Posted on 09/15/2020 8:00:09 PM PDT by Lenora Thompson
Every time I hear someone say, "the new normal," I cringe. Like fingernails on a chalkboard, it sets my teeth on edge.
That's because I know from sad experience how abusers have carte blanche in the absence of normalcy - the stick in the spokes of their abuse. Abusers and narcissists hate normalcy because it puts a cramp in their style. The first thing cults make new members jettison is their old normalcy. As Todd bragged on Chrisley Knows Best, "There ain't no normal here." My point.
The events of 2020 have given certain people "dressed in a little brief authority" just the excuse they craved to jettison normal, to terrify, to divide and to conquer by brainwashing nice, normal people into exchanging their God-given freedom for so-called "safety."
For five years, I've advocated for the importance of the protection of normalcy. Naming my old blog, Narcissism Meets Normalcy was not a whim. I coined that title because I know, from experience, how much bad can happen when the protection of normalcy is removed.
Oh, sure. I realize that at some point, any version of "normal" was new. But it's like hard-boiled editor, Connell, told John Doe (Gary Cooper) in Frank Capra's brilliantly still-relevant 1941 movie, Meet John Doe.
"I like what we got here! I like it! A guy can say what he wantsand do what he wantswithout having a bayonet shoved through his belly. Now, that's all right, isn't it?... And we don't want anybody coming around changing it, do we? No, sir. And when they do I get mad! I get b-boiling mad. And right now, John, I'm sizzling! I get mad for a lot of other guys besides myselfI get mad for a guy named Washington! And a guy named Jeffersonand Lincoln. Lighthouses, John! Lighthouses in a foggy world! You know what I mean?"
I can't state it any better. When we gave up our pre-2020 normalcy, the lighthouses were snuffed out, one by one. Please God, they can be re-lit.
If nothing else, this miserable year has taught us to never relinquish our normalcy ever again.
** Thanks for reading! If you liked what you read, please consider supporting my writing as I just lost my position writing for a far-left, liberaly psychology site. Details are on my website. Thank you!!! **
And you are looking to a conservative site for what?
And why?
The Left does not support their own?
I thought that was what socialism was all about.
LOL. I was the only Conservative on that site so I kept my politics to myself (With 2 exceptionds) in 2016. I am looking for a conservative site to write for. That would be ideal!
Socialists...pfffft. Make you sign a contract giving away your copyright and lay you off 2 days later! They’re all about the $$$$$$$$.
Thank you so much, “FIddlestix.” LOL I used to play the fiddle! :D
Same here.
By early next year we will have vaccines on the ready.
Are you proud of the value you added to the leftist website? Do you miss the camaraderie of demons?
If you did not pass their written exam, you would not have been hired in the first place.
Do you just write for which way the wind blows?
Bagdad Bob had a writer.
They are both out of work, living in a van down by the river
When I hear someone say “ the new normal” I feel like I’m living in the movie “Invasion of the Body Snatchers”.
Somehow I got away with posting Scripture and talking about Jesus! :O :D
Good one! LOL
its a myth that socialists aren’t concerned about their own personal wealth
the people you were dealing with are inner party, not some low level worker
socialism is just another oligarchy
difference is they justify their excesses because they are the martyrs doing such hard work shepherding the dialectic process to get throughvthe socialism phase to the pure communist goal, which is total bs
This crap
Is OVER. O. V. E. R.
New normal: Communist Chinese-style controls on every aspect of our lives.
Agreed. No, it is NOT normal.
Only cuckolds roll over so easily to accept it. They have become so sheepish that they simply obey their government overlords, no questions asked.
The worst is that they not only do it, but accept it as permanent.
Exactly! “Normal” is protection and we lost it in 2020. Ugh.
Ugh. We mustn’t let that happen!
One of the ugly truths about liberals/leftists is that they are the most greedy people around. Profit is bad...except their profit, that's good.
Good luck.
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