If “black swan” mean click bait, then maybe.
I think it is.
So I’ve been watching an anti-fragile investment for just such an occasion.
I went and bought a thousand of $SPXS just in case. If I’m wrong, well, there goes my retirement.
If I’m right, and I hope I’m not, I will die rich of Corona Virus.
Up over a buck on Monday and again today... I still won’t have a job if this keeps up, but at least I won’t need one... if I survive.
If you were sitting on 1000 SPXS in February of 2009, it would have been worth $11million.
The Big Short for the little guy.
To be fair, I talked with a friend today. She has a friend in Chicago who is some kind of truck driver involved in Supply Chain Management - which chiefly involves driving Chinese made goods all over.
This driver friend was complaining that he/she has no work and has to find a new job... supplies have dried up.
We will all be impacted by this in some way. Hopefully, not many will lose our health, lives or loved ones.
Livelihoods will be impacted.