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Here are 140 reasons why I’m against the COVID-19 lockdowns
Wordpress ^ | Last updated June 6, 2020 | Dan from Squirrel Hill

Posted on 06/08/2020 5:47:03 AM PDT by grundle

Here are 140 reasons why I’m against the COVID-19 lockdowns


Please share the link to this list on Facebook, Twitter, email, message boards, etc. Thank you.

A lot of the people who support the COVID-19 lockdowns have said it’s because “lives are more important than money.”

But the lockdowns are actually killing far more people than they’re saving.

So instead of it being about “lives vs money,” it’s really about “fewer people dying vs more people dying.”

And yet, when I bring this up, lockdown supporters either ignore it, or they accuse me of not caring about people’s lives, or they say, “better safe than sorry.”

Before I get to my main list, here are some general facts about the lockdowns:

The COVIID-19 lockdowns will end up killing far more people than they save, in the form of increased suicides, increased drug and alcohol overdoses, and canceled and postponed medical procedures. For young and middle aged people who have healthy immune systems, being and poor and unemployed is more dangerous than having COVID-19.

The lockdowns are totalitarian.

The lockdowns are based on bogus computer models.

The real fatality rate of COVID-19 is far, far lower than the bogus, overinflated rate that was used to justify the lockdowns.

The alleged purpose of the lockdowns was to flatten the curve, and prevent the hospitals from being overwhelmed. But the hospitals were never even close to being overwhelmed. On the contrary, the U.S. health care system actually laid off more than a million health care workers during the lockdowns. And yet the lockdowns continue. This is proof that the lockdowns are a scam.

States with the toughest lockdowns forced nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19. This is mass murder.

Many politicians and other high ranking government officials violated their own lockdowns.

Lockdown supporters want to destroy other people’s jobs, but not their own.

Previous pandemics did not destroy the economy, because there were no lockdowns.

Fresh air, sunshine, and exercise are good for your immune system, and actually reduce your chance of dying from COVID-19.

The government is falsely overstating the number of COVID-19 deaths by including people whose deaths were not actually caused by COVID-19.

And now, on with my list:

Here are 140 reasons why I’m against the COVID-19 lockdowns

1) Sweden did not have a lockdown. Experts predicted that it would have 40,000 COVID-19 deaths by May 1. The actual number was 2,769.

2) Nobel Prize-winning scientist: “the damage done by lockdown will exceed any saving of lives by a huge factor”

3) Keep parks open. The benefits of fresh air outweigh the risks of infection.

4) Dr. Deborah Birx admitted that the lockdown was based on a false, gross overstatement of the true fatality rate.

These are her exact words:

“I think we underestimated, very early on, the number of asymptomatic cases. And I think we’re really beginning to understand there are people that get infected — that those symptoms are so low-grade that they don’t even know that they’re infected”

5) This is a scientific paper called “Full lockdown policies in Western Europe countries have no evident impacts on the COVID-19 epidemic.”

6) WHO lauds lockdown-ignoring Sweden as a ‘model’ for countries going forward

7) Do Lockdowns Save Many Lives? In Most Places, the Data Say No.

8) This is from a medical paper:

“The COVID-19 death risk in people <65 years old during the period of fatalities from the epidemic was equivalent to the death risk from driving between 9 miles per day (Germany) and 415 miles per day (New York City)”

Note from Daniel Alman: The above may be a good reason for a lockdown in the New York City metro area (which includes parts of New Jersey and Connecticut), but certainly not for the rest of the U.S. And certainly not for Germany.

9) A report by the United Nations cites the predicted harm that will happen to tens of millions of children in low income countries as a result of the COVID-19 global wide shutdown.

Examples of this harm to children include increases in malnutrition, loss of education, increased rates of teen pregnancy, reduced access to health care, reduced rates of vaccination, increased rates of infectious disease, increased rates of water borne illness, and increased rates of death:

10) Here in Sweden we’re playing the long game, and listening to science not fear

11) All across the country, huge numbers of hospitals have laid off huge numbers of health care workers. Here are some examples:

Coronavirus financial losses prompt Boston Medical Center to furlough 700 employees, 10% of hospital’s workforce

Kentucky hospital chain furloughs about 500 employees as coronavirus saps business

A mounting casualty crisis: Health care jobs

Four West Virginia hospitals lay off hundreds because of coronavirus-related shrinking revenues

Thousands of US medical workers furloughed, laid off as routine patient visits drop during coronavirus pandemic

I Can’t Get My Hip Surgery Because Of Coronavirus Even Though Nobody Is In Our Hospital

MUSC Health lays off 900 due to COVID-19 financial strain

Oklahoma City hospital closed amid coronavirus spread

Even nation’s largest health systems laying off health care workers amid COVID pandemic

We’re destroying hospitals in the name of fighting the coronavirus

Mayo Clinic to furlough or cut pay of 30,000 employees

Coronavirus testing company Quest Diagnostics furloughs workers

12) U.S. medical testing, cancer screenings plunge during coronavirus outbreak – data firm analysis

13) New York Times: “Some medical experts fear more people are dying from untreated emergencies than from the coronavirus.”

14) As of April 22, 2020, New York and New Jersey, combined, accounted for more than half of U.S. COVID-19 deaths. Both of these states require nursing homes to admit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19. In my opinion, this policy constitutes mass murder. Instead of shutting everything down, New York and New Jersey should stop committing mass murder.

As of the afternoon of April 22, 2020, the U.S. has had a total of 46,771 deaths from COVID-19.

20,167 were in New York.

5,063 were in New Jersey.

