particular religious beliefs or to certain religious bodies. Thus, in states that provide for religious exemptions, such exemptions must include anyone who has a religious objection irrespective of whether the religious body to which the objector belongs has a history of opposition to vaccines.

California provided for medical, religious, and philosophical objections, but in 2019, the legislature removed religious and philosophical accommodations and now limits opt outs for only medical reasons. Medical reasons are limited to cases in which the person would be suffer harm from the vaccine. Such harm might include, but is not limited to, allergic reasons or other medical contraindications.

For some time, Mississippi and West Virginia have only permitted opt outs for medical reasons. Effective June 2019, New York repealed the religious objection and now provides only medical opt outs. Washington state repealed its personal exemption for MMR effective July 28, 2019. Maine has eliminated the religious and philosophical exemptions effective September 1, 2011.

The National Vaccine Information Center is a great resource for vaccination information.3 This website also provides an interactive chart of the various state laws.4
3 https//



31 posted on 08/12/2021 8:37:28 PM PDT by EasySt (Say not this is the truth, but so it seems to me to be, as I see this thing I think I see #KAG.)
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