The MSM lies constantly.
Whatever makes them figure Trump supporters would listen now?
I think the only people who will be fooled by this are Democrat voters. They will believe Trump will lose and won’t feel the urgency to vote. Meanwhile, Republican voters will come out in droves.
If people thought 0bama was bad ...
Joe Biden: useful idiot.
People supporting his candidacy are actually voting for an unnamed VP. Think about that level of intelligence for a moment. The country is filled with imbeciles, easily brainwashed and manipulated by pop culture, education and media both social and traditional.
LOL.. The Left always believes their own Lies.
In 2016, dem leaders fell for the faulty polls and decided, in my opinion, that they didn’t have to risk election rigging as Hillary would win.
They won’t make that mistake again this November.
It’s 2016 all over again. MSM polls are nothing more than propaganda. Meant to Influence not Inform. Their problem is, we are well aware of this fact.
Has anyone contacted Her Thighness to see how these polls worked out for this biotch?
Compared to what they said about Hillary's chances:
I am still waiting on Trump to lose to Hitlery in a landslide according to the polls......
“Joe Biden campaign can now confidently pop open their champagne bottles and celebrate their inevitable victory.”
Joe Biden campaign can now confidently pop open their champagne bottles and celebrate their inevitable victory with President Hillary. Fireworks too!
There, fixed it.
The Marxist media may be right but I’m not betting my life on it.
Really the Marxist media is probably just trying to demoralize Republicans.
Polls are run by liberals.
None of us are going to put ourselves on the line and be labeled for disagreeing with their orthodoxy.
It’s why polls showed Hillary winning 2016. It’s why polls show Biden winning. It’s why Hilary lost. It’s why Biden will lose.
If we disagree with ‘liberals’ pollsters will they tell liberal elite thugs? Will their thugs burn our cities down? Will people we know lose their jobs like many who have stood up to liberal gestapos? The stepmother of the Atlanta cop was fired for defending her son... and there’s thousands more like her... We know who liberals are - how vindictive. judgemental and evil... We know their thugs in the FBI enforce white elite vendettas against traditional Americans.
FEW of us are going to be honest with ‘pollsters’...or even take part in their surveys.
Well, contribute, campaign, and make him win! Don’t be cowards. Wear your intentions to get him elected! MAGA! With enough of a bandwagon on our side, we will win in more ways than one!
Show the opposition a new kind of wall: a wall of support for the President! Rout the opposition. Send them running!
Fake polling...
They are getting us prepared for the mail in ballot results.
Who ran the poll and what segment of the population was polled?