In other words, as of April 22, 2020, these two states, combined, accounted for more than half of all COVID-19 deaths in the entire country.

Here’s a link to my source, with a screenshot. The screenshot was taken on the afternoon of April 22, 2020:

Both of these states require nursing homes to admit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19.

NPR recently reported:

New York and New Jersey both have ordered nursing homes to admit patients regardless of their COVID-19 status.

In my opinion, this policy constitutes mass murder.

Nursing home patients are elderly. And they have major health conditions. No one is more vulnerable to dying from COVID-19 than people in nursing homes.

Ordering nursing homes to admit patients who have tested positive for COVID-19 is an extremely mean, dumb, stupid, irrational, irresponsible, and insane thing to do.

This policy has already killed a huge numbers of people.

And who knows how many more will die as a result.

Instead of shutting everything down, New York and New Jersey should stop committing mass murder.

15) Cancer surgeries and organ transplants are being put off for coronavirus

16) How the COVID-19 lockdown will take its own toll on health

17) Higher rates of unemployment correlate very strongly with higher rates of suicide and drug overdoses

18) This five minute video from Bill Maher is my #1 favorite argument against the lockdowns:

I worry that the past two months of quarantine have given people the idea that the way for humans to win our million-year war with microbes is to avoid them completely, and I’m here to tell you: you can’t.

— Bill Maher (@billmaher) May 2, 2020

19) Hypocrite New York Times writer Taylor Lorenz wants to shut down other people’s jobs, but not her own

20) Here’s another hypocrite who wants to shut down other people’s jobs, but not her own

The woman in this article and video ratted out local businesses.

Then someone published her name on the internet.

Now the woman is worried that she might lose her own job:

21) Illinois Gov. Who Forced State Lockdown Busted Flying His Wife And Kids To Florida

22) Chicago Mayor Forced To Defend Getting A Haircut In Violation Of Her Own Stay-At-Home Order

23) Barack Obama Goes Golfing at Country Club the Day After Michelle Urged African Americans to Stay Home

24) Video: Wisconsin Deputies Threaten a Mother For Letting Her Daughter Play At a Neighbor’s Home During Shutdown

Caught On Video: A pair of Wisconsin police officers on a crazed power trip show up at a woman’s home because she “violated a state order” by allowing her daughter to play at a neighbor’s house

— Darrin McBreen (@MediaRival) April 29, 2020

25) Mississippi police issue $500 tickets to drive-in church service attendees

26) NYC Mayor Threatens to Shut Down Synagogues, Churches: But not Mosques

27) De Blasio Breaks Up Rabbi’s Funeral

28) The First Amendment protects freedom of religion

29) The First amendment protects freedom of assembly

30) Tucker Carlson: Totalitarianism doesn’t shock us any more

31) Shutting down the schools is reprehensible.

The harm that this will end up causing children will be very large, and very long lasting.

Not just academically, but also psychologically, socially, and professionally.

We are teaching children to be terrified of something that, in reality, is not even a statistical threat or risk to them.

COVID-19 death rate by age in the U.S.:

Perhaps for the time being, schools should only have teachers who are below a certain age – perhaps 50. Or maybe 60.

We should isolate people who are especially vulnerable.

And we should let children go to school, get infected, and build up herd immunity.

We shouldn’t let children near their grandparents until their infection has cleared, they have developed antibodies, and they are no longer contagious.

32) The 1968 flu killed approximately 100,000 people in the U.S. But we still kept the schools open. And the restaurants. And the movie theaters.

33) Should we keep everything closed until there are zero germs in the world? Good luck with that!

34) The entire justification for the lockdowns was a lie.

The alleged justification for the lockdowns was that we had to flatten the curve so the hospitals did not get overwhelmed.

The hospitals did not get overwhelmed.

On the contrary, all across the country, huge number of hospitals are laying off huge numbers of health care workers. (see #11 on this list for many examples.)

But the lockdowns are still going on.

Therefore, the entire justification for the lockdowns was a lie.

35) A study of hospitalized COVID-19 patients in New York showed that 66% of them were people who stayed home

36) Government scientist Neil Ferguson, who was responsible for creating the lockdown in the U.K., violated it when he invited his mistress to visit him

37) The governors in more than 30 states banned elective medical procedures, even though there was plenty of excess health care capacity available to perform these elective procedures.

The word “elective” refers to any medical procedure that is scheduled in advance.

Examples of elective medical procedures that were postponed or canceled include cancer treatment, organ transplants, and hip surgery.

There was no need to ban elective procedures, because there was still plenty of excess health care capacity available. All across the country, huge numbers of hospitals laid off huge numbers of health care workers. See #11 on this list for many examples.

38) Some of the governors who banned elective medical procedures were hypocrites, because they gave an exemption to abortion.

I’m not using this blog post to argue for, or against, the legality of abortion.

Instead, what I am criticizing here is the hypocrisy of these governors.

For example, Politico reported:

New Jersey Gov. Phil Murphy was one of a handful of Democratic leaders to explicitly carve out an exception for “the full range of family planning services and procedures, including terminations of pregnancies” from his executive order that suspends elective surgeries.

As another example, the Lansing State Journal reported:

Reproductive health clinics in Michigan are still providing abortion services, citing an exemption for “pregnancy-related visits and procedures” in Gov. Whitmer’s executive order restricting non-essential medical services.

Likewise, the New Boston Post reported:

The Massachusetts Department of Public Health has exempted elective abortions from the statewide ban on elective surgery during the coronavirus precautionary restrictions.

