Welcome to Free Republic but you need to get your shit together if you think this place will help ypu make a name for yourself. This is a smart, tough, ornery crowd here.
Fixed it for ya'.
You're welcome.
This vanity post sounds like a Conservative equivalent of a leftists wet dream.
All puss and no blood.
Will there be evidence?
But we sure as hell won’t see it until it is organized and irrefutable.
If NOT, out country is in for 4 years of incredibly vociferous resistance and civil disobedience from 74 million Trump voters who have been screwed out of their votes.
In the end the Dems will wish they had never cheated and “won.”
It would be the most Pyrrhic of “victories.”
That’s why the left is taking names and figuring out how to black list both Trump supporters and those who worked for the President’s administration. They want people to lose their jobs, become unemployable, a leftist McCarthy style movement.A Star Chamber for “deplorables.” This election fraud is just the beginning of a purge which is so UnAmerican, that a 4 year fight is guaranteed.
So that’s your context Laura Thompson. You had better own a few second amendment items of self defense.Soon it will be to late to get them.
The Freepers here are tough, tough as they come, tougher than the nails used om the crosses at Golgotha.So forgive them if they do not buy your screed.