Jeffrey Toobin disagreed with Chalian. "I dont believe that poll for one second, the 90 to 77%. I dont believe it. It makes no sense that that number would change like that," Toobin said.
Chalian responded by telling Toobin that he wasn't sure what his CNN compatriot could disagree with. "I don't know what's not to believe. You call people up on the telephone and you get their information, you pump out a survey, this is what those who we polled told us.
Toobin wasn't willing to accept that explanation, however. "Life has shown us," he told Chalian, "
that polls are sometimes wrong. And David, that poll is wrong. Just because I said so, okay?"
To: SeekAndFind
That’s the way they think.
Sure enough.
Couldn’t be clearer.
2 posted on
12/18/2019 11:05:06 AM PST by
(U.S. out of the U.N. --- U.N. out of the U.S.)
To: SeekAndFind
George Soros and his backers (nations and groups hostile to The United States) must be amazed at how cheap they can buy the whores at CNN.
3 posted on
12/18/2019 11:14:31 AM PST by
("A crack shot and a good dancer")
To: SeekAndFind
4 posted on
12/18/2019 11:25:23 AM PST by
(Warning! This Is A Subliminal Tagline! Read it at your own risk!(Presented by TagLines R US))
To: SeekAndFind
It’s called “magical thinking.” It’s a characteristic of people who are mentally ill.
5 posted on
12/18/2019 11:27:13 AM PST by
Steely Tom
([Seth Rich] == [the Democrats' John Dean])
To: SeekAndFind
This is the result of constantly lying to yourself. I strongly encourage that he continue doing so, because it will poison every aspect of his life and eventually destroy him.
6 posted on
12/18/2019 12:15:30 PM PST by
(This tagline has been formatted to fit the screen. Some content has been edited.)
To: SeekAndFind
That poll makes total sense to me.
All it means is that 13% of rat base are at least lucid enough to recognize that Pelosi & co. have screwed the pooch on impeachment and are now helping Trump more than hurting him.
Not sure why Toobin cant see that.
Er..... scratch that. Maybe I can.
When I said Pelosi & co., Toobin himself is actually part of the co.. Therefore he just cant accept his own failure in making impeachment work.
7 posted on
12/18/2019 1:00:36 PM PST by
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