Furthermore, Virginia’s official government website reported:

Governor Ralph Northam and State Health Commissioner M. Norman Oliver, MD, MA today directed all hospitals to stop performing elective surgeries or procedures…

The public health emergency order does not apply to… family planning services

Also, the Washington Free Beacon reported:

Pennsylvania Allows Planned Parenthood to Perform Abortions Despite Elective Surgery Ban

39) They’re using COVID-19 as an excuse to release convicted criminals, and to jail the innocent

This article is called, “So Far, More Than 300 Prisoners Released Due To COVID-19 Under Mass. High Court’s Ruling.”

Meanwhile, this other article is called, “Dallas salon owner jailed for defying virus shutdown order.”

40) As of May 6, 2020, only 7% of Pennsylvania’s hospital beds were being used to treat COVID-19 patients. However, the state continues with its lockdown anyway. This proves that the lockdown is a scam.

The alleged purpose of the lockdown was to flatten the curve, so that hospital resources would not be overwhelmed.

As of May 6, 2020, only 7% of Pennsylvania’s hospital beds were being used to treat COVID-19 patients.

Despite this, the Pennsylvania lockdown continues.

This proves that the lockdown is a scam.

41) End all restrictions, they were unnecessary, Hebrew University researchers say

42) Years of life lost due to the psychosocial consequences of COVID19 mitigation strategies based on Swiss data

A scientific paper states:

Background: The pandemic caused by COVID-19 has forced governments to implement strict social mitigation strategies to reduce the morbidity and mortality from acute infections. These strategies however carry a significant risk for mental health which can lead to increased short-term and long-term mortality and is currently not included in modelling the impact of the pandemic. Methods: We used years of life lost (YLL) as the main outcome measure as applied to Switzerland as an exemplar. We focused on suicide, depression, alcohol use disorder, childhood trauma due to domestic violence, changes in marital status and social isolation as these are known to increase YLL in the context of imposed restriction in social contact and freedom of movement. We stipulated a minimum duration of mitigation of 3 months based on current public health plans. Results: The study projects that the average person would suffer 0.205 YLL due to psychosocial consequence of COVID-19 mitigation measures. However, this loss would be entirely borne by 2.1% of the population, who will suffer an average 9.79 YLL. Conclusions: The results presented here are likely to underestimate the true impact of the mitigation strategies on YLL. However, they highlight the need for public health models to expand their scope in order to provide better estimates of the risks and benefits of mitigation.

43) Elon Musk said:

“Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependen on how Tesla is treated in the future. Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA.”

Frankly, this is the final straw. Tesla will now move its HQ and future programs to Texas/Nevada immediately. If we even retain Fremont manufacturing activity at all, it will be dependen on how Tesla is treated in the future. Tesla is the last carmaker left in CA.

— Elon Musk (@elonmusk) May 9, 2020

44) Health care industry decimated by coronavirus, loses 1.4 million jobs

45) LA Mayor Garcetti encourages residents to report violators of stay-at-home order: ‘Snitches get rewards’

46) Take the Shutdown Skeptics Seriously

The Atlantic wrote:

Take the Shutdown Skeptics Seriously

Americans should carefully consider the potential costs of prolonged shutdowns lest they cause more deaths or harm to the vulnerable than they spare…

… minimizing the number of COVID-19 deaths today or a month from now or six months from now may or may not minimize the human costs of the pandemic when the full spectrum of human consequences is considered…

… the warnings of thoughtful shutdown skeptics warrant careful study…

47) Anxiety From Reactions to Covid-19 Will Destroy At Least Seven Times More Years of Life Than Can Be Saved by Lockdowns

Anxiety From Reactions to Covid-19 Will Destroy At Least Seven Times More Years of Life Than Can Be Saved by Lockdowns

By Andrew Glen, Ph.D. and James D. Agresti

Medical studies show that excessive stress and anxiety are among the most debilitating and deadly of all health hazards in the world. Beyond their obvious effects like suicide and substance abuse—these mental stressors are strongly related to and may trigger and inflame a host of ailments like high blood pressure, digestive disorders, heart conditions, infectious diseases, cancer, and pregnancy complications.

Based on a broad array of scientific data, Just Facts has computed that the anxiety created by reactions to Covid-19—such as stay-at-home orders, business shutdowns, media exaggerations, and legitimate concerns about the virus—will destroy at least seven times more years of human life than can possibly be saved by lockdowns to control the spread of the disease. This figure is a bare minimum, and the actual one is likely more than 90 times greater.

This study was reviewed by Joseph P. Damore, Jr., M.D., who concluded: “This research is engaging and thoroughly answers the question about the cure being worse than the disease.” Dr. Damore is a certified diplomate with the American Board of Psychiatry and Neurology, an assistant professor of psychiatry at the Weill Medical College of Cornell University, an assistant attending psychiatrist at New York Presbyterian Hospital, and an adjunct professor in the Department of Behavioral Sciences and Leadership at the U.S. Military Academy.

48) Politicians Lied About the Lockdowns

49) Video Allegedly Shows That Once The Cameras Are Off Reporters Remove Their Masks And Don’t Follow Social Distancing Rules

Explain to me why the media takes their masks off when they think the cameras are off? Is it all for show? #fakenews #LamestreamMedia looks like the rules only apply to us peasants. #obamagate #qanon

— Mateusz Zawadzki (@Matt_Zawadzki) May 12, 2020

50) Hypocrite Beaumont, Texas mayor Becky Ames thinks everyone except herself should be banned from going to nail salons

Becky Ames is the mayor of Beaumont, Texas.

She ordered all the nail salons in her city to lockdown.

