She sounds depressed, possible suicide victim in the making.
I see that white cat beating the black cat you racist. ;-).
She also says she believed she was harshly criticized due to her race and gender.
What pure, industrial strength, unalloyed twaddle!!!
The ‘media’ were tripping over their own feet to kiss her a%# and call her courageous.
Rice backed the wrong horse and didn’t use ANY commonsense about that issue. Now she wants a ‘do over’ NOT
She must be kidding------this know-nothing would do anything to stay in the good graces of the dingbat Obama
and all the status she got for doing absolutely nothing but break our laws. She's pocketing how many pensions?
Here's the worshipful Susan Rice getting her daily orders from the Obama police state.
"Get me dirt on Penguin books so I can shake them down for big books on my book contract."
"Lois Lerner loved that dirt you got on conservatives."
"And get me the IRS files of Harry Reid, Chuck Schumer and Nancy Pelosi."
With the IG DOJ report coming, having been leaked of course to all of the swamp creatures, and also because of the international scope of the DOJ’s investigation into the attempted coup of a duly elected president, the shit is about to fit the hand ( or if you are an Obama-ist like Rice, the shit is about to hit the fan...).
The whining of Susan Rice and her attempt to redefine history, to put icing on a thoroughly rotten cake of unmasking and surveiling US citizens illegally, as well as her obvious public lies about Benghazi,where heroes died,all of it points a glaringly red finger right at her fat ass.She will be forced to sing like a canary.
Her whining signals that the DOJ investigation is uncovering nefarious spy networks set up by Obama out of Italy, Romania and the Ukraine, all of which were ineffective, except that it followed the liberal fascist racial/ethnic based sick ideology of Barak Insane Obama and his “ Arab Spring.” with criminals like John Kerry and Joe Biden on the take.That’s also why you see Brennan taking to the air waves recently because the DOJ international investigation is hitting evidentiary pay dirt.
Brennan has his Muslim panties all in a twist because the role of the CIA in getting falsified opposition research against Donald Trump will become clear: treasonous , seditious activity.Brennan is a criminal, likely having a large involvement in the murder of Lt. Quarles Harris Jr, and Seth Rich
“During the 2008 run up to the elections, one of Brennan’s employees breached the passport records of Barack Obama, John McCain and Hillary Clinton. The employee who breached the accounts was never fired and a key witness in the case was found murdered outside his church while the investigation was still ongoing. The witness, Lt. Quarles Harris Jr, was cooperating with federal authorities at the time of his death. The investigation died with him. Hmmm.... suspicious.”
Seth Rich’s death as a matter of a result of the wet works at CIA has been continually debunked ( opposition media publicity/propaganda), but the problem of his death still persists because the DNC would not hand over their server to the FBI to ascertain a motive for why Rich was murdered as a Bernie Sanders supporter, one who had an axe to grind and access to the DNC database.Rich’s murder is still unsolved, and it bears all the physical evidentiary marks of a professional CIA hit.
Susan Rice is right in the middle of all of Brennan’s activities, a nexus point, and now she is getting nervous as the noose tightens.She is spinning ahead of the game which is about to come, as is Brennan.Both of them should be in orange suits at a federal lock up.
Susan Rice lied to America about a particularly sensitive subject, leaving our ambassador and support teams out to dry to get killed. Hillary has blood on her hands and the right thing to do was to tell America that this could have been avoided if Hillary was a competent public servant.
Instead she did as she was told and lied, of course her career suffered, everyone knew she lied. Liars don’t make good employees.
Shes the queen of unmasking innocent Americans, and can go to he!!.
Her @$$ is on the line for the Tarmac meeting, so she’s fully engaged in CYA mode.
Dear political slutwhore,
It took a toll on some other families, too.
I am sorry to hear about Susan Rice's suicide nest Thursday.
All this tells me is Rice (and dems in general) know right from wrong but choose to do wrong. I knew the latter already.
Not a glowing recommendation...