Posted on 10/14/2019 1:16:07 AM PDT by Jacquerie
In our Constitutional order we find comforts unknown to many nations. We can go about our lives without concern over a matter that often threatened kingdoms since ancient times: succession to the executive power. Thanks to an Electoral College that avoids direct elections, we safely affirm our Presidents. We neednt fear the turmoil and angst that often attends the replacement of one king with another. And we do it every four years!
Except, there is reason for concern. Despite its outward appearances, there was a dangerous undercurrent to the 2016 Presidential election that warped post-election events. The outgoing President regarded his successor a barbaric usurper. The man who was above reproach by secular divine right over an eight-year reign kept as close an eye on his possible successor as bedridden hereditary monarchs watched their sons.
What brought on this unprecedented plot against Presidential succession?
The Renaissance father of modern political science, Niccolo Machiavelli, shared a few thoughts on the matter of conspiracies against heads of state. To keep his crown, the Prince should first avoid anything that will make him hated and despised by either the people or nobility.
As long as he does not threaten the property of either estate, or pose a risk to their lives or honor, the prince will be safe. Well-organized states and wise princes take great pains not to make the nobles despair, and to satisfy the people and keep them content. Oh, and never make public threats. Its safer to quietly assassinate troublemakers. A few angry families pose little hazard. Just ask the Kopechne, Vince Foster, Scalia, Seth Rich, and Epstein families.
When Donald Trump announced his candidacy at Trump Tower on June 16th 2015, he threatened the ruling elites of America and the international community.
(Excerpt) Read more at ...
OUTSTANDING post, Jacquerie. Thanks for your work.
However much money they say he isn't actually making, he did make enough to operate his own 757, which is a lot. And he did build stuff - lot's of stuff. Did these guys ever actually build anything. Well know. Doing something for the money you get is for fools. The smart man figures out how to get lot's of money while doing not a damn thing for it.
I appreciate.
“Who among us knew, before the inauguration of President Trump, that Presidents served at the pleasure of the Deep State?”
Makes me wonder, not about ringleader Obama, but about George Bush.
How bad was this state-within-a-state going back to, say, Bush 41?
I suspect that the Deep State truly solidified after the reorganization of intelligence agencies after 9/11/01.
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