However, she violated her own lockdown by allowing one specific nail salon to be open just so she herself could go there to get her nails done.

NBC News reported: (the bolding is mine)

The mayor of a southern Texas city apologized for violating her own stay-at-home order after a photo surfaced on social media of her at a nail salon.

The trip Tuesday by Beaumont Mayor Becky Ames to the closed salon has sparked an investigation by the district attorney.

In the image, the mayor is seen wearing a face mask as she’s seated at a table with her hands in a bowl of water. According to NBC affiliate KBMT in Beaumont, the photo was taken at The Nail Bar.

The NBC News article has a link to this picture of mayor Ames getting her nails done at the salon:

51) Small business used to define America’s economy. The pandemic could change that forever.

52) PA Health Secretary Moved Mother Out Of Personal Care Home After Ordering Nursing Homes To Accept COVID Patients

53) Boy Scouts banned from planting American flags on veterans’ graves for Memorial Day due to coronavirus

54) Sheriff rejects call by Virginia governor to enforce lockdown, cites Constitution

55) Totalitarian Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer ordered a barber named Karl Manke to stop cutting hair. Then she rejected his claim for unemployment compensation. In order to pay for food, he continued cutting hair. Then she suspended his license, without so much as even a hearing or due process. And she won’t let him grow his own food. Apparently, she wants him to starve to death.

Karl Manke is a barber in Michigan. He’s been running his own barbershop since 1961.

Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer ordered barbershops to close. Her alleged reason was that we had to flatten the curve, so hospitals would not be overwhelmed with COVID-19 patients.

The curve has been flatted. The hospitals have not been overwhelmed.

Despite this, governor Whitmer will still not allow barbershops to open.

Manke applied for unemployment compensation, but was rejected.

In order to pay for food, Manke continues to operate his barbershop.

Governor Whitmer suspended Manke’s professional license and his license for his barbershop, without so much as even a hearing or due process.

Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer is a totalitarian who wants to force Karl Manke to starve to death.

Governor Whitmer’s intent to force Manke to starve to death is so strong that she won’t even let him grow his own food. She has ordered big box stores to prevent customers from having access to certain sections of the store, including gardening supplies.

Hers are the exact words of Governor Whitmer’s order from her official government website. The bolding is mine: (Original, archive)

“For stores of more than 50,000 square feet… Close areas of the store – by cordoning them off, placing signs in aisles, posting prominent signs, removing goods from shelves, or other appropriate means—that are dedicated to the following classes of goods: Carpet or flooring. Furniture. Garden centers and plant nurseries. Paint.”

Only a totalitarian would be in favor of such a government policy.

56) Wisconsin Supreme Court Strikes Down Stay-at-Home Order

57) Cyril H. Wecht, one of the country’s most well regarded doctors, made an excellent argument against the lockdown

58) Remy: Surfin’ USA (Beach Boys Lockdown Parody)

59) Scott Adams: Is every risk factor for #COVID19 a Vitamin D deficiency in disguise?

Is every risk factor for #COVID19 a Vitamin D deficiency in disguise? Google it: old, overweight, black, diabetic, smog dwellers, nursing homes, prisons, shaded NYC streets, Chinese urban dwellers, covered body parts (Iran). All would have vitamin D issues.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 8, 2020

Maybe we only think the heat and sunlight and humidity are what makes most viruses fade in summer. I believe science is not entirely sure why summer helps. All four variables seem promising, including Vitamin D. But the latter explains more observations.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 8, 2020

Does the Vitamin D correlation work In reverse too? Who is doing unexpectedly well at keeping COVID19 at bay? Texas, Florida, other outdoorsy states. How about kids. Do your kids wear sunscreen every time they go in the backyard or street? Probably not.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 8, 2020

Update: Prisons are showing high infection rates but low deaths. Just learned that prison meals are engineered with vitamin D supplements. Makes sense.

— Scott Adams (@ScottAdamsSays) May 8, 2020

60) This COVID-19 meme quote from Handmaid’s Tale is spot-on accurate. And the person is even wearing a mask over her mouth!

I found this meme at this link:

61) The Curve Has Been Flattened’: Michigan Doctors Sue Gov Whitmer Over Shutdown Order

62) I created this meme:

63) Dr. Ngozi Ezike, director of Illinois Department of Public Health,
admitted that the government is falsely overstating the number of people who died from COVID-19.

She said:

“… if you died of clear alternative cause, but you had COVID at the same time, it’s still listed as a COVID death…”

64) New York and New Jersey both required nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19. Meanwhile, Florida prohibited nursing homes from admitting such patients. The different results of these different policies are exactly what you would expect.

New York and New Jersey both required nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19.

Florida did the opposite. It prohibited patients who had tested positive for COVID-19 from being put in nursing homes.

The different results of these different policies are exactly what you would expect.

The Palm Beach Post reported the following rates of elder-care resident deaths per 100,000 people:

Florida: 3.5

New York: nearly 27

New Jersey: 51

65) Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez apparently blames Trump for the fact that New York and New Jersey forced nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19. And she apparently doesn’t know that Florida’s sunshine is good for your immune system. And she apparently thinks Florida’s death rate is higher than New York’s and New Jersey’s.

Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez gets so many different things wrong in the video below.

New York and New Jersey both required nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19. This caused the disease to spread, and infect, and kill, a huge number of people who lived in these nursing homes.

But instead of blaming these deaths on New York and New Jersey, Ocasio-Cortez apparently blames them on Trump.

Meanwhile, Florida banned nursing homes from admitting patients who had tested positive for COVID-19. This saved a huge number of lives.

