Neither Trump nor Guiliani would release or post such trash, if it exists. It is a felony to disseminate such pornographic videos involving underage persons, even if the posting party had nothing to do with their filming or the acts depicted.
Well that would make it rather awkward for someone to report it to the authorities then wouldn’t it? I mean, that would make Rudy Giuliani, and the Computer Repair guy open for prosecution just for giving it to the FBI.
Sounds like a perfect excuse for the FBI to be able to hide it in the first place. Oh, you gave us child pornography? Well, we won’t prosecute you if you agree that we can’t use it against our friend Hunter Biden.
Or, let’s say someone really truly hacks your computer and installs some child pornography, and you find it. What do you do? You’re saying it’s illegal to turn it over to the authorities because that would be transmitting, or disseminating child pornography.