He knows what the Deep State is capable of.
So if he says Trump will win 100% I accept his assessement. Your lying troll ass should be thrown off of FR.
I am very familiar with the Flynn saga and think Sullivan should’ve been disbarred for his role in that. I’m more than sympathetic to Flynn’s case. But that does not make me likely to accept Flynn’s assessment of Trump’s chances.
Trump was a victim of widespread fraud. No doubt. Too bad they never produced proof enough to prove the point. Flynn is just wrong wrong wrong. They talked a Big Game and did not produce. This after knowing since April what the Dem’s game plan was. FAIL!
And all this stuff post-election about bombshells and breakings and Krackens has been mind-blowing irritation. I believed at first. Now I just feel duped. Hence my bitterness.
Not a troll. Or whatever I am certainly not a teller of lies. If anyone is a teller of lies at this point it’s those who talked the Big Game, said they had evidence (and still say it!), and don’t produce. And by the way, watch for books from all of them. And their names are Powell, Flynn and Woods. Charlatans, shameless self-promoters and screwballs.