But instead of praising Florida’s actions, Ocasio-Cortez criticizes the state.

Ocasio-Cortez also apparently doesn’t understand that the sunshine at Florida’s beaches helps people’s bodies to generate vitamin D, and that this helps to protect them from COVID-19.

Also, Ocasio-Cortez apparently doesn’t seem to understand that just about every single mass outbreak of COVID-19 that has been documented, happened inside.

And Ocasio-Cortez apparently thinks that Florida’s death rate is higher than New York’s and New Jersey’s.

But here are the real numbers. COVID-19 deaths per 1 million population, as of May 17, 2020. Source:

New York: 1,446

New Jersey: 1,155

Florida: 92

Ocasio-Cortez blames only Trump and Republicans for the deaths of every American who dies from the coronavirus

Everything she says in this video is either misleading or an outright lie

— Ryan Saavedra (@RealSaavedra) April 2, 2020

66) Risk of coronavirus spreading in schools is ‘extremely low’ study finds

67) Stanford University doctor: ‘You are mistaken’ if you think coronavirus lockdowns provide safety

68) CNN reporter Kaitlan Collins caught removing face mask when she thought camera was off

The mask is for show?

— Power Tie (@realPowerTie) May 15, 2020

69) Totalitarian Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf just forced my dental hygienist to cancel my 6 month teeth cleaning

By Daniel Alman (aka Dan from Squirrel Hill)

May 18, 2020

I’m 49 years old. I’ve lived in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania, my entire life. I’ve been getting my teeth cleaned at the same dental practice ever since I was a little kid in the 1970s.

My 6 month teeth cleaning had been scheduled for tomorrow.

But they just called to tell me that it has been canceled, because they are “not allowed” to do teeth cleaning at this point in time.

70) Relapses Are Through The Roof, Overdoses Are Through The Roof’: How The Pandemic Is Upping Substance Abuse

… They can’t go to a 12-step based meeting…

… People are self-medicating due to the quarantine. And they’re drinking more, and abusing more, and relapses are through the roof right now.

71) Neil Ferguson’s Imperial model “could go down in history as the most devastating software mistake of all time, in terms of economic costs and lives lost”

72) Childhood vaccine rates plummet amid coronavirus pandemic, risking new health crisis

Childhood vaccine rates for preventable diseases like measles and whooping cough have fallen during the COVID-19 pandemic, raising the possibility of an additional health crisis.

In New York City… the number of vaccine doses administered from March 23 to May 9 fell 63 percent compared with the same period last year.

In children older than 2 years, it fell 91 percent…

… Doctors offices have been closed…

… The numbers in New York match a national trend…

… from mid-March to mid-April, doctors in the federally funded Vaccines for Children program for the uninsured ordered about 2.5 million fewer doses of all routine non-influenza vaccines and 250,000 fewer doses of measles-containing vaccines compared to the same period in 2019…

73) Rise in female genital mutilation in Somalia linked to coronavirus shutdown

Somali girls out of school and stuck at home have been subject to a “massive rise” in female genital mutilation…

“It’s a lifetime torture for girls. The pain continues … until the girl goes to the grave. It impacts her education, ambition … everything.”

… the UNFPA has warned that globally 2 million more girls could be cut over the next decade because of how the global pandemic has disrupted efforts to end the practice.

74) Who Are The REAL Fascists?

75) More than 500 doctors signed this letter:

In medical terms, the shutdown was a mass casualty incident.

During a mass casualty incident, victims are immediately triaged to black, red, yellow, or green. The first group, triage level black, includes those who require too many resources to save during a mass crisis. The red group has severe injuries that are survivable with treatment, the yellow group has serious injuries that are not immediately life threatening, and the green group has minor injuries.

The red group receives highest priority. The next priority is to ensure that the other two groups do not deteriorate a level. Decades of research have shown that by strictly following this algorithm, we save the maximum number of lives.

Millions of Americans are already at triage level red. These include 150,000 Americans per month who would have had a new cancer detected through routine screening that hasn’t happened, millions who have missed routine dental care to fix problems strongly linked to heart disease/death, and preventable cases of stroke, heart attack, and child abuse. Suicide hotline phone calls have increased 600%.

Tens of millions are at triage level yellow. Liquor sales have increased 300-600%, cigarettes sales have increased, rent has gone unpaid, family relationships have become frayed, and millions of well-child check-ups have been missed.

Hundreds of millions are at triage level green. These are people who currently are solvent, but at risk should economic conditions worsen. Poverty and financial uncertainty is closely linked to poor health.

A continued shutdown means hundreds of millions of Americans will downgrade a level. The following are real examples from our practices.

Patient E.S. is a mother with two children whose office job was reduced to part-time and whose husband was furloughed. The father is drinking more, the mother is depressed and not managing her diabetes well, and the children are barely doing any schoolwork.

Patient A.F. has chronic but previously stable health conditions. Her elective hip replacement was delayed, which caused her to become nearly sedentary, resulting in a pulmonary embolism in April.

Patient R.T. is an elderly nursing home patient, who had a small stroke in early March but was expected to make a nearly complete recovery. Since the shutdown, he has had no physical or speech therapy, and no visitors. He has lost weight, and is deteriorating rather than making progress.

Patient S.O. is a college freshman who cannot return to normal life, school, and friendships. He risks depression, alcohol abuse, drug abuse, trauma, and future financial uncertainty.

We are alarmed at what appears to be the lack of consideration for the future health of our patients. The downstream health effects of deteriorating a level are being massively under-estimated and under-reported. This is an order of magnitude error.

