Don’t understand the numbers on this post at all. Looks like Biden had the big subtractions, not Trump (330,000 and 308,000 subtracted from Biden. I’m confused, it’s hard to argue with people there was cheating when the numbers don’t seem to support that. Is there some context we are missing?
Explanation, anyone ?
Explanation, anyone ?
Yep, the count was showing some weird stuff going on with the numbers. The subtractions/adjustments were immediately after some large equivablent additions to the Biden count. The negative numbers indicate that there apparently was some software corrections going on the absolutely should not have been taking place (IMHO).
Also, per the batch count Biden adjustments were 89 to 11, 90 to 11, 79 to 21 and a second 79 to 21 for Biden over Trump.
Also the vote counts for Biden and Trump show votes carried to the second decimal place. How do you have fractions of votes per candidate?
I'm not a number cruncher, but someone has some major explaining to do and it better be good.
Here’s a better attempt by Pamella Geller to explain it: