Dems are like ticks. They burrow in, and you can’t get rid of them. This guy is safe.
Two points of note :
1. Allegedly we can’t risk sending kids to school, but his own child goes to an operating private school.
2. He’s president of the Berkeley teacher’s union, a union of public school teachers, but he sends his own child to a private school. He doesn’t like the quality of education in public schools provided by the teachers he represents?
Ironies are noteworthy aren’t they?
Actually these protesters can go pound sand. Otherwise they can show where a public school is open and available for two-year-olds.
It’s fine that the schools are closed—less chance of poisoning the childrens minds.
pretty soon, voters will no on school budgets at the local level and the education system up until 2020 will go up in smoke.
A high percentage of public school teachers have their own kids in private schools.
That’s telling too...
Of course.
Knowing exactly how bad public teachers are, wouldn’t you send your kid to a private school? (or homeschool?)
The icing on the cake is that he gets to use money extorted from those same public school teachers to pay for private school.
All animals are equal, but some animals are more equal than others.
I don’t care how many times a day we’re hit with this kind of stupidity but I just can’t believe people are still so blatant about their behavior without a clue about their hypocrisy! Berkeley? The answer to SOME of the puzzle..
Biden’s focus is to protect democrat voters... the REAL ‘essential’ people in the eyes of our ‘elite’ thugs.
So, the new order includes all ‘educators’... teachers from K through PhD professors.
To hell with the average American.