It is impossible to overstate the short, medium, and long-term harm to people’s health with a continued shutdown. Losing a job is one of life’s most stressful events, and the effect on a person’s health is not lessened because it also has happened to 30 million other people. Keeping schools and universities closed is incalculably detrimental for children, teenagers, and young adults for decades to come.

The millions of casualties of a continued shutdown will be hiding in plain sight, but they will be called alcoholism, homelessness, suicide, heart attack, stroke, or kidney failure. In youths it will be called financial instability, unemployment, despair, drug addiction, unplanned pregnancies, poverty, and abuse.

Because the harm is diffuse, there are those who hold that it does not exist. We, the undersigned, know otherwise.

76) Ohio Judge Deems the State’s COVID-19 Lockdown ‘Arbitrary, Unreasonable, and Oppressive’

77) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio does not understand math

According to the CDC, for children who contract COVID-19, the death rate is zero:

And here’s a recent news headline:

Risk of coronavirus spreading in schools ‘extremely low’, study finds

Despite those two pieces of information, this is a recent tweet by New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio:

Earlier today the NYPD shut down a Yeshiva conducting classes with as many as 70 children. I can’t stress how dangerous this is for our young people. We’re issuing a Cease and Desist Order and will make sure we keep our communities and our kids safe.

— Mayor Bill de Blasio (@NYCMayor) May 18, 2020

The text of de Blasio’s tweet says: (the bolding is mine)

“Earlier today the NYPD shut down a Yeshiva conducting classes with as many as 70 children. I can’t stress how dangerous this is for our young people. We’re issuing a Cease and Desist Order and will make sure we keep our communities and our kids safe.”

Clearly, New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio does not understand math.

78) Dr. Mike deBoisblanc, head of the trauma department at John Muir Medical Center in Walnut Creek, California, said, “… we’ve seen a year’s worth of suicide attempts in the last four weeks…”

79) “rampant unemployment, isolation and an uncertain future – could lead to 75,000 deaths from drug or alcohol abuse and suicide”

80) More People Died of Suicide Than Coronavirus in Tennessee Last Week

81) In Washington state, people who were killed by gunshots were falsely counted as being killed by COVID-19

82) Barber who defied Michigan coronavirus lockdown can continue, says court

83) De Blasio shredded for encouraging New Yorkers to rat out social distancing violators. “Urging citizens to film non-compliant individuals reminds me of one of the tactics utilized in the country where he spent his honeymoon, Cuba.”

84) Poll: Democrats much more likely than Republicans to snitch on neighbors for ‘lockdown’ violations

85) Downstate judge blasts Pritzker’s stay-at-home-order: ‘Americans don’t get ruled’

86) New Zealand health minister demoted after beach visit broke lockdown rules

87) Cabinet minister Robert Jenrick visited his parents during Covid-19 lockdown

88) Scotland’s chief medical officer Catherine Calderwood steps down after visiting second home twice despite advice to stay in

89) Pressure on Dominic Cummings (Boris Johnson’s key adviser) to quit over lockdown breach

90) AP Count: Over 4,500 Virus Patients Sent to NY Nursing Homes

91) Dr. Anthony Fauci says staying closed for too long could cause ‘irreparable damage’

92) Governor Whitmer begs Michiganders not to travel to their summer home – then her cars are seen parked outside of her summer home!

93) Minnesota nursing homes, already the site of 81% of COVID-19 deaths, continue taking in infected patients

94) In the U.S., the first nine weeks of the lockdown caused 38 million people to lose their jobs

95) While Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer forced barbershops to close for being “dangerous,” she allowed a gay swinger’s club with “glory holes” and anonymous, unprotected sex to remain open

Note from Daniel Alman: I’m a libertarian. I’m against the government shutting down either one of these things. I don’t care what consenting adults do in private. My objection is not to the sex club. Instead, my objection is to Whitmer’s hypocrisy.

96) Minnesota governor Tim Walz tried to give churches a longer lockdown than shopping malls, casinos, tattoo parlors, liquor stores, and salons

97) Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer’s husband sought boat launching during state of emergency. Boating had been banned during the state of emergency.

98) Why Didn’t the 1958 and 1918 Pandemics Destroy the Economy? Hint: It’s the Lockdowns

99) Virginia governor Ralph Northam wants to force everyone, except himself, to wear a mask

— David Carter (@DRCUSALiberty) May 24, 2020

100) LA County sheriff’s deputies arrested a paddle boarder for violating the state’s stay-at-home order

101) Mask hypocrisy at MSNBC


ANCHOR: "Are the people there just not worried about it? Are they not worried about their personal safety?"

REPORTER: "I haven't met anybody who is… you can see here, nobody's wearing them [masks]."

GUY ON STREET: "Including the Cameraman."

— Eddie Zipperer (@EddieZipperer) May 26, 2020

102) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio violates his own government’s recommendations and hits the gym in Brooklyn amid the coronavirus shutdown

103) New Mexico Governor Michelle Lujan Grisham violated her own lockdown so she could buy jewelry

104) CNN Interviews Alabama Beachgoers Not Wearing Masks, Gets Owned After Photos Surface of Maskless Reporter

A @FourthWatch reader sent me these images of CNN’s @GaryTuchmanCNN filming this report from Alabama yesterday – wearing a mask while walking the beach and interviewing people – but removing his mask when the cameras were off.

— Steve Krakauer (@SteveKrak) May 27, 2020

105) The fatality rate of COVID-19 “would probably be 0.13 percent for people outside nursing homes”

106) A scientific study said, “Home outbreaks were the dominant category (254 of 318 outbreaks; 79.9%)”

107) NY Gov. Andrew Cuomo admits that all the COVID-19 projections ‘were all wrong’

108) Chicago pastor claims the mayor sent armed police in unmarked cars to bang on the church doors Sunday: It was ‘like the Soviet-styled KGB’

109) Minnesota governor Tim Walz: Restrictions Will Stay In Place “Until We Get A Vaccine”

"Flatten the curve" has turned into keeping restrictions in place "until we get a vaccine," per Minnesota Gov. Walz.

— Kyle Hooten (@KyleHooten2) May 24, 2020

110) Michigan governor Gretchen Whitmer “signed an order mandating that nursing homes and other long-term care facilities accept COVID-19 patients”

111) Minnesota nursing homes have 81% of COVID-19 deaths, still taking positive patients–570708611.html

112) States with the toughest lockdowns forced nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19. This caused the U.S. death rate to be far, far higher than it otherwise would have been.

New York, New Jersey, Michigan, Minnesota, Pennsylvania, and California all forced nursing homes to admit patients who had tested positive for COVID-19.

NPR reported:

New York and New Jersey both have ordered nursing homes to admit patients regardless of their COVID-19 status. California had a similar directive.

The Washington Examiner reported:

Whitmer signed an order mandating that nursing homes and other long-term care facilities accept COVID-19 patients

Valley News Live reported:

Many states, including New York, came under fire for a policy requiring nursing homes to admit COVID-19 positive patients…

Minnesota’s Department of Health did so…

The Daily Caller reported:

PA Health Secretary Moved Mother Out Of Personal Care Home After Ordering Nursing Homes To Accept COVID Patients

These are the very same states that had the toughest lockdowns.

If the real purpose of the lockdowns was to protect people from COVID-19, then why did the states with the toughest lockdowns force nursing homes to admit people who had tested positive for COVID-19?

113) Minnesota mayor gives masks to crowding rioters after warning in-person worship would be ‘public health disaster’

114) New England Journal of Medicine: “We know that wearing a mask outside health care facilities offers little, if any, protection from infection”

115) In Colorado, “a CBS4 Investigation revealed the state health department reclassified three deaths at a Centennial nursing home as COVID-19 deaths, despite the fact attending physicians ruled all three were not related to coronavirus”

116) In Michigan, someone who committed suicide was listed as having died from COVID-19

117) Dr. Deborah Birx: “if someone dies with COVID-19 we are counting that as a COVID-19 death”

118) According to Elie Mystal, a writer for the Nation, people who protest against the lockdown “aren’t freedom fighters – they’re virus-spreading sociopaths,” while people who protest against the murder of George Floyd have “incredible strength”

Elie Mystal is a writer for The Nation.

According to Mystal, people who protest against the lockdown

“aren’t freedom fighters – they’re virus-spreading sociopaths”

while people who protest against the murder of George Floyd have

“incredible strength”

Make up your mind. Either the virus is too dangerous for people to be protesting in public, or it’s not. You can’t have it be safe for protesters that you agree with, but dangerous for protestors that you disagree with. Viruses don’t work that way. The virus doesn’t know or care why a person is protesting.

119) Pennsylvania governor Tom Wolf violated his own lockdown to participate in a Black Lives Matter protest

120) The ACLU supported the lockdown for law abiding business owners, but opposed the lockdown for criminals who looted, vandalized, and burned those very same businesses

121) Knut Wittkowski, former head of Biostatistics, Epidemiology, and Research Design at The Rockefeller University’s Center for Clinical and Translational Science, said the lockdown “most likely made the situation worse”

122) Jewish children’s gathering turned into a George Floyd protest so de Blasio wouldn’t shut it down

These clever Hasidic kids decided to turn their carnival into a "Justice for George Floyd" rally and now the NYPD cannot break it up.

Tonight's Justice for George Floyd Shabbat Services are sure to be interesting as well.

H/t @kippahunited

— Dr. Jake K. Turx, NhD (not an actual doctor) (@JakeTurx) June 5, 2020

123) Over 1,000 ‘health experts’ sign letter of support for Black Lives Matter mob but conservative protesters are racist and must stay at home due to COVID-19

124) New York City Mayor Bill de Blasio said Tuesday that he still supported quarantine measures that limited attendance at houses of worship to 10, even as he supported mass protests in the city against police brutality

125) Michigan Supreme Court unanimously sides with 77-year-old barber over governor Gretchen Whitmer

126) Black pro-lifers arrested for praying at Planned Parenthood while hundreds of rioters go free

127) PA Health Secretary twists herself into a pretzel trying to justify limitless BLM protests while standing by COVID-19 restrictions for small businesses

This is why you have reporters at press conferences. Levine is asked about @GovernorTomWolf calling officials coward and then marching today in Harrisburg. Wait for the end.

— Real_Dave_La_Torre 🍿 (@David_LaTorre) June 3, 2020

128) New York City Mayor Bill De Blasio broke up a Jewish funeral, but allowed a funeral for George Floyd

129) Michigan governor Gretchen ‘Lockdown’ Whitmer leads group of marchers chanting, ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’

130) Claire McCaskill was the State Auditor of Missouri, as well as a U.S. Senator from Missouri. She criticized people who went swimming, but defended Black Lives Matter protestors.

Embarrassing for my state. Hope none of them have parents fighting cancer, grandparents with diabetes, aunts and uncles with serious heart conditions. Because clearly they could care less.

— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) May 24, 2020

Oh come on. Missourians please. Why? Why? Other than to waste their time and your money groveling at the ankles of Donald Trump. Disgusting. Get mad.

— Claire McCaskill (@clairecmc) June 4, 2020

131) U.S. Congresswoman Nancy Pelosi said she supported extending the lockdown for three more months. Less than one month later, she participated in a Black Lives Matter protest.

Nancy Pelosi walking through the protests without needing the police to gas protesters

— Acyn Torabi (@Acyn) June 3, 2020

132) Let this sink In: Churches are shuttered over COVID-19 fears, but violent anarchists are allowed to congregate with impunity

133) New York governor Andrew Cuomo criticized anti-lockdown protestors, but defended Black Lives Matter protestors who violated the lockdown

134) Los Angeles Mayor Eric Garcetti threatened to turn off the water and electricity to businesses that violated the lockdown, but he defended Black Lives Matter protestors who violated the lockdown

135) Denmark, Finland say they saw no increase in coronavirus after schools re-opened

136) Kanchan Soni, who lived in India, died because the lockdown prevented her from getting dialysis

137) Chewing gum, wire-cutters, and superglue: the alarming rise of DIY Dentistry under coronavirus

138) A scientific paper on the lockdown states, “In high burden settings, HIV, TB and malaria related deaths over 5 years may be increased by up to 10%, 20% and 36%, respectively”

139) Polio and measles could surge after disruption of vaccine programs. A new study of 129 countries found that the interruption of inoculation efforts could put 80 million babies at risk of getting deadly, preventable diseases.

140) Why most Covid-19 deaths won’t be from the virus

TOPICS: Miscellaneous
KEYWORDS: anotherstupidlist

1 posted on 06/08/2020 5:47:03 AM PDT by grundle
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To: grundle

“Note from Daniel Alman: The above may be a good reason for a lockdown in the New York City metro area (which includes parts of New Jersey and Connecticut), but certainly not for the rest of the U.S. And certainly not for Germany.”

If you take nursing home deaths out of the equation, there is near equivalence in higher # of cases & deaths and higher population density, among the states and within the states. The northeast states running all the way from Washington D.C. up to Massachusetts have the highest population densities and the highest case #’s and deaths on a per million basis. Viruses like the Wuhan virus have easier opportunity to spread in a more densely populated area. NYC has a population density (highest in the U.S.) of 27,000+ per square mile. Montana has a population density of about 7 per square mile. Montana’s largest city, Billings, has a population density of 2,490 per square mile & has the largest single portion of the cases in Montana, while the state as a whole has less than 500 cases and less than 20 deaths. Population density in a pandemic is part of destiny in how it plays out.

2 posted on 06/08/2020 6:12:19 AM PDT by Wuli (Get)
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To: grundle
Still, it was a nice lesson in voting for leaders, not for rulers...

3 posted on 06/08/2020 6:13:37 AM PDT by null and void (If this is a representitive democracy, why don't I feel represented?)
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To: Wuli

And that’s not even counting the old and frail Cuomo and de Blasio flat-out murdered by forcing nursing homes to accept actively contagious patients and forbidding them from keeping the residents isolated from infections staff.

4 posted on 06/08/2020 6:18:33 AM PDT by null and void (If this is a representitive democracy, why don't I feel represented?)
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To: grundle

“3) Keep parks open. The benefits of fresh air outweigh the risks of infection..........";

Not only is fresh air a positive thing, all the time, the movement of air in an open outdoor setting versus any enclosed setting will naturally mean fewer sustained infections passed between X number of people in that setting versus the same number of people in any enclosed setting.

It was not just wrong but negligent to close the parks.

In my crazy area they did not initially close the local parks, and then sometime in May they suddenly closed them all, and then only kept them closed for two weeks. The idiots had no idea what they were doing and zero “science” behind their actions.

5 posted on 06/08/2020 6:19:34 AM PDT by Wuli (Get)
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To: grundle

This reason:

“11) All across the country, huge numbers of hospitals have laid off huge numbers of health care workers. Here are some examples:”

stands out as a major national and state by state failure of policies instituted against the Wuhan virus.

The health care industry results show that instead of the health care system being overwhelmed by the virus cases (it never was) the system was financially crushed by federal and state policies applied to the operations of the health care system. About 2 million health care workers are now among the recently unemployed and dozens of health care facilities have been closed. It’s altogether 100% opposite of being overwhelmed by the virus.

6 posted on 06/08/2020 6:33:17 AM PDT by Wuli (Get)
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To: grundle


7 posted on 06/08/2020 6:36:20 AM PDT by sauropod (Quarantine is when you restrict sick people, tyranny is when you restrict healthy people.)
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To: grundle

You have made a great information contribution.

No matter where I go on the Internet only here do we find dedicated people who do massive amounts of due diligence to dig out and catalogue large amounts of facts and information on an important topic.

I wish sometimes we had a special section on FreeRepublic, maybe called “The Library”, where great posts like yours were copied to a home of their own. A sort of FreeRepublic “reference” library.

Hats off to you.

8 posted on 06/08/2020 6:39:43 AM PDT by Wuli (Get)
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To: Wuli

I only have one reason.It is a hoax and I called it from day one.

9 posted on 06/08/2020 6:53:03 AM PDT by JayAr36 (Do you want to be a subject or a citizen.)
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To: grundle

140 reasons why “progressvies” love them and intend to extend them.

10 posted on 06/08/2020 9:48:01 AM PDT by TBP (Progressives lack compassion and tolerance. Their self-aggrandizement is all that matters.)
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To: Wuli


11 posted on 06/08/2020 7:10:48 PM PDT by grundle
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