MSNBC's Chris Hayes Tries to Justify Spreading Iranian Propaganda, It Does Not End Well

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As we reported, MSNBC spread an unverified rumor from Iranian media about the Iranian missile strikes on U.S. forces killing 30 Americans.

Now they couldn’t verify and said so, but ran with it anyway. It was of course picked up and spread everywhere on social media.

At about the same time, U.S. officials were releasing their initial reports and saying that there had been no casualties.

So of course, what did MSNBC run with? The Iranian propaganda.

Chris Hayes tried to justify running it, claiming they told everyone it was state media and unverified.

Somehow you managed to cut out the part where I emphasized that that was Iranian state media and not verified. What a weird coincidence.

— Chris Hayes (@chrislhayes) January 8, 2020

Talk about self-own: if you can’t verify it, plus you know if you have common sense that it’s likely propaganda, why run it at all? Not only do you have the problem of media wanting to be first and get the most clicks with the sensational, but now you also have to think about are they doing it simply to jack up their followers as much as possible against President Donald Trump, without a thought as to the consequences that might ensue.

Do you think that helps the families of soldiers stationed there who have to sit in terror, Chris? Do you think they say to each other "oh, no big deal. The reports are unverified. I'm totally not scared for my son's life now."

— neontaster (@neontaster) January 8, 2020

For example:

Can y’all stop posting unconfirmed casualties. My wife is over there.

— Tightjumpa (@tightjumpa) January 8, 2020

Let me do your job for you: "Iranian state media is running unverified reports regarding the results of the attack. We won't repeat them right now to not help spread any potential misinformation or disinformation. We will wait for official reports." Put me in coach.

— neontaster (@neontaster) January 8, 2020

What the hell? Has the State Department & DOD stopped talking to you? That propaganda lit up Twitter you moron. People took is as fact. Don’t do stupid stuff. Just don’t. Think about how families felt if they saw this. Good God.

— Stacey (@ScotsFyre) January 8, 2020

You amplified IRANIAN propaganda because you wanted it to be true. Not because you wished harm on our service members, but because you wanted people to be that much angrier at Trump. People with loved ones on that base were specifically harmed by your act of TDS.

— Katiedid shedid shedidnt (@KShedidnt) January 8, 2020

Your opening got '30 Americans' trending on Twitter for hours afterwards. Your disinformation spread like wildfire all over social media.

— T-Covfefe (@MyPlace4U) January 8, 2020

Yeah except we’re talking about American lives… How about your “colleague” waits for the Pentagon to speak on it rather than the State Media of a Country that shouts “Death to America” on a daily basis.

— ALX 🇺🇸 (@alx) January 8, 2020

This is a self-own, Chris.

— Caleb Hull (@CalebJHull) January 8, 2020

HT: Twitchy