The "voluntary" and "suggesting" part won't last very long.
Six weeks ago, got a letter from our 13-year-old son's school requesting our consent for them to test him for Corona several times a week. (Returned the consent form with a big, fat "No!")
A couple of weeks later, got another letter from his school, this time informing us that he would have to undergo testing in order to continue physically attending (they were, at that time, on a "one-week-present" / "one-week-virtual" schedule).
Then, just a week or so later, the "physical presence" part was cancelled anyway, making the mandatory testing part moot anyway.
Spoke to my ISP technician the other day as he was a twenty-something fully masked. I told him he didn’t have to wear the mask if he didn’t want to. He responded that he is now used to wearing the mask and that in fact he has not even gotten sick since he’s worn The Mask (TM) which he attributes to mask-wearing.
I then told him that people are disabling their own natural immune system taking over-the-top precautions.
Not sure if he saw the not my president sign or my thank you President Trump still my president